How to disable Punto SWITCHER


How to disable Punto SWITCHER

Punto Switcher is a fairly convenient program saving from confusion with the keyboard layout and allowing you to avoid a number of errors during the text set. However, it also happens that the product from Yandex company operates back its main function, making unwanted adjustments or acting automatically and the forbiring to press hot keys. In addition, when Punto Switcher analogues are active or keyboard exercises, the problems caused by them gaining a larger scale. In this case, the solution is only one - disabling the application, which we will tell today

Turn off Punto Svitcher

The easiest way to get rid of the Punto Switcher intervention in a natural set of text can be possible by its temporary disconnection, but sometimes it is not enough, and sometimes the execution of this procedure is impossible at all. And yet, our today's task has several solutions at once - from the simple and most obvious to radical measures. Let's start with the first.

Disable Punto Switcher

Option 1: Temporary shutdown

By default, Punto sweatcher works in the background, hiding in the system tray (submenu on the taskbar). In order to disable it, you just need to exit the application.

So, if the Punto Switcher icon is displayed on the taskbar (next to the Language layout indicator), press it with the right mouse button (PCM). If the application icon is hidden, expand the system tray menu, find it there and click PCM. In the context menu that opens, select the last item - "Exit".

Exit Punto Switcher application through system tray

Advice: If in the menu in the tray, remove the checkbox in front of the item "Auto-shooting" The application will stop thinking for you when writing short words or abbreviations, which also can significantly simplify work and minimize possible errors.

Disabling automatic switching keyboard layouts in the Punto Switcher menu

The Punto Sweatcher work will be discontinued until you start it yourself.

Note: If Punto Switcher does not save passwords, you need to configure the diary. By default, it is not conducted (tick "Keep a diary" ), and option "Save records from" inactive. To enable this feature, you need to specify the number of characters to save in the settings and activate the appropriate option, after which all passwords, manually entered from the keyboard, will be saved.

Option 2: Emergency Completion

It also happens that the PUNTO Shoter icon is not displayed on the taskbar and in the tray menu, but at the same time you know exactly what the application works, and want to disable it. To do this, just turn off the background service.

  1. Call "Task Manager" by pressing "Ctrl + SHIFT + ESC" or using the taskbar context menu (PCM for any free place on it).
  2. Calling task manager through the context menu of the taskbar

  3. In the window that opens, go to the "Details" tab, find the service with the name "Punto.exe" there, select it by pressing the LKM and click on the "Remove Task" button.
  4. Disable Punto Switcher service in Windows OS Task Manager

  5. Working before that, the Punto Switcher process will be disconnected, the application is closed, which means that you cannot influence the language layout and enter the necessary text.

Option 3: Automotation Deactivation

As we have already found out, by default, Punto Svitcher works in the background, and it starts and at all with the start of the operating system. If the application needs to be used only as needed, it should be turned off its autorun.

  1. Open the Punto Switcher settings by pressing the PCM by its tray icon and selecting the appropriate item in the context menu.
  2. Open Punto Switcher Program Settings

  3. In the "General" section, which will be opened by default, in its "Main" tab, uncheck the box next to the "Running Windows starter" item. Alternately, click on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons to confirm the changes made.
  4. Turning off the autorun application Punto Switcher

  5. From this point on, you yourself decide when to use Punto Svitcher - it will no longer run along with the start of the OS.

Option 4: Full removal

If the need for using Punto Switcher disappeared at all, it can be completely deleted, in order not to clog the operating system. This is done in the same way as with any other program.

  1. Open the system snap-in "Programs and Components". The easiest way to do this through the "Run" window, in which the AppWiz.cpl command should be entered and click "OK".
  2. Running the program and components to remove Punto Switcher

  3. Find the PUNTO switch in the list of installed applications, select it by pressing the LKM, and then use the "Delete" button on the top panel.
  4. Full removal of the Punto Switcher program from a computer

  5. In the window that appears with the request, confirm the determination of my intentions by clicking "Yes", and wait until the product from Yandex is uninstalled - this procedure proceeds in automatic mode and takes a minimum of time.
  6. Conclusion

    We reviewed all possible methods for disconnecting the Punto Switcher program, as well as the procedure for its complete deletion. Now switching language layout will be completely under your control, and text entry errors in keyboard simulators and other programs are excluded.

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