How to make a print in photoshop


How to make a print in photoshop

Each self-respecting organization, an entrepreneur or an official must have its own seal, which carries any information and graphic component (coat of arms, logo, etc.). In this lesson, we will analyze the main techniques for creating high-quality seals in Photoshop.

Creating a print in Photoshop

For example, create the printing of our site, applying several techniques, and then save it to reuse.

Stage 1: Development

  1. Create a new document with a white background and equal parties.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  2. Then stretch the guides to the middle of the canvas.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  3. The next step will be the creation of circular inscriptions for our print. Detailed instructions will find in the article below.

    Read more: How to write text in a circle in Photoshop.

    We draw a round frame (read an article). We put the cursor on the intersection of the guides, clamp Shift. And when they have already begun to pull, they also hold Alt. . This will allow the figure to stretch with respect to the center in all directions.

    Create a print in Photoshop

    The information contained in the article on the link above allows you to create circular inscriptions. But there is one nuance. The radii of external and internal contours does not coincide, and it is not good for printing. Despite this, we coped with the upper inscription, but with the bottom will have to tinker.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  4. Go on a layer with a figure and call free transformation by a combination of keys Ctrl + T. . Then, apply the same technique that when creating a figure ( Shift + Alt. ), stretch the figure, as in the screenshot.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  5. We write the second inscription. Remove auxiliary figure and continue.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  6. Create a new empty layer at the very top of the palette.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  7. Choose tool "Oval region".

    Create a print in Photoshop

  8. We put the cursor on the intersection of the guides and again draw a circle from the center ( Shift + Alt.).

    Create a print in Photoshop

  9. Next, press the right mouse button inside the selection and select item "Perform stroke".

    Create a print in Photoshop

  10. The thickness of the stroke is chosen on the eye, the color is not important. Location - Outside.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  11. Remove the selection by a combination of keys Ctrl + D..

    Create a print in Photoshop

  12. Create another ring on the new layer. The stroke thickness is done a little less, the location is inside.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  13. Now put the graphics component - the logo in the print center. We found in the network here is the image:

    Create a print in Photoshop

  14. If you wish, you can fill out an empty space between inscriptions with some characters.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  15. We remove visibility from the layer with the background (white).

    Create a print in Photoshop

  16. Being at the highest layer, create a print of all layers by a combination of keys Ctrl + Alt + SHIFT + E.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  17. Turn on the visibility of the background, click on the second top in the palette, clamp Ctrl , Choose all the layers, besides the top and bottom and delete - they are no longer needed. Twice clicking on a layer with seal and in the opening styles of layer choose the item "Overlay color" . Color We select in your understanding.

    Create a print in Photoshop

Print is ready, but you can make it a bit more realistic.

Create a print in Photoshop

Stage 2: Finishing

  1. Create a new empty layer and apply filter to it. "Clouds" After pressing the key D. To reset colors by default. There is a filter in the menu "Filter - Rendering".

    Create a print in Photoshop

  2. Then apply filter to the same layer "Noise" . Search in the menu "Filter - noise - add noise" . The value is chosen at your discretion. Like that:

    Create a print in Photoshop

  3. Now change the overlay mode for this layer on "Screen".

    Create a print in Photoshop

  4. Add some more defects. We move on a layer with printing and add a layer-mask to it.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  5. Choose a "brush".

    Create a print in Photoshop

    Black color.

    Create a print in Photoshop

    The form "Tough Round" , Size 2-3 pixels.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  6. This brush is chaotically chirk together on a layer mask with seal, creating scratches.



    Create a print in Photoshop

Stage 3: Saving

There is an inevitable question: if you need to use this seal in the future, how to be? Draw it again? No. To do this, in Photoshop there is a function of creating brushes. Let's do a real print.

  1. First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the clouds and noise outside the print circuits. To do this, clamp Ctrl And click on the miniature layer with seal, creating a selection.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  2. Then go to the layer with clouds, inverting the selection ( Ctrl + SHIFT + I ) And click Del..

    Create a print in Photoshop

  3. Remove the selection ( Ctrl + D. ) And continue. Go to a layer with seal and double-click on it, causing styles. In the "Overlay color" section, we change the color to black.

    Create a print in Photoshop

  4. Next, go to the top layer and create a layer imprint ( Ctrl + Shift + Alt + E).

    Create a print in Photoshop

  5. Go to the menu "Editing - define a brush" . In the window that opens, give the name of the brush and click "OK".

    Create a print in Photoshop

The new brush will appear at the bottom of the set.

Create a print in Photoshop

Now you can, choosing a finished brush with a print, customize its size, color, and rotate around your axis.

Create a print in Photoshop

Printing created and ready for use.

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