How to improve video quality on computer


Icon for how to improve video quality

It is not always the quality of the video, sent sometimes even on a good camera, is excellent. There are many factors that affect quality, and sometimes nothing can be done. However, with the help of special programs, this figure can already after shooting, and in this article will tell you how to do it.

How to improve video quality

Usually, video editors should be used to improve the picture video. The set goal will be solved with the help of three programs: CinemaHD, Avidemux and video editing.

Method 1: CinemaHD

CinemaHD is a very simple program that has many features, and almost all of them serve to improve video quality and sound. You can decide our today's task with its help in a couple of clicks, and will further be shown how to do it.

  1. To download the video to the program, click on the "Add Files" button.
  2. Adding files for how to improve video quality

  3. Choose a file in the standard window, the quality of which you want to improve, and click on it with the left mouse button. On the right on the screen should appear its preview.
  4. Choosing a video for how to improve video quality

  5. Now you can specify the path of the output in the box just below or leave it as it is. Click on the "Configure output format" button.
  6. Setting format for how to improve video quality

  7. In this window, configure the video quality. You can choose any format and customize the slider to the right as you please, at least to put up to the maximum, but there is little useful from this - the video just becomes more weighing. It is best to choose an HD format and do not touch anything else - so you can maximize the video of poor quality.
  8. Video quality selection for how to improve video quality

  9. After that, we return back and click "Start Conversion".

    Conversion for how to improve video quality

    We are waiting until the program completes the conversion, and then you can enjoy video with the highest possible quality.

  10. Method 2: Avidemux

    The free Avidemux editor, familiar to users based on Linux kernel, allows you to improve the quality of videos.

    1. After installing the program, use the "File" menu - "Open" to download the roller.
    2. Open the roller in Avidemux to improve quality

    3. By downloading the clip, use the "Video Output" options block - in the drop-down menu, you need to select any MPEG4 option.

      MPEG4 format selection in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

      After that, you must become active "Settings" and "Filters" buttons, click on the last one.

    4. Use filters in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

    5. Three categories of filters are answered for improving the quality of the roller: "Color", "Noise Suppression" and "Sharpness".
    6. Quality filters in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

    7. Let's start with color. Most can be achieved by the "MPlayer EQ2" filter, select it.

      Color filter in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

      Use the sliders to configure RGB and the gamma in the picture of the roller. There are no universal parameters, for each video you need to select eye values. This greatly helps the ability to preview the clip: Press "Play" and use the playback control keys.

    8. Using color filter in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

    9. Go to the suppression of noise. The most functional filter from this category is "MPlayer Denoise 3D HQ", select it.

      Noise suppression in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

      As in the case of color, there are no values ​​suitable for all options, you will also have to choose an eye. Unfortunately, there is no preview of the application of the filter, so you can apply stocks, check the status of the roller and adjust on the basis of them.

    10. Apply noise suppression in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

    11. Next, go to field. The best option will be the "MSHARPEN" filter.

      Sharpness in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

      As in the case of other filters, suitable parameters need to be selected manually. Fortunately, the preview of the playback and the overlaying mask for controlling work is supported.

    12. Encourage sharpness in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

    13. After applying all the filters, return to the Main menu of the program ("Close" button in the filters window), then select the output roller format in the corresponding menu. For better results, it is recommended to use the options "MP4 MUXER" or "MKV MUXER".
    14. Output format in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

    15. To save processing results, use the "File" - "Save As".

      Saving results in Avidemux to improve the quality of the roller

      Depending on the selected output format and the size of the roller, the save process can take the time. At the end, get improved video.

    16. Enjoy the AviDemx application is more complicated than the previous decision, however it provides a better result with competent application.

    Method 3: Video editing

    Also in solving our today's task will help the application video editing from the Russian developer.

    1. Select the option "New Project".
    2. Start a new project in video editing to improve the quality of the roller

    3. Patient aspect ratio by default.
    4. Ask the aspect ratio of a new project in a video editing to improve the quality of the roller

    5. After the new project is created, click on the "Import Video" button and select the option "Select a file from the folder".
    6. Import Clip into video editing to improve the quality of the roller

    7. After selecting and downloading the target video in the tab panel, select Edit - "Improvements".
    8. Go to enhancements in video editing to improve the quality of the roller

    9. There are not so many available options - the video quality can be raised by the brightness correction, saturation, contrast and color tone, for which the corresponding sliders should be used.

      Improvement pictures in video editing to improve the quality of the roller

      Also present the ability to automatically process - auto lights, comprehensive improvement and image stabilization - just check the relevant items. In addition, advanced users can manually improve the picture by curved color.

    10. After making all the changes required, go to the "Create" tab. Select the desired roller format.

      Export of the finished result in video editing to improve the quality of the roller

      You will need to save the project, click "Yes" and select a suitable location.

    11. Preservation of the finished result in the video edge to improve the quality of the roller

    12. After saving the project, the export window will be available. It differs for different types of formats, but all items are explained, and unload the result will be without any problems.
    13. Export window into video editing to improve the quality of the roller

      The video edit is a compromise solution between CinemaHD and Avidemux. Recommend it as the best prevent perhaps the paid model of distribution: the program's probe is operational only 10 days and deprived of part of the possibilities.


    The video quality improvement methods considered in the article cannot be called a full-fledged and guaranteed effective solution, however, for most users, and in most cases there will be more than enough.

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