How to turn off the microphone on the laptop


How to turn off the microphone on the laptop

The microphone is a device with which you can communicate through voice or special resources, as well as record speech. At the same time, he can become a bandwidth, transmitting our secrets to the network. In this article we will talk about how to turn off the microphone on the laptop when it is not needed.

Turning off the microphone on a laptop

The microphone is turned off in several ways. First, you can use the function keys, and secondly refer to the software. Consider in more detail all possible options.

Method 3: system audio settings

The Windows operating system has a section with sound settings. It can control audio devices, including a microphone. There is another disabling option using the built-in tools that we will also describe below.

Sound settings

  1. Press the right mouse button on the speaker in the system tray (right next to the clock) and go to the "sounds" item.

    Go to configuring system parameters of audio in Windows 10

  2. We go to the tab with recording devices and select the microphone.

    Select the microphone in the settings of the system parameters of the sound in Windows 10

Further two scenarios are possible. The first is to reduce the recording level to zero by analogy with Skype.

  1. Selecting the microphone, go to the properties of the device.

    Go to the properties of the microphone in the settings of the system parameters of the sound in Windows 10

  2. On the "Levels" tab, move the slider to the left until you stop or press the button with the speaker. For reliability, you can do both.

    Turning off the microphone in the properties of the device in the settings of the system parameters of the sound in Windows 10

The second option is to disable the device on the Record tab. Here just click on the microphone PCM and select the corresponding item.

Turning off the microphone on the recording tab in the settings of the system parameters of the sound in Windows 10

You can turn it on back in the same way, but by selecting another item in the context menu.

Turning on the microphone on the entry tab in the settings of the system parameters of the sound in Windows 10

If, after disconnecting the device, disappeared from the list, click on the right place right-click and set the checkbox near the item displaying the disabled devices.

Enabling the display of disconnected audio recording devices in audio system settings in Windows 10

If you need to return the device to the device, it is enough to click on the PCM on it and select the appropriate item.

Enabling the microphone in the standard devices manager in Windows 10


We disassembled three options for turning off the microphone on a laptop. Methods in which the recording level is reduced are entitled to life, but cannot be absolutely reliable in terms of security. If it is guaranteed to exclude sound transmission to the network, use the Device Manager or turn off the device on the Record tab in the system settings.

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