How to draw a rectangle in photoshop


How to draw a rectangle in photoshop

The simplest geometric figure is a rectangle (square). Rectangles can consist of various elements of sites, banners and other compositions. Photoshop gives us the opportunity to portray a rectangle in several ways.

Building rectangles in Photoshop

There are two ways to images of rectangular forms in Photoshop. The first implies the use of vector tools, and the second is filling the color of the selected area.

Method 1: Rectangle tool

This tool is in the "Figures" group on the left pane.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

It is clear from the name that the tool allows you to draw rectangles. When using this tool, a vector figure is created that is not distorted and does not lose quality when scaling. Tool settings are on the top panel. Here you can choose the color of the fill and ask the look of the border and its thickness.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

Closed key Shift. Allows you to save proportions, that is, draw the square. It is possible to portray a rectangle with the specified dimensions.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

The dimensions are indicated in the corresponding width and height of the fields, and the rectangle is created by one click confirmation.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

Method 2: Dedicated area

To create rectangles, use the "Rectangular region" tool from the "Allocation" group.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

With this tool, a selected area of ​​rectangular shape is created. As well as in the case of the previous tool, the key works Shift. , creating a square.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

The "rectangular area" needs fill. To do this, you can press the keyboard shortcut. SHIFT + F5. And set up the fill type.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

You can also use the tool "Fill".

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop


Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

Selection is removed by keys Ctrl + D. . For a rectangular region, you can also set arbitrary sizes or proportions (for example, 3x4).

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

In addition, it is possible to create a selection with specified proportions, for example, 3x4.

Draw a rectangle in Photoshop

Today, all about rectangles. Now you know how to create them, with two ways.

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