How to remove the .NET Framework


Logo Microsoft .NET Framework

As a result of experiments with Microsoft.NET Framework in its may be some mistakes and failures. In order to restore the correct operation of this important for Windows software component may need to perform a clean reinstall it. You must first be completely uninstall the previous version, or versions, if there is such a system a few. This will minimize the occurrence of errors with the Microsoft .NET Framework in the future.

How to completely remove Microsoft .NET Framework

Remove .NET Framework in Windows 7 can be in several ways. The exception is the .NET Framework 3.5. This version is sewn into the system and can not be deleted, but it can still be turned off in windose components. To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Start a standard system for snap "Programs and Features". The easiest way to do this through the window "Run" on the keys «WIN + R» and introduced therein team appwiz.cpl. To do it, click the "OK" or the «ENTER»
  2. Launch Program tooling and components through the system window Run

  3. On the lateral (left panel) click on the link "Enabling and disabling Vindovs components".
  4. Enabling or disabling of standard system components and components in the Programs section

  5. Once the list is downloaded, find it Microsoft .NET Framework 3.5 and turn it off by unchecking of the checkbox, and then pressing the "OK" to confirm.
  6. Disabling the Microsoft .NET Framework component

    Changes will take effect as soon as you restart your computer. We proceed to consider the immediate procedures remove Microsoft .NET Framework and some of its related nuances.

Method 1: The special utility

The most reliable way to completely remove the .NET Framework in Windows 7 from your PC is to use a special tool - .NET Framework Cleanup Tool. Download it for free from the official site.

Download the .NET Framework Cleanup Tool

Run the application. In the «Product to cleanup» select the required version. It is best to select all, since the removal of one often observed failures. When the choice is made, click «Cleanup Now». Such removal takes less than 5 minutes, and remove all products .NET Framework, as well as the rest of them registry entries or files. Then it will be possible to perform a clean installation.

Removing the Microsoft .NET Framework with the utility .NET Framework Cleanup Tool

Method 2: Standard removal

In order to remove the Microsoft .NET Framework, you can use the standard Windows uninstaller wizard.

  1. To do this, go to "Start" - "Control Panel" - "Add or Remove Programs" to find the required version of the list and click "Delete" on the top panel.
  2. Standard removal of the Microsoft .NET Framework

  3. However, in this case, a software component leaves behind various tails, including registry entries. Therefore, we use an additional program to clean unnecessary files, for example, Ashampoo WinOptimizer. Run it automatically check in one click.
  4. Using Ashampoo WinOptimizer in removing Microsoft .NET Framework

  5. After click "Delete" and restart your computer.

Why not remove .NET Framework

Viewed component is an important part of the system, so the latest versions of Windows (8.1 or newer) to uninstall the .NET Framework is not possible, is available unless the shutdown of some of its parts through the means of "on or off Windows features", as we wrote in the introduction. If the files of the software is damaged, can not do without the restoration of system files.

Lesson: Restoring your system files in Windows 10


To completely remove the .NET Framework is recommended to use a special utility, considered by us in the first case. After using the standard tools can still be unwanted files, which, although they do not interfere with re-installing a component, but clog up the system.

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