How to install Laitrum


How to install Laitrum

Adobe Lightroom is one of the most popular editors in the world for processing digital photos. Adobe still leads to the active development of this collateral, every year I release new, more advanced versions. Therefore, more and more new users want to familiarize themselves with this software. You can download his trial version or purchase a full one on the official website, after which the process of installation itself begins directly. Today we want to tell you all in more detail about this so that the beginner users do not have any problems with the fulfillment of the task.

Install Adobe Lightroom on your computer

We decided to break the whole process on thematic steps to not be confused in sequences and do everything as quickly as possible. At the end of the material, a separate section is presented, which describes common errors and options for their correction. Therefore, if you have any difficulties, we advise you to explore this part of the article in order to quickly correct everything.

Step 1: Search and download the program

As usual, you will first need to find the installer and download it to the computer. In this case, Adobe offers to use the launcher, which himself downloads and put on the PC all the Adobe Lightroom files. You can download it like this:

Go to the official website of Adobe

  1. Go to the above link to get to the main page of the Adobe website. Here Mouse over the category "Photo, Video and Design", where in the pop-up menu, select Lightroom in the "Popular Products" section.
  2. Selecting Adobe Lightroom on the official developer website

  3. On the product page at the top there is several tabs with a description of features, support and manuals. To go to the purchase of goods, go to "Select Plan".
  4. Acquaintance with Adobe Lightroom features and go to purchase

  5. The page with tariff plans contains many different versions, which will be suitable for individual users, organizations and educational institutions. Familiarize yourself with all them to choose the optimal option.
  6. Selection of the Tariff Plan for the purchase of Adobe Lightroom

  7. If you want to simply try out Lytrum, then on the page click on the "Download button".
  8. Downloading the trial version of the Adobe Lightroom program from the official site

  9. The automatic download of the installer will begin. Upon completion, open it.
  10. Launch of the Adobe Lightroom launcher after downloading

Step 2: First Start Creative Cloud

Adobe provides its corporate launcher through which all software is managed and launching, including Lightroom. Therefore, the account is primarily created and the surface settings are performed, which looks like this:

  1. When the installer is displayed, you will be asked to log in using the Adobe ID account, account on Facebook or Google. In addition, here you can create a new profile.
  2. Login or registration in the launcher for installing Adobe Lightroom

  3. When a page appears in the browser, you will need to confirm the Terms of Use to continue the steps in the installer.
  4. Confirmation of the Lunchers Usage Rules for installing Adobe Lightroom

  5. Next, it will be proposed to choose the skills of working with software so that after getting the necessary set of training materials and organize the most comfortable workflow.
  6. Answer questions from the developer when installing Adobe Lightroom

  7. After the answer to the question, click on the "Start Installation" button.
  8. Start installing Adobe Lightroom

Most of the problems encountered with installation occurs at the entrance stage in Creative Cloud. Because if you encountered any problems at this stage, move immediately at the end of the article to find possible solutions.

Step 3: Installation and First Start

After successfully creating an account or entering the launcher, it will only be left to install the program itself and run it, which is performed quite easily and quickly:

  1. After clicking on the "Start Installation" button, the process itself will start. During it, all the necessary files will be downloaded to the PC, so it is not recommended to interrupt the connection to the Internet and start other installation operations.
  2. Adobe Lightroom Installation Process

  3. Upon completion of the installation of Adobe Lightroom, it will automatically start with the window on the notification of the beginning of the trial period, unless, of course, you just did not acquire the full version.
  4. Automatic launch of the Adobe Lightroom program after installation

  5. After reading these notifications, you can start working in the editor.
  6. Appearance Editor Adobe Lightroom

  7. All subsequent launches are performed via Creative Cloude or created on the desktop icon.
  8. Running Adobe Lightroom via Launcher

  9. In the same launcher you will find a link to all major lessons for working with the installed photo editor.
  10. Official teaching materials Adobe Lightroom

In addition, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the specific material on the subject of using Adobe Lightroom, which is located on our website. There is a description of all popular tools and functions, as well as be able to study the main points of interaction. Go to the study of this article using the reference below.

Read more: How to use Adobe Lightroom

Solving frequent installation problems

As mentioned above, some users trying to install Adobe Lightroom face with the advent of various kinds of difficulties. They arise due to systemic failures, missing components or other problems that we want to talk further.

Disable Account Control

Accounting Monitoring - a feature built into the Windows operating system preventing changes to a computer from potentially dangerous programs. However, the work of this tool is far from excellence, so sometimes it blocks the installation of quite friendly applications. It is corrected by banal controlling control.

  1. It is necessary to carry out that it is necessary to carry out when you open the Creative Cloud you received a notification of the need to turn on uac. Yes, actions contradict the notification, but it works this way.
  2. Error notification when installing Adobe Lightroom

  3. Open the "Start" and through the search to go to the "Changing Account Control Settings" menu.
  4. Transition to the control of accounts to correct an Error with installing Adobe Lightroom

  5. Here move the slider to the "Do not notify me" state and save the changes.
  6. Disable Account Control for Installing Adobe Lightroom

  7. Re-run the installation of the Lightrum.

Temporary disabling of firewall and antivirus

Various protective software also often interferes with the correct start of installation, which is associated with the algorithm of the product action from Adobe, as indicated on the official website. Therefore, this method can be considered directly recommendation from the developers. Recommended for the time of installation Disable all protection or add a program to exceptions. Detailed instructions for the implementation of these actions are in other of our manuals indicated below.

Read more:

Disable antivirus

Adding a program to exclude antivirus

Wirewall Configuring Guide in Windows

Check Minimum System Requirements

Lightrum installation will not start due to restrictions if your computer does not meet the minimum system requirements. Therefore, we strongly recommend that it is all compatible and PC capacities are enough to work with this editor. On the official website, by clicking on the link below, you will find a complete list of requirements.

View Minimum System Requirements Adobe Lightroom

As for the definitions of the characteristics of its PC, then not all users know them by heart, therefore need help. It will be provided by third-party software providing information about all internal components.

See also: How to find out the characteristics of your computer

Updating video card drivers

During the processing of photos in the video card under consideration, one of the key roles plays, so its software is taken into account when installing. It may not start in the event that there are already outdated drivers in the OS. Because of this, the need to verify updates and add new files when they are found. This topic is also devoted to a separate article on our website.

Read more: Updating AMD Radeon / Nvidia Video Card Drivers

Other possible errors appear along with the relevant codes and descriptions when starting the installation, therefore it is necessary to familiarize themselves with all this information and has already independently find a correction of difficulties. Unfortunately, the format of the article does not allow to describe all problems, because there are more than fifteen pieces of them, and there are also some special cases.

As part of today's material, you were familiar with the process of installing the Adobe Lightroom on the PC. As you can see, there is nothing complicated in this, and the error correction operation in case of their appearance does not take you a lot of time thanks to the presented manuals.

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