How to enjoy CLOWNFISH


How to enjoy CLOWNFISH

CLOWNFISH is one of the most popular programs for changing the voice on a computer that is aimed at working with Skype. The built-in functionality of this software allows you to distort and change the microphone sound in every possible way in accordance with the user-defined settings, but it is not all the possibilities of the mentioned tool. As part of today's article, we would like to tell the most detailed about all the nuances and the principles of using Clownfish, showing the main functions and parameters.

Voice change in Skype

As mentioned above, the main task of ClownFish is to ensure voice change in Skype. For normal operation tools, the user will need to make some additional actions and adjust all the settings. Only after that you can run Skype and make the necessary calls. It all starts with the installation of software itself and additional drivers, then the embedded parameters and the Skype settings come into effect. All this is repelly painted in another material. We recommend to familiarize yourself with it by clicking on the link below.

Changing voice in Skype with Clownfish

Read more: Changing voice in Skype using CLOOTNFISH

Translation of messages

Sometimes users have to correspond in Skype with foreigners. In this regard, periodically arise problems with the understanding of the written messages. Here, any convenient translator can come to the rescue, however, it will require additional actions - transition to the site, copying content. It is much easier to translate everything in automatic mode using CLOWNFISH. To do this, only you will need to select a pre-service translation service, input and output. Otherwise, everything will do it yourself. Settings for these parameters are carried out through the main menu of the program. Custom translation filters are also present here. This allows you to add translation types for each account in Skype.

Automatic translation of messages in the ClownFish program

Template greetings

From greeting, almost every correspondence in the chat begins. From time to time, the user is difficult to choose the right words to start a conversation or he wants to somehow the originally to make this first step. In this case, the ideal option will appeal to the built-in greeting templates in CloWnfish. Here this highlights a whole library with thematic replicas. It will only be enough to find the appropriate, select it and specify a friend to which the corresponding message will be sent.

Skype template greetings in Clownfish

Smileys and drawings of characters

Approximately on the same principle such as greeting workpieces, the catalog of emoticons and various drawings made up of characters are operating. All of them are distributed by category and when selecting are displayed in the preview window. Sending similar funny pictures is carried out in the same way as greetings - select option, specify an account and sending directly. However, you will need to take into account different versions of Skype, since some drawings on mobile devices or computers can be displayed not entirely correct due to the transfer of characters or any other reasons.

Template emoticons and drawings from symbols in the ClownFish program

Chat Bot

Chat bot - Experimental and not yet fully refined function in the software under consideration. Its meaning is that after activation you choose a user or a group of users with which the robot will communicate in automatic mode. His work algorithm is built according to this meaning that he clings the concrete meaning of messages from key phrases and tries to respond thematically to them so that the maximum similarity of the dialogue is. It is not known how this function is made for what cases, but someone will definitely come in handy at least for fun.

Activation of Chat Bota for automatic communication in the ClownFish program

Writing voice calls

Voice calls are one of the main directions of communication between the owners of the Skype application. Unfortunately, recording the current conversation for further listening is not possible without applying additional software. Clownfish is quite suitable in order to make such a record and save it on the computer. First you have to go to the appropriate section through the main menu and configure the capture of the audio, and if necessary, click on "Start Recording" to start recording (active this button will only be completed after the Skype call).

Settings and further recording of conversations in the CLOOTNFISH program

Mass sending messages

If you are using a software for communication on working goals or you need to urgently send congratulations to all your friends, use the built-in mailing function in CLOWNFISH. It allows you to quickly make a message template and select accounts to whom the content will be sent. By using this particular tool, you will save a significant part of the time and just do not forget about someone. In the mailing window window at the bottom, the correct form of data fill is specified.

Mass distribution of messages for Skype users in CLOWNFISH

Activation of sound effects

The application under consideration allows not only to change your voice for sound communication, but also has a set of different sounds available for activation during the call. As usual, no semantic load does not carry this supplement - only entertainment goals. Those who wish to enjoy friends in voice chat strongly recommend it in advance to look into this menu and evaluate the set of sounds. If there is a need to add some kind of audio, simply click on the "Add Sound" button.

Selection of sounds for sending during voice communication in CLOWNFISH

Solving problems with the work of CLOWNFISH

Sometimes, after downloading, ClownFish users face that this application simply does not work, because there is no change in Skype voice. If different problems occur, they need to be quickly solved with the help of well-known accessible tools. All of them are written in the detailed form by another author in a separate article on our website. We suggest familiarizing yourself with it by using the reference below.

Read more: Clownfish does not work: causes and solutions

Now you are familiar with all the main aspects of interaction with CLOOTNFISH. As you can see, this program is quite simple and more aims to entertain. However, there are also enough useful functions that can be useful during operation in Skype.

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