How to create google form for polls


How to create google form for polls

Surely you, like many users, have more than once come across the fill in Google online form when surveying, registering any activities or ordering services. After reading this article, you will learn how simply these forms are created and you can organize and make any polls on your own, promptly receiving answers to them.

The process of creating a survey form in Google

  1. In order to start working with survey forms, you must log in to Google

    Read more: How to enter your account in Google

  2. On the main page of the search engine, click the pictogram with squares.
  3. Open Additional Google Services to create form

  4. Next, click "More" to access the full list of services.

    Other Google Services to create form

    After the interface is changed, the "Form" web application is at the bottom of the full list - scroll through the page, locate the link button with the name of the service and click on it for access.

  5. Find the right google service to create a form

  6. The interface will open the creation of a new polling form. Available to create as a whole user option, as well as based on one of the templates.
  7. Options for creating a new form Google

  8. Being on the "Questions" tab, in the upper lines, enter the name of the form and a brief description. Now you can add questions. Click on the "Question without a header" and enter your question. You can add an image to the question by clicking on the icon near it. Next, you need to define the response format. These can be options from the list, drop-down list, text, time, date, scale and others. Determine the format by choosing it from the list to the right of the question.

Settings questions in the process of creating a new form Google

This principle creates all questions in the form. Any change is instantly saved.

Shape settings

  1. There are several settings at the top of the form. You can set the color range of the form by clicking on the pictogram with the palette.
  2. View parameters in the process of creating a new form Google

  3. The pictogram of three vertical points is additional settings. Consider some of them. In the "Settings" section you can enable the answers after sending the form and enable the response evaluation system. You can delete or copy form, connect to it or other additions (not available for all browsers), as well as enter certain scripts (oriented on experienced users).
  4. Additional parameters in the process of creating a new form Google

  5. Adjustments to the form deserve separate attention - we have already considered this aspect in detail, so we advise you to use the reference guide below.

    Access options in the process of creating a new form Google

    Read more: How to open access to google form

This is how you create forms in Google. Play with the settings to create a unique and most exactly corresponding form of your task.

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