How to remove the amigo from the computer completely


How To Uninstal Amigo Completely

Amigo's browser, despite all his positive characteristics, behaves like a typical malware, which scares from itself potential users - is installed with almost all applications from suspicious sources, and when it comes to removal, various difficulties begin to occur. Let's see how to remove the amigo from the computer.

Methods of removal of amigo

Due to the peculiarities of this browser, it is usually quite difficult to remove it - simple uninstalling is not enough. For a positive result we can use third-party solutions, or try to remove the amigo manually with subsequent cleaning from the "tailings".

Third-party solutions

In full removal of programs like a browser from Mail.Ru help special uninstallator applications. Working with them Consider on the example of the two most popular solutions - Revo Uninstaller and Uninstall Tool.

Method 1: Revo Uninstaller

Revo Uninstaller is a third-party uninstaller, which is able to effectively remove both the Amigo himself and its residual files and registry entries.

  1. Run the program. In the main window, find the record "AMIGA", select it, and then click on the "Delete" button on the left side of the Revo Aninstaller window.
  2. Start removal of the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

  3. A program of the uninstaller program should appear. Check the removal of the browser data and click "Delete".

    Important! Close the Revo Uninstaller window does not need!

    Removal of the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

  4. Wait until the uninstaller does its job, then return to the Revo window. The next step will be the cleaning of the registry and residual files. The program allows you to select the type of scanning depth, the "moderate" option will be enough. To start the procedure, click "Scan".
  5. Scan the Registry to remove the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

  6. Scanning may take some time, so be patient. After completing it, the entry tree will appear, one way or another associated with the removable application. You can choose the branches manually and delete them, but to facilitate the procedure, it is enough to click "Select All" and "Delete".

    Erase records in the registry to remove the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

    The operation requires confirmation, click "Yes."

  7. Confirm Erase records in the registry to remove the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

  8. Next will need to delete the residual application files. We repeat the actions from the previous step.

    Wrest residual files to remove the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

    Reaffirm your consent to the operation.

  9. Confirm the removal of residual files to remove the amigo browser using Revo Uninstaller

    Ready - AMIG will be deleted. Revo Uninstaller window can be closed.

Method 2: Uninstall Tool

Analogue Revo Uninstaller is Uninstall Tool, known for deeper algorithms for the search for remote programs, as a result of which is perfect for our current goal.

  1. Run the installed uninstal tool. After downloading the program, go to the "Auto Tap" tab.
  2. Open autorun in Uninstall Tool to remove the amigo browser

  3. Find there by the Item "Amigo" and remove the checkbox opposite the program name.
  4. Remove the autorun entry in Uninstall Tool to remove the amigo browser

  5. Return to the "Deinstallator" tab. Highlight the "Amite" position and use the Defallation item.

    Start uninstalling uninstall tool to remove the amigo browser

    Confirm the browser delete and wait until the procedure is over.

  6. Uninstall Tool to remove the amigo browser

  7. After normal deletion, the application will propose to scan the file system to search for residual data, click OK.
  8. Search for residual data in Uninstall Tool to remove the amigo browser

  9. Upon completion of the Uninstall Tool scan, the "Tails" files and recordings in the registry remained from the Strait Amigo. Highlight all positions and click "Delete".

    Removing residual data in Uninstall Tool to remove the amigo browser

    Note! The removal option is available only in the full paid version of the program!

  10. At the end of the procedure, close the application - an unwanted browser will be completely removed.
  11. Third-party uninstallasts are quite powerful solutions, so we advise you to use them to remove Amigo.

Removal by system equipment

In the decision of our today's task you can do without the use of third-party applications. Of course, this procedure is more time-consuming, but with proper execution guarantees a positive result.

The removal of amigo through the tools built into the OS consists of several steps: uninstalling the main application using "programs and components" or "parameters" of Windows 10, removing residual files and registry edits.

Stage 1. Uninstalling the main application

First of all, you need to uninstall the main application. You can do this through the "Programs and Components" snap-in or, in the case of Windows 10, through "Parameters". Consider both options.

"Programs and Components"

  1. To call the "Programs and Components" tool, use the "Run" tool - press the Win + R keys combination, then write the appwiz.cpl command and press ENTER.
  2. Open programs and components to remove the amigo browser

  3. After opening the utility, find the AMIGA in the list of programs and highlight the recording by a single click of the left mouse button. Then click "Delete" in the toolbar.
  4. Select uninstalling a program to remove the amigo browser

  5. Confirm your desire to uninstall the browser and wait until the process is completed.

Start uninstalling a program to remove the browser Amigo

"Parameters (Windows 10)"

If Windows 10 is used, the amigo can be removed through a new software removal tool available in "Parameters".

  1. Call "Parameters" by combining Win + I keys, then select "Applications".
  2. Open applications for removing the amigo browser via windows 10 parameters

  3. Scroll down the list of applications until you find the "Amita" position. Click on it.

    Select an entry to remove the amigo browser via Windows 10 parameters

    Use the "Delete" button.

    Start removing the amigo browser via Windows 10 parameters

    Confirm your desire to uninstall the program.

  4. Confirm the removal of the amigo browser via Windows 10 parameters

  5. Click "Delete" again and wait until the software is steer.

Removal of the amigo browser via Windows 10 parameters

At the end of the procedure, proceed to the next stage of product uninstalling.

Step 2: Deleting residual files

The usual removal of the amigo will not be enough - the system remains in the system that you need to be deleted manually. This happens as follows:

  1. Open the "Task Manager" - the easiest way to do this, by building a cursor to the taskbar, click on the right mouse button and select the appropriate menu item.
  2. Call the Task Manager to remove the AMIG browser data

  3. Lote on the Processes tab Find the records related to Alternately select each, click the right mouse button, then select "Open File Location", then "Remove the task".
  4. Mail RU processes in Task Manager to remove residual browser data AMIG

  5. After the folder with the executable process file is open, go to three level up - you should be in the Local directory. Highlight the folder named Mail.Ru and press Shift + Delete. Confirm full directory deletion.

    Mail RU MAIL Folder to remove AMIG browser data

    It is possible that in the Local directory there may be other balances from - look for folders that may be called MailRu, Mailru, Mailru and the like, and remove them in the same way as the main one.

  6. Second folder Mail RU to remove the residual browser data of the amigo

  7. Next, go to C: \ Users \ * Username * \ APPDATA \ LOCAL \ TEMP. Select all the contents of the CTRL + A keyboard with the CTRL + A key and press SHIFT + DELETE. Confirm the deletion of files.

    Deleting files in the TEMP directory to remove the residual data of the amigo browser

    Some files will not be removed - nothing terrible, the remnants of the amigo among them are not exactly.

  8. Restart the computer and check the effectiveness of the manipulations done - most likely the browser will be completely removed from the computer.

Stage 3: Delete data in the registry

Usually, the implementation of the procedures described above is sufficient to solve the problem, but in some cases additional actions will be required - in particular, working with the Windows system registry.

  1. Call the "Run" tool with the combination of Win + R, enter the REGEDIT command in the string and press ENTER or the "OK" button.
  2. Calling the registry editor to remove the residual data of the AMIG browser

  3. After starting the registry editor, use the Edit Menu, in which you select "Find".
  4. Open search in the Registry Editor to remove residual browser data AMIG

  5. In the search dialog box, enter and click "Find Next".
  6. Find posts in the registry editor to remove residual browser data AMIG

  7. The first thing will be detected the main directory of keys. Delete the entire branch - select the parent directory, right-click and select Delete.

    Erase entries in the registry editor to remove residual data of the amigo browser

    Confirm deletion.

  8. Use the F3 keys to go to the next search result. It may be a directory or a single key.

    Next entry in the registry editor to remove residual browser data AMIG

    Here you need to be very attentive - there is a risk of deleting a component, important for the operation of a system or useful programs, so before deleting the found, check what is the following or other entry.

  9. After all manipulations, close the registry editor and restart the machine.
  10. After removing the values ​​associated with Mail.Ru from the Windows registry, the Amita can be considered entirely remote.


This end our overview of the AMIG browser removal methods. As you can see, it is possible to achieve the goal, albeit rather laborious methods.

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