How to make a beautiful background in photoshop


How to make a beautiful background in photoshop

The background is an image that serves as a substrate for a composition or having a different destination as an independent element. In this lesson, we will learn how to create a beautiful background in Photoshop.

Creating a background in Photoshop

Today we will look at two options for creating backgrounds. In the first case, it will be strips with gradient fill, and in the second fantasy on the free topic with the side effect.

Option 1: Strips

  1. Create a new document required. To do this, go to the "File - Create" menu.

    Transition to the creation of a new document in Photoshop

    Expose dimensions and click OK.

    Setting the parameters of a new document in Photoshop

  2. Create a new layer in the palette.

    Creating a new empty layer in Photoshop

  3. Take the tool "Pouring".

    Selection of tools Pouring in Photoshop

    Click on the canvas, pouring it with the primary color. The shade is not important. In our case, it is white.

    Pouring layer white in Photoshop

  4. Next set up colors. The main need to choose gray, and the background is also gray, but somewhat darker.

    Setting the main and background colors in Photoshop

  5. We go to the menu "Filter - Rendering - Fiber".

    Go to the Rendering section in the filter menu in Photoshop

    Customize the filter in such a way that there are no large dark spots in the image. Parameters change sliders. For a better review, you can reduce the scale.

    Setting the fiber filter in Photoshop


    The result of the use of fiber filter in Photoshop

  6. Staying on a layer with "fibers", we take the "rectangular area" tool.

    Selection of tools Rectangular area in Photoshop

  7. We highlight the most homogeneous area across the entire width of the canvas.

    Selection of a section of the image tool Rectangular region in Photoshop

  8. Press the CTRL + J key combination by copying the selection to a new layer.

    Copying a selected area to a new layer in Photoshop

  9. Take the "Move" tool.

    Selection of tools Moving in Photoshop

    We remove visibility from the layer with the "fibers" and drag the copied area to the very top of the canvas.

    Moving the copied area at the top of the canvas in Photoshop

  10. We call the "Free Transformation" function with the combination of Ctrl + T keys and stretch the strip down to the very end.

    Scaling section of the image in Photoshop

    Option 2: bokeh

    1. Create a new document by pressing a combination Ctrl + N. . Pick the size of the image in your needs. Permission is set 72 pixels per inch . Such permission is suitable for publishing the Internet.

      Creating a document in Photoshop

    2. We pour a new document with a radial gradient. Press key G. and choose "Radial gradient".

      Radial gradient in photoshop

      Colors choose to taste. The main must be a few lighter background.

      Installation of gradient colors in Photoshop

    3. Then spend the gradient line on the image from top to bottom. This is what should happen:

      Creating a gradient in photoshop

    4. Next, create a new layer, choose the tool "Feather" (key P. ) and spend approximately such a curve:

      Pen curve in photoshop

      The curve must be closed to get the outline. Then create a selected area and poured it with white (on the new layer that we created). To do this, click inside the circuit with the right mouse button and select the item "form a selected area".

      Fill the selected area in Photoshop

      We put a gallery near the "smoothing", I exhibit 0 (zero) radius and click OK.

      Pouring the selected area in Photoshop (3)

    5. We take the "Fill" tool and pour the selection with white.

      Fill the selected area in Photoshop (2)

      Remove the selection of key combination Ctrl + D..

    6. Now double-click on the layer with just a flooded figure to open styles. In the imposition parameters, choose "Soft light" or "Multiplication" , impose a gradient.

      Styles of layer in Photoshop

      For gradient, choose mode "Soft light".

      Styles of the layer in Photoshop (2)

      The result is approximately like this:

      Styles of a layer in Photoshop (3)

    7. Next, configure the usual round brush. Choose this tool in the panel and click F5. To access the settings.

      Cluster settings in Photoshop

      Put all the daws, as in the screenshot, and go to the tab "Shape Dynamics" . Express size oscillation 100% and management "Press Pen".

      Brush settings in Photoshop (2)

      Then on the tab "Diffusion" We select the parameters to work out like on the screen.

      Brush settings in Photoshop (3)

      On the tab "Broadcast" Also play yourself with the sliders to achieve the necessary effect.

      Brush settings in Photoshop (4)

    8. Create a new layer and set the overlay mode "Soft light".

      Application bokeh in Photoshop

      On this new layer, we repose our brush.

      Application bokeh in Photoshop (2)

    9. To achieve a more interesting effect, this layer can be blurred by applying the filter "Gaussian blur" , and on the new layer repeat the passage to the brush. The diameter can be changed.

      Application bokeh in Photoshop (3)

    Takes applied in this lesson will help you create excellent backgrounds for your work in Photoshop.

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