How to make animation in photoshop


Icon for how to make animation in photoshop

To make an animation, do not necessarily have some phenomenal knowledge, you just need to get a suitable tool and use it correctly. There are quite a lot of such solutions, but the most famous of them is Adobe Photoshop. This article will show how to quickly create animation in it.

Creating animation in photoshop

Adobe Photoshop is one of the first image editors, which at the moment can be considered the best. It has many a variety of functions with which you can make with the image anything. It is not surprising that the program can be created by an animation, because even professionals continue to be surprised.

Now you can draw on them what will be depicted on the animation. In our simple example there will be a moving square. On each layer, it shifts several pixels to the right.

Drawing frames for how to make animation in photoshop

Stage 2: Working with a timeline

  1. After all your frames are ready, you can proceed to creating animation, for which you need to display the animation tools. To do this, in the "Window" tab, you should enable the working environment "Movement" or timeline. The latter usually appears in the desired frame format, but if this happens, simply click on the "Display frames" button, which will be in the middle.

    Time scale for how to make animation in photoshop

  2. Now add so many frames as you need, by clicking on the "Add Frame" button.

    Adding frames in the scale for how to make an animation in Photoshop

  3. After that, on each frame alternately, we alternate the appearance of your layers, leaving only the necessary one.

    Creating an animation for how to make an animation in Photoshop

Everything! Animation is ready. You can view the result by clicking on the "Start Animation Play" button. And then you can save it in GIF format.

Reproduction of animation for how to make an animation in Photoshop

So simple, but in proven way, we managed to make gif animation in photoshop. Of course, it can be significantly improved by reducing the time of personnel by adding more frames and, of course, instead of a black square, creating something more original and qualitatively better. But it already depends on your preferences, desires and skills.

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