How to insert a photo into the frame in Photoshop


How to insert a photo into the frame in Photoshop

Many users seek to decorate their photos by any decor. In this lesson, let's talk about how to place a photo frame in the photoshop program.

Reclauding a picture frame in Photoshop

Frames that in a huge amount can be found on the Internet, there are two types: with a transparent background ( PNG. ) and with white or other (usually jpg. but not necessarily). If you work easier with the first, then you will have to tinker a little. Consider a second option as more complicated.

  1. Open the image of the frame in Photoshop and create a copy of the layer.

    Removal of the background from the frame in Photoshop

  2. Then choose the instrument "Magic wand" And click on the white background inside the frame.

    Removal of the background from the frame in Photoshop (2)

    Press key Delete..

    Removal of the background from the frame in Photoshop (3)

    On this, the process of placing a photo in the frame is completed, then you can give a picture of the style with filters. For example, "Filter - Filter Gallery - Texturizer".

    Insert a photo into the frame in Photoshop (5)

    Final result:

    Insert a photo into the frame in Photoshop (6)

    The information presented in this lesson will allow you to quickly and highly insert photos and other images in any framework.

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