How to check the speed of the Internet on the computer


How to check the speed of the Internet on the computer

The Internet is the place where the active PC user spends the most time. The desire to determine the data transfer rate can be dictated by either a necessity or easy interest. In this article we will talk about what ways it is possible to solve this task.

Measurement of the velocity of the Internet

There are two main ways to determine the speed of information transfer through your Internet connection. This can be done by installing a special program on the computer or by visiting one of the online services that allow you to produce such measurements. In addition, the operating systems of the Windows family, starting with the G8, are equipped with their own tool embedded in the standard "Task Manager". It is located on the "Performance" tab and displays the current connection speed. Window 10 also has a Speedtest app from the Microsoft store. If you still use the "seven", you will have to use third-party means.

Checking the data transfer speed via network connections in Windows 10 Task Manager

Read more: Checking Internet speed on a computer with Windows 10, Windows 7

Method 1: Service on

You created a special page for measuring the speed of your Internet. The service is provided by Ookla and shows all the necessary information.

Go to the service page

  1. First of all, you stop all downloads, that is, we close all other pages in the browser, we leave torrent clients and other programs working with the network.
  2. After the transition, you can immediately click on the "forward" button and wait for the results or select a manually provider server, which will be measured.

    Transition to manual selection of the provider on the Internet Speed ​​Test page on the site

    Here is a list of the nearest providers through which the connection can be. In the case of mobile Internet, it can be a base station, the distance to which is indicated next to the title. Do not attempt to find your supplier, because it is not always a connection directly. Most often we receive data through intermediate nodes. Just choose the closest to us.

    Handmade provider selection on the Internet speed page on website

    It is worth noting that when switching to the page, the service immediately starts to test the network and selects the option with the best characteristics, or rather the node through which the connection is currently being performed.

  3. After the provider is selected, launch the test. We wait.

    The process of transferring and receiving data on the Internet speed test page on the site

  4. Upon completion of the test, you can change the provider and measure again by clicking on the appropriate button, and also copy the reference to the results and share them on social networks.

    Measurement Results on Internet Speed ​​Test on

Let's talk about what the data is valid.

  • "Download" ("Download") Shows the speed of downloading data to a computer (incoming traffic).
  • "Upload" ("Upload") determines the download speed of files from a PC to the server (outgoing traffic).
  • "Ping" is the time of the computer's response to the request, and more precisely, the interval for which the packages "arrive" to the selected node and "arrive" back. The smaller the value is the better.
  • "Vibration" ("Jitter") is the deviation "Ping" in a large or smaller side. If you say easier, then "vibration" shows how much ping was less or more during the measurement time. There is also a "less - better" rule here.

Method 2: Other Online Services

Principle of Site Software Software For Measuring Internet Speed ​​Simple: A test block of information is downloaded to the computer, and then transmitted back to the server. From this and the testimony of the meter. In addition, services can produce data on IP address, location and provider, as well as provide various services, such as anonymous network access via VPN.

Checking the data rate using the SpeedTest service

Read more: Online services for checking the Internet speed

Method 3: Special programs

Software, which will be discussed, can be divided into simple meters and software complexes for traffic control. Their work algorithms also differ. For example, you can test the data transfer rate with a specific node at a specific address, download the file and fix the readings or enable monitoring and check the numbers after a while. There is also a tool for determining bandwidth between computers on the local network.

Internet speed measurement using NetWorx

Read more:

Programs for measuring the velocity of the Internet

Programs for internet traffic control


We disassembled three ways to check the speed of the Internet. In order for the results as close as possible to reality, you must comply with one general rule: all programs (except browser if testing is carried out using the service) that can go to the network must be closed. Only in this case, the entire channel will be used for testing.

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