Installing KDE in Kali Linux


Installing KDE in Kali Linux

The active users of the distributions of the Linux operating system sometimes set themselves the task of changing the desktop environment for various reasons. Kali Linux owners have not exceeded, because the functionality of this assembly allows you to put almost any of the available environments. As part of today's article, we would like to demonstrate the procedure for changing the graphics shell on the well-known KDE.

Install KDE in Kali Linux

KDE is one of the most popular graphic shells, which is standard in many distributions. The official website of Kali is the ability to upload an assembly with this environment, so if you have not yet installed the OS and want to have KDE, we strongly recommend immediately downloading the appropriate version. Detailed instructions for installing the platform can be found in another our material on the following link, and we go directly to the installation of the shell.

Step 2: Configure Display Manager

The displays manager responds for the performance of the graphics shell. For Linux, there were several of them to ensure the correct operation of a variety of desktop environments. During the installation of KDE, a new manager will also be added, it will be necessary to configure it:

  1. After a certain point, during the loading of packets, the console will pop up a separate window with a notification of configuring the display manager. Confirm the transition to the configuration by selecting OK.
  2. Confirm transition to setting up KDE displays in Kali Linux

  3. Using the arrow on the keyboard, switch the standard manager on LightDM, then click on "OK".
  4. Selection of Displays Manager for normal KDE operation in Kali Linux

  5. In the Terminal, confirm the changes to the system files by option Y.
  6. Confirmation of the display of the display manager for KDE in Kali Linux

  7. Upon completion of the installation, restart the operating system through the sudo reboot.
  8. Connecting a computer after installing KDE in Kali Linux

Step 3: Login and Setup

If before that you did not have any desktop environments, you can immediately start configuration after the restart. Otherwise you will have to select the selection of the shell in the starting window, which is carried out like this:

  1. In the upper right corner, select the settings icon.
  2. Switching the choice of KDE environment in Kali Linux when starting a PC

  3. A pop-up menu will open, where you should mark the PLASMA paragraph.
  4. Choosing a KDE desktop environment in Kali Linux when starting a PC

  5. After entering the menu, go to "Parameters"> KDE System Parameters.
  6. Go to KDE Desktop Wednesday Settings in Kali Linux

  7. Configure KDE components at your discretion. Points here are quite a lot, which will create a flexible configuration.
  8. Configuring the KDE desktop environment in Kali Linux through a graphic menu

Separately, I would like to mark the Update-Alternatives Console command --config X-Session-Manager. It allows you to change the current shell through the console.

Step 4: Removing the old shell

Some users do not want to have two shells on the computer. In this case, the old one can be removed in just a couple of minutes, leaving only KDE. Let's look at the removal on the example known LXDE:

  1. Open the console and register the APT-Get Remove LXDE-Core LXDE command.
  2. A command to remove the desktop environment after installing KDE in Kali Linux

  3. Confirm the action performed.
  4. Confirmation of the removal of the desktop environment in Kali Linux

  5. Expect the end of the procedure.
  6. Removing the desktop environment in Kali Linux

  7. After uninstalling, restart the PC via the reboot command.
  8. Restart the operating system after removing the environment in Kali Linux

  9. After the KDE icon appears on the screen and download will begin.
  10. Running the KDE graphic environment in Kali Linux

  11. Now you can go to work with a new shell.
  12. Exterior view of the KDE desktop environment in Kali Linux

The owners of other environments will have to introduce teams a little different content:

  • XFCE - APT-GET Remove Xfce4 Xfce4-Places-Plugin Xfce4-Goodies
  • Mate - APT-GET Remove Mate-Core

If you did not find your environment in this list, refer to the official documentation to find the necessary information there.

KDE setting solution in Kali Linux

In some cases, users faced various problems when trying to download KDE. In most situations, after starting the command, a notification "Unable to Locate Package KDE-Plasma-Desktop" appears, which indicates the impossibility of finding a package. If you encountered such a problem, we advise you to execute the following instructions.

  1. To begin with, install the GEdit text editor to simplify further work with the configuration file. To do this, enter the APT-Get Install GEdit command.
  2. Text to install a text editor to solve KDE problems in Kali Linux

  3. Confirm Adding new files to the system.
  4. Confirmation of a text editor set to correct problems with KDE in Kali Linux

  5. At the end of the installation, run the configuration file by entering gedit /etc/apt/sources.list.
  6. Run a configuration file to correct KDE in Kali Linux

  7. Insert the following contents at the end of the file:

    # DEB CDROM: [Debian GNU / Linux 7.0 _kali_ - Official Snapshot AMD64 Live / Install Binary 201330315-11: 02] / Kali Contrib Main Non-Free

    # DEB CDROM: [Debian GNU / Linux 7.0 _kali_ - Official Snapshot AMD64 Live / Install Binary 201330315-11: 02] / Kali Contrib Main Non-Free

    DEB Kali Main non-Free Contrib

    DEB-SRC kali main non-free Contrib

    ## Security Updates.

    DEB Kali / Updates Main Contrib Non-Free

    DEB-SRC Kali / Updates Main Contrib Non-Free

  8. Amendments to the Kali Linux configuration file

  9. Save the changes by clicking on the appropriate button.
  10. Saving changes to the configuration file in Kali Linux

  11. Enter Sudo Apt-Get Update, activate it, and after the new input row appears, try the installation attempt.
  12. Apply updates after making changes to Kali Linux

Other problems arise quite rarely, and they are connected mainly with the inattention of users themselves. For example, somewhere was missing the letter or after the word there is no space. When notifications appear, you always first read them, maybe they are solved simply. In other situations, we recommend contacting the official documentation of the distribution and environment of the desktop.

Now you are familiar with the KDE installation procedure in Kali Linux. Approximately the same principle are established by other media. We offer information about the most popular of them in another our reference guide below.

READ ALSO: Graphic shells for the desktop Linux

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