How to throw a photo from Vaiber on a computer


How to throw a photo from Vaiber on a computer

Very many Viber users are looking for a simple and convenient way to copy images from the correspondence in the messenger to the disk of your computer or laptop. In the material that suggests your attention, instructions are collected, allowing you to solve the specified task as the owners of the Android phone owners and preferring the iPhone. Separately demonstrated actions that allow you to extract and save photos from Windows Vaiber application.


Description of transmission methods Photos from Viber to a computer running under Windows, start with instructions for the Messenger users in Android. This mobile operating system provides a lot of opportunities to help when achieving the desired result.

How to copy a photo from Waiber for Android to a computer

Method 1: USB cable

The most frequently used users of the approach to copying information from android smartphones on computers and laptops still remains, although several archaic, but effective use of the interface of the mobile device and the "Big Brother" by the USB cable. It is easy to copy any photos contained in the phone's memory, including those obtained through the messenger.

  1. Connect the mobile device and the USB port of the PC using the cable. On the smartphone, move the curtain of notifications down, taping on the "USB mode" area and select "File Transfer".
  2. Viber for Android Connecting a smartphone to a PC USB cable to copy photos from the messenger

  3. Open Windows Explorer and go to view the contents of the removable drive, which is determined by the phone.
  4. Viber for Android Go to viewing the contents of the Android device with PC

  5. In the internal memory we find and open the folder "Viber".
  6. Viber for Android folder Viber in the internal memory of the device

  7. Next, we go along the path "Media" - "Viber Images". Here and contain images that were obtained through the messenger installed on the mobile device.
  8. Viber for windows folder with images from the messenger in the phone's memory

  9. Open files for detailed viewing and copy the PCs you need to any convenient folder, after which we disconnect the smartphone from the USB port.
  10. Viber for Windows Copying files from the messenger from the device's memory to the PC disk

Method 2: Share Function in Android

The following image copying method from Viber for Android assumes the use of one of the data transmission channels available after calling the "Share" function integrated into the mobile OS. The use of each transfer tool to solve the problem under consideration with a specific user and in a certain situation depends on the ability to use this or that decision on the PC / laptop.

  1. First, we open a Viber client on the smartphone and go to a dialogue or group chat, where there is a photo to be copied to the computer.
  2. Viber for Android transition to chat with photos you want to send to a computer

  3. Next, go to a full-screen view of the image with a short tap in its area and then click on the Share icon.

    Viber for Android icon shackles on the screen full-size image viewing

    Or a long press on the photo from the chat screen, we call the menu of possible actions with it and choose the "Share" item.

    Viber for Android feature will share in the action menu applicable to the photo from the chat

  4. The execution of the previous point of instructions opens the list of applications and connected to the system system through which you can send a photo file. Further, depending on the situation, select the application / service from the area at the bottom of the screen. The following three items of these recommendations demonstrate work with the most common and most versatile solutions.
  5. Viber for Android Possible options for sending photos from Messenger by using the function Share

  6. Email.

    If the email client is installed on the smartphone (in the example below Gmail for Android), you can send a file from the messenger to your own mailbox.

    • We touch in the field of choosing a way to send an application icon through which it is usually done with an e-mail. Next, we introduce your own email in the "Recipient Address" field, if desired, fill the "topic", and Tapack "send".
    • Viber for Android sending emails with photos from Messenger to himself

    • After a few moments you can open a box on a computer

      Viber for Windows Letter with a photo sent from the Messenger

      And download a photo from the received email to the web browser or mail client.

      Viber for Windows Downloading a photo from a letter sent from the Messenger

  7. Cloud service.

    Those who use services at least one of the cloud services (in the example below Google disk), and this is the overwhelming majority of Android users, can easily use the possibilities of this type of storage facilities to transfer photos from the messenger to many different devices, including on PC .

    • We click on the application icon through which it is usually carried out with a "cloud" in the "Share" area called for photos from Weber. Select the account and / or log in in the starting client of the storage service client with such a need. We assign (optional) file-image file.
    • Viber for Android-Exchange photo on a PC through a cloud service - a choice of account and file name

    • Go to the folder (create a new one), where the image will be stored. Next, click "Save".
    • Viber for Android Selecting the way to save photos from the messenger in the cloud storage

    • Unloading the file to the cloud storage will be completed after a few seconds.
    • Viber for Android process unloading photos from the messenger to cloud storage

    • From a computer / laptop Authorizes in the "cloud" via any web browser or open the client-client program for the storage service.
    • Viber for Android - photo unloaded from the messenger in a cloud storage

    • Download the image from the directory specified when unloading from android device.
    • Viber for Android - download image from the messenger on a PC through the cloud service

  8. Bluetooth.

    PC / laptop owners equipped with a specified radio module can use it to get a photo from the messenger on the smartphone.

    • Turn on the Bluetooth on your computer.

      Viber for Android Turning on Bluetooth in Windows to transfer photos from the Messenger to PC

      Read more:

      Enabling Bluetooth in Windows 10

      Enabling Bluetooth in Windows 8

      Enabling Bluetooth on a computer with Windows 7

    • Right-click on the Bluetooth icon in Windows Taskbar,

      Viber for Android Bluetooth icon in Windows Taskbar

      And then click on the "Take File" item in the menu that appears.

      Viber for Android Calling Functions Take Bluetooth File in Windows

      Next will automatically open the "Waiting for Connection" window, after which go to the smartphone.

      Viber for Android Window in Windows - Waiting for a file transfer from a Bluetooth smartphone

    • On the Android device taping on the Bluetooth icon in the field of selecting a photo recipient called from Viber. Confirm the inclusion of the module if the appropriate request is received.
    • Viber for Android Transfer Images from the Messenger via Bluetooth on a computer

    • Next, select the name of the target PC / laptop in the list that opens, after which the file is sent.
    • Viber for Android - process of sending a photo on a computer via Bluetooth

    • We expect to complete the transmission, watching the filling indicator in the Getting File window on the computer display.
    • Viber for Android Process receiving photos from the Messenger on Bluetooth on PC

    • At the end of the forwarding of the picture, it is possible to place it in a specific folder. To do this, click "Overview" in front of the "Placement" field in the "Saving received file" window and go to the desired path. Next, click "Finish"
    • Viber for Android file-image passed by Bluetooth - Saving

    • On this, the copying procedure is completed - the image file appears in the selected folder on the PC disk, from where it can be opened, copied / move, and also carry out other manipulations.
    • Viber for Android The location of the file from the Messenger received via Bluetooth

Method 3: Synchronization with Viber for PC

If you transmit photos from Wyber to a computer, you often need an effective method for simplifying the process will be setting a messenger clone application adapted to work in the Windows environment. The functioning of the desktop version of Viber is organized in such a way that, due to automatic synchronization, the images obtained on the mobile device through the messenger will be duplicated on the computer.

Viber for Android Synchronization of the client with a Windows application to transfer photos to PC

Method 2: ICloud

A very convenient method for receiving pictures from Viber for iPhone on any computer is to use the features of the ICLOUD storage. Access to this "cloud", which means that the execution of the actions described below have all the owners of the Apple ID.

  1. Include the function of automatic unloading photos from iPhone to Aiklaud (check that it is activated). To do this, open the "Settings" of iOS, go to "Photo" and set the "Photo iCloud" switch to the "Included" position.
  2. Viber for iPhone Activation of the automatic unloading of photos in iCloud

  3. Save the image to the "Gallery":
    • We launch the messenger and go to chat or group, a copy of the photo from which you need to get on the PC. Touching the pictures, call a full-screen viewing mode.
    • Viber for iPhone full screen view image from chat

    • Tabay on the "Share" icon at the bottom of the screen on the left, select the "Save to the gallery" item in the menu, and then we can go to the PC / Laptop.
    • Viber for iPhone Conservation of the Messenger Pictures in the gallery

    Additionally. The messenger can be configured in such a way that all the photos that were obtained with it are copied to the "Gallery", then in the future it is not necessary to maintain manually:

    • From the "More" Viber program for the iPhone, you open the "settings" and then go to the "Multimedia" section.
    • Viber for iPhone Multimedia section in the messenger settings

    • Activate the "Save to the gallery" switch. Here you can also set the time interval, after which the images will be deleted, tapping on the "Store Media File" item.
    • Viber for iPhone Activation of the automatic saving function Photo from the Messenger to the gallery

  4. Download photos to the computer disk:
    • In the browser installed on the desktop or laptop, open the website, authorized in the system using your EPL IIDI.

    • Viber for iOS Login to ICOLUD through a browser to access photos

    • Open the "Photo" section.
    • Viber for IOS Section Photo in ICloud, where photos from the messenger are saved

    • Fragrance the list of images in the "cloud" of images to the lowest bottom, we detect the copied from Viber and click on it to highlight. Next, click on the "Download" icon in the form of a cloud with a downward arrow, located at the top of the page.
    • Viber for iOS Downloading Photos from ICloud Messenger

    • In the "Explorer" window, open the folder where the photo will be downloaded, and then click "Save".
    • Viber for iOS Choice of folder on a PC disc for saving photos from iCloud

    • We open the directorial directory selected when executing the previous paragraph and evaluate the result.
    • Viber for iOS - photo from the messenger is copied to the computer using iCloud

Method 3: Email

Share the Apple's Mobile OS feature provides the ability to send files of various types through many services. The following instruction demonstrates how to use the specified functionality in order to send a picture from the IOS application of Weber to your own email in order to then download the graphic file from the letter to the PC disc.

  1. We run Viber and open the correspondence, the photos from which you want to extract. Touch on the image deploy it to the whole screen.
  2. Viber for iPhone Transition to full screen viewing Photo from chat, where the function is available to share

  3. Click on the rectangle with the arrow in the lower left corner of the screen, and then tapat on the "Share" item in the displayed menu.
  4. Viber for iPhone Calling Functions Share to send photos from Messenger by email

  5. Next, click on the mail service icon, which is operated on the iPhone. In the example below, this is the standard IOS program "Mail", but another client can be used.

    Viber for iPhone Select the mail client on the Share menu to transfer photos from the messenger by e-mail

    In the absence of a preferred mail service icon in the tape of applications, with which you can transfer the file, its display must be activated. To do this, Tapack "More", we find the desired name in the displayed list and translate the switch near it to "Included".

    Viber for iPhone Activation of application display in the Share menu

  6. In the "To:" field, on the screen that opens, make an email, which can be obtained from the computer, where the picture should be as a result of all manipulations. Optionally, fill the field "Theme" and Tabay "Send".
  7. Viber for iPhone sending a letter from the photo from the Messenger to himself

  8. Go to a computer and open the mailbox specified as the recipient using your preferred tool (web browser or program to work with e-mail).
  9. Viber for iOS letter with photography from the messenger in the mailbox

  10. Download a photo attached to an email to a PC or laptop disk.
  11. Viber for iOS Downloading a photo from a letter sent by function Share

  12. On this task, copying the image from the messenger to the computer is considered solved.
  13. Viber for iOS Image from the messenger downloaded to the computer disk

Method 4: Any Cloud Service

The implementation of the next method of transmitting photos from the Viber Messenger IOS client to a PC / laptop requires almost accurate to repeat the actions algorithm when using the mail service task, only the cloud storage preferred by the user (in the example below is Google Disk). Before performing the following instructions, the Client client program must be installed on the iPhone.

  1. Go to Vaiber to full-screen viewing of the image you want to copy to the desktop. We touch the icon at the bottom left and then select "Share" in the menu of available actions.
  2. Viber for iOS call function Share for photo to unload it to cloudy repository

  3. Tabay on the cloud client program icon, through which the file transfer will be transmitted. (Perhaps the display of the desired service will be needed to be activated by going to the "More" from the application menu).
  4. Viber for iOS Selecting a cloud storage on the Share to unload photos from the messenger

  5. If necessary, log in to the data storage service, go to the folder where it will later become possible to download the image to the computer. Unload the file, then we can move to PC.
  6. Viber for iOS process unloading photo from messenger to cloudy storage

  7. On the computer we go to the cloud service through the browser or application client and open the catalog,

    Viber for iOS Photo unloaded from the messenger in the cloud storage

    Selected when executing the previous paragraph of these recommendations.

    Viber for iOS resplanted from the messenger to the cloud photo

  8. Download a photo on your computer.

    Viber for iOS Downloading unloaded in the cloud from the Messenger Photos

    Method 5: Synchronization with Viber for PC

    Viber on the iPhone is possible very easy to synchronize with the Messenger application installed on the computer, thus duplicated information obtained and transmitted through the service on a mobile device in the Windows client window. This step is quite logical when solving the task of copying images from one platform to another, because of the functions adapted to operate in Windows, the files are very simple.

    Activation of Viber for a computer for the purpose of transferring photos from the messenger on the iPhone

    We establish the Windows version of Viber, synchronize it with the "main" program on the iPhone and go to the next part of this article, where it is described about further actions.

    Viber for iOS Copying photos on a PC by synchronizing with a Windows Messenger client

    Method 2: The "ViberDownLoads" folder on the computer

    In addition to the above method of conservation of images in one, to achieve our goal, you can use the fact that Viber for the PC automatically copies the content received within chats into a special folder.

    1. Open the Windows Explorer and go to the Viber Downloads directory on the way:

      C: \ Users \ user_name \ Documents \ viberdownloads.

      Viber for PC ViberDownLoads directory in user documents

      Or launch the messenger, open any chat, where there is a graphic message sent by another user, click on the image right-click and select "Show in the folder" from the options menu.

    2. Viber for PC Quick transition to the folder where the messenger saves images

    3. In the catalog that opens, all the photos received through the messenger, as well as those that were sent to other Viber participants from a smartphone were given.
    4. Viber for PC Directory VIBERDOWNLOADS, which contains all media files saved by messenger

    5. Copy the desired images from the "ViberDownloads" folder at any convenient place for storing or other manipulations later.
    6. Viber for PC Copying photos from the Viberdownloads folder

    Method 3: DRAG-AND-DROP

    Another reception, with which you can get a copy of the photo from the Viber window for a computer in any file as a file, is the usual dragging of the picture by the mouse.

    1. Open the chat with the image and have a messenger window next to the open directory where you want to copy the file. Click on the photo with the left mouse button and holding it down, drag the picture to the folder.
    2. Viber for PC How to Copy Image from Messenger by Drag-and-Drop

    3. After the mouse button is released, a file-copy file appears in the target directory.
    4. Viber for PC Photos from the messenger copied to the PC disk dragging


    Of course, the article lists not all possible copying methods from Waiber to the computer. At the same time, having familiarized with the foregoing material, to find a convenient and quick solution to the question of the question can absolutely any user of the messenger and PC.

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