How to turn off the sound in Vaiber


How to turn off the sound in viber

The need to disconnect the audio notifications coming from the Weber can pose almost every usercase registered in the messenger. In independence from the operating system of the device, where the information exchange client application is installed, this is not possible and is not realized by the only method. On functions that will need to use to solve the issue in the Android, iOS and Windows environment will be speech in the next article.

Viber for Android

To ensure the silent performance of their functions with Viberiom for Android users of this version of the service client can activate special options in the messenger itself. In addition, to solve the issue from the article header, you can establish a ban on sending audio notifications by the application from the mobile operating system.

How to turn off the sound in Vaiber for Android

Option 1: Messenger Client Application

The application through which access to Viber services from the Android environment, in general, allows you to customize the receipt of audio alerts from the messenger in sufficient users to most of its users. By using options in the client, it is possible to deactivate notifications about entering messages from all dialogues and groups without exception, as well as disable sounds from individual chats in which two or more users communicate.

Viber for Android - Disabling Sound in Messenger Application Customer Tools

All messages without exception

  1. Open Weiber and go to "Settings" from the "Esch" section of the client's applications.
  2. Viber for Android - transition to the settings of the messenger to disconnect the sound accompanying receiving and sending all messages

  3. Click "notifications" and remove the check mark opposite the "sounds of outgoing messages" item.
  4. Viber for Android - Turning off the sound played when sending messages in the Notifications section of the settings

  5. Next, open the list of "Sound Notifications" options and translate the "Sound" switch to the "deactivated" position.
  6. Viber for Android - Disabling audio alert upon receipt of all messages through the messenger

  7. Now when sending and receiving messages of any type in / from all dialogues and groups, the messenger will "be silent".
  8. Viber for Android - sound accompanying all messages is disabled in the messenger settings

Separate group

  1. Go to group chat, getting audio notifications from which you need to ban temporarily or forever.
  2. Viber for Android - transition to group chat, audio alerts from which you want to disable

  3. Call the menu of the group tap three vertically located points at the top of the screen on the right. Click "Information".
  4. Viber for Android - Opening Menu Information for group chat in order to disable audio notifications from it

  5. Activate the "No Sound" switch in the field chat settings of the area. As a result of the audio notification, the user will stop disturbing the user, and the "Luggage knife" icon will appear near the group name.
  6. Viber for Android - deactivation of all audible notifications from group chat

Separate dialogue

Disabling melodies reproducible by the messenger in the activity of participants in individual dialogues, developers in the Viber application for Android are not provided. At the same time, obtaining all notifications can be discontinued, hide chat with one or another participant in the messaging system. We have already told about such an opportunity in one of the materials on our website.

Viber for Android - add chat to hidden in order to disable audio notifications from it

Read more: How to create a hidden chat in Viber for Android

Option 2: "Notifications" in Android

The toolbox provided for android allows users of this OS to set up receiving notifications from various applications in fairly wide limits than and can be used to disconnect the sounds played by the messenger. It should be noted, depending on the version of the most popular mobile OS, the operation of the "Notifications" module in it is organized in different ways. Below in the example, actions are demonstrated to disable audio alerts from VIBER installed on a smartphone operating under controlling Android 9 Pie.

Viber for Android - Managing Application Notifications in OS version 9 PIE

The users of the devices, which run the earlier options "Operations", should be familiar with the article on the link below and act the methods proposed there.

Read more: Proper disabling Android notifications

  1. Open the "Settings" of the mobile OS, go to the "All Applications" section. Next, we find in the list of "VIBER" installed on the smartphone and tapam on its name.
  2. Viber for Android - The Messenger Client in All Android Applications section

  3. From the list of parameters on the screen that opens, go to "Notifications".
  4. Viber for Android - Go to Application Notifications from Android OS Settings

  5. Next, alternately click on the names of events, which should be deactivated audio support, and in the list of options

    Viber for Android - Disable audio notifications accompanying messages through the messenger in Android settings

    Install the "Sound" switch to the "Off" position.

    Viber for Android - Deactivation of audio notifications for missed calls entering the messenger in Android settings

  6. We close the "settings", restart the messenger and check the effectiveness of the activities carried out.

Option 3: Silent Ringtone

After performing the manipulations proposed above, we will ban the Vaiber application for Android to voice sending and receiving messages, but the audio / video calls arriving through the messenger will continue to be accompanied by playing music. A function, separately insulating audio modulus of Weber really completely, in the messenger and Android itself is absent. So that Viber does not lose the melody with an incoming call will have to either transfer the entire smartphone into a silent mode, or resort to the "tricks" below.

Viber for Android - Turning off the sound with an incoming call by installing a silent ringtone

  1. Download the following link "Empty" file in format Mp3 . The composition is a silent recorded using technical means.

    Download silent ringtone for wiber on android

    Download Silent Ringtone for Android

  2. We run Viber in the Android environment and go to the "Settings" of the application from the "More" section. Open notifications.
  3. Viber for Android - Section notifications in the settings of the messenger to install your own ringtone for incoming calls

  4. We set the mark in the checkbox "Use System Sounds" and then taping on the call melody.
  5. Viber for Android - how to install your melody played with incoming calls through the messenger

  6. Go along the path where the file is located no_sound.mp3. , I confirm the desire to reproduce this "melody" when calling calls through the messenger. Additionally, to achieve absolute silence at the time when the other user of Waiber is trying to call us through the messenger, on the "Notifications" screen, you can remove the checkbox "Vibration when calling".
  7. Viber for Android - selection of the ringtones for the messenger in the memory of the smartphone, turning off the vibration when calling

  8. From now on, incoming calls through the messenger, although they will actually be accompanied by playing audio recordings, but the smartphone will not play a single sound.
  9. Viber for Android - installing a silent mode for incoming calls through the messenger

Viber for iOS.

To organize a prohibition of audio files to play Viber for iPhone, it users can choose one of the possibilities provided for in the client itself, to use the option in "Notifications" of iOS, or combine the use of different methods of disabling alerts depending on the specific purpose and situation.

How to turn off the sounds in Vaiber for iPhone

Option 1: Messenger Client Application

Configuring the Viber's program for IYOS in a certain way, it is possible to quite flexibly configure the messenger in the aspect of obtaining audio notifications, but only for messages. The instructions proposed further allow you to turn off the sounds from the dynamics of the iPhone at the moments of the activity of the participants of all or individual dialogues, as well as group chats.

Viber for iPhone Turning off Sound in Messenger Customer Means for iOS

All messages without exception

  1. We run Viber and go to its "settings" from the "More" section.
  2. Viber for iPhone Transition to the settings of the messenger

  3. Tabay on the "Notifications" item. Next, click "Sounds of Notifications", set the mark near the "No" point in the list that opens. Thus, we have deactivated all audio alerts for incoming messages.
  4. Viber for iPhone Disable audio notifications for all messages received through the messenger

  5. Another method of setting the messenger, providing a disconnection of audio playback, not only when receiving messages, but even when sending them, it is to activate the "without sound" switch on the "Notifications" screen in the Vaiber client application options for IYOS.
  6. Viber for iPhone Deactivation Sound options in the application in the settings of the Messenger notification settings

Separate dialogue

  1. Go to chat with another Viber member and tapack on his header, that is, the name of the interlocutor at the top of the screen. In the menu that opens, select "Information and Settings".
  2. Viber for iPhone Opening partition Information and settings from the dialog menu in Messenger

  3. From the next screen "Details" go to the "sounds of notifications". In the list "Select Sound" by touch, set the mark near the "No" item.
  4. Viber for iPhone Turning off the sounds of notifications for a separate chat in the messenger

  5. We return to the correspondence screen, twice taping along the arrow on the left. Now messages within the chat will come silently.
  6. Viber for iPhone dialogue with another participant where all audio notifications are disabled

In addition to applying the instructions above, to get rid of audio notifications reproduced when reporting from a separate user of the messenger, you can apply to the "Hide" function to the chat.

Viber for iPhone Hide Chat with another participant in order to install a ban on obtaining all notifications from dialogue

Read more: How to create a hidden chat in Viber for iPhone

Separate group

  1. Go to the TAP group by its header on the tab "Chats" of the Messenger. Next, open the list of options applicable to the group chat, touching the unification name at the top of the screen.
  2. Viber for iPhone Opening a group chat and transition to its settings

  3. Activate the "No Sound" switch and then return to the rewriting screen. Now the audio support of the activity of the group participants is disabled, which signals the icon appeared near the name.
  4. Viber for iPhone Turning on the mode without sound for a separate group chat

Option 2: "Notifications" in iOS

To prohibit the Viber application for the iPhone respond to receiving and sending messages any types of audio file playback, one of the functions provided in the mobile OS can be activated.

  1. Open the "Settings" iOS. Next, go to the "notifications", we find "Viber" in the list of programs, tadam by his name.
  2. Viber for iPhone Transition to the Notifications section in the IOS settings to disable sounds in the messenger

  3. We translate the "Sound" switch to the "Off" position. On this, everything is a ban on playing audio Viber at the time of receipt and sending messages of any type by its user installed.
  4. Viber for iPhone Installing the prohibition to play sound notifications to the messenger in the IOS settings

Option 3: "No Sound" mode in iOS

The two instructions proposed after their execution will die events in the messenger associated with receiving / sending messages of any type. In this case, audio / video calls through Viber will continue to be accompanied by the playback of the melody.

Viber for iPhone How to disable the playback of the melody with an incoming call through the messenger

A method that allows you to prohibit Viber on the iPhone separately from the operating system to play the ringtones, nor in the middle of the messenger, or in iOS is not provided, therefore, if such a need originated, you will have to translate the iPhone to the "silence mode" using the hardware switch

Viber for iOS Turning off the sound on the iPhone using the hardware switch

Or using the corresponding options in the "settings" of the mobile OS.

Viber for iPhone Turning on the silent mode Do not disturb in the IOS settings

Viber for Windows.

Deactivation of audio playback at the time of different events in the messenger, when using a Viber client for a PC, is simply carried out than in the mobile versions of the application. To solve the problem under consideration, you will need only a few clicks with the mouse to use one of the settings in the program or activate the option in Windows.

How to disable sounds in Vaiber for Windows

Option 1: Messenger Client Application

Like customers for the mobile OS, the messenger version, which operates in Windows, provides its users with several sound management opportunities. Among them and the deactivation of audio playback upon receipt and sending all messages, disabling audio notifications that comes from individual group chats.

Deactivation of all audio alerts

  1. We run Viber for PC and open the menu "Tools" from the line at the top of the window.

    Viber for Windows Starting Messenger, Go to Tools

  2. Go to the first list of the displayed list item - "Change Audio and Video Settings".

    Viber for Windows Transition to Audio Settings and Video Applications for Deactivation Sounds in Messenger

  3. In the window that opens, use the mouse to shift the "Volume" element to the "0" position,

    Viber for Windows Volume Control In the Application Settings

    That is, we create a situation where the strip between the horn icons becomes light gray, almost colorless. Next, close the window with the settings.

    Viber for Windows Volume of sounds reproducible by the application set to 0

  4. Now a program that provides access to the possibilities of Viber C PC or laptop will work silently.

    Viber for windows sound in the application is deactivated

Separate group

  1. Go to group chat, the playback of the audio from which you need to prohibit. Click on the "I" icon at the top of the window near the name of the messenger users.

    Viber for Windows Transition to a group, sound notifications from which you want to disable

  2. In the area being displayed on the right, the list of options is slightly fracing using the mouse wheel, we detect and activate the "Disable the sound of notifications" switch.

    Viber for Windows Disconnect the sound of notifications from a separate group chat

  3. Next, you can continue to communicate in group chat - now sending and receiving the messages in its framework is not accompanied by playing melodies will not.

    Viber for Windows Group in which audio notifications are deactivated

Disabling sounds for all messages, but not calls

  1. In Vaibera for PC, you open the menu "Tools" and go from it to "Parameters".

    Viber for Windows Transition to application parameters from the Tools menu to disable the sounds of messages

  2. Click "Notifications", and then translate the "Play sounds for" to "only calls".

    Viber for Windows Disable audio notifications about all messages in the application parameters

  3. After closing the window with the "notifications" parameters, we obtain the situation in which all messages from any sender come silently, and incoming audio / video calls through the messenger are still accompanied by reproduction of the melody.

    Viber for Windows Saving notification settings by closing the parameters window

Option 2: Windows OS

To completely delete the work of the Wyber on the PC, by activating the ban on playing sounds to the application from the operating system.

  1. Run Viber.
  2. Viber For Windows Starting a messenger from the desktop OS

  3. Open the Volume Mixer System Module in Windows. This can be done from the menu called by clicking right mouse over the "Volume" icon in the taskbar near the clock.
  4. Viber for Windows Open Mixer Volume in OS to deactivate sounds in messenger

  5. In the window that opens, either weaving the "volume level" runner under the name "Viber" at the bottom,

    Viber for Windows Turning off sounds in the messenger by reducing the volume level for the application with

    Either click on the "Sound" icon, which, in this way, the "Disabled" mark.

    Viber for Windows Turning off the sound in the application via the volume mixer in the OS

  6. After performing the above, the Mixer window should be closed. Vaiber will not disturb the sounds until the permission to play again will be activated in Windows.


Completing the consideration of ways to disconnect sounds in Viber for different operating systems, it should be noted that it is not always a clear organization of the corresponding functions in the subjects of the Messenger clients. At the same time, to achieve an acceptable situation for a particular user with the receipt of audio alerts from the messenger in most cases, it is still possible to achieve.

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