How to put a sign on the keyboard android


How to put a sign on the keyboard android

The number symbol is often used on different platforms to designate any numbers in the text. You can add a similar sign on Android using a special button on a virtual keyboard, which in some accounts may be absent. In the course of this Instruction, we will tell about the use of the number of the number.

Using the sign of the number on Android

By default, on some preset virtual keyboards there is a separate button on the layout with other specials. In the case of this option, it will be enough to switch to the page with special characters by clicking the "? 123" button and selecting the desired character.

Method 1: Keyboard Installation

If the number of the number is originally absent on the keyboard, the maximum simple way to add it is to download and install one of the special applications that provide your own virtual keyboard. The main advantages of this method include flexible settings available in each program, and very high variability.

Despite the said, the overwhelming majority of applications do not provide the sign of the number on the tab with special characters. You can get rid of the problem in this case, you can somewhat differently, and it applies to both the standard keyboard and on the Market installed from Google Play.

Method 2: Standard Tools

Any virtual keyboard on Android, the layout of which does not provide a special character symbol, for sure allows you to add it via another button. As an example, we will consider the Google keyboard - Gboard, which is practically no different from other options, including standard.

  1. Open the text box and display the keyboard. By analogy with other specialsimols, go to the page "? 123".
  2. Switch to the list of specialsters on the keyboard on Android

  3. Here you need to find and press the button with the "#" lattice icon for a few seconds. As a result, a small field is displayed with the possibility of selecting a sign "No.".
  4. Selecting the lattice sign on the keyboard on Android

  5. After selecting, this icon will immediately appear in the text field. At the same time, to access the symbol, every time you will have to repeat this procedure.
  6. Using a sign of the number on the keyboard on Android

As you can see, the use of a number of the number on any keyboard is nothing complicated.


Alternatively, each named method can simply find and copy the number of the number, subsequently inserting into the right place. This approach is least convenient, therefore was not considered as a separate option. On the same purpose, this instruction is coming to completion, since we have described all actual methods in one degree or another.

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