Video surveillance programs


Video surveillance programs

Now video surveillance is one of the standard security tools installed in many public places, stores, private sectors. However, tracking can be used not only for protection. Sometimes there is a need to look for animal behavior or save any other beautiful moment. In such cases, it will also be necessary to install observation. The organization of this is available using a simple webcam and special software. As part of this material, we would like to devote attention to the choice of the program part, told about the most famous and suitable software.

IVideon Client.

Most video management programs do not boast an easy and accessible interface. In IViDeon Client, special attention paid special attention to the user. A free application for IVideo Client PC (as well as versions for all smartphones and tablets) will help organize online broadcast and recording video archives. The program works with cameras already having iVideon firmware (such available in the online store).

IVideon Client.

Cameras with built-in iVideon firmware have an advantage - it is enough to work simply connect them to the Internet. All other cameras will need to connect to a computer to which the IViDeon Server paid program is installed.

Three key features of iVideon software:

  1. Flexibility and control online. You remotely via the Internet, manage access to broadcasts, settings, archive. Distribute access rights, get motion notifications and see the video from the cloud archive or from the local storage.
  2. High speed. For convenience, you can speed up the viewing or pre-highlight a specific zone and receive notifications when moving in it. Also operates a smart video archive search to quickly find, for example, the moment of the obstruction of the subject.
  3. Full support. Together with the program, you get free technical assistance in 24/7 mode in Russian, guarantee on equipment, full replacement with a possible breakdown.

Eyeline Video Surveillance.

The first on our list will appear Eyeline Video Surveillance, which is focused more for professional use. This indicates the built-in possibility of simultaneous capture immediately from a hundred devices. View records Supported in real time at the installation site of the cameras, online through an account and remote connection organized by eyeline Video Surveillance. The program will send SMS or an email alert if you suddenly arise any non-standard situation, which will help you immediately be notified of all incidents at the observation installation point.

Exterior Program for video surveillance Eyeline Video Surveillance

Like many other similar solutions, the considered supported by the automatic start of the recording only after the appearance of movements, which will simplify space savings on the carrier and will allow more economically to spend system power. There is support for USB and IP cameras connected via the network server, this will allow you to choose equipment based on your needs, and not the requirements of software. All videos recorded by Eyeline Video Surveillance can be sorted by various filters and play on any monitor, TV or computer. The trial version is available for free on the official website, but then you will need to purchase a complete assembly to get all the functionality.

Netcam Studio.

The users who had previously had to work with video surveillance programs were certainly heard of WebcamXP. However, this software is already outdated and no longer supported by the developer. In addition, users can deal with launch problems on new operating systems. Therefore, a replacement for this solution comes an improved Netcam Studio with a free license that supports capture from two sources. Detection of movements and remote monitoring of the status of cameras on any device will help make interaction with even more reliable and comfortable.

Exterior Program for Netcam Studio Video Surveillance

As for custom changes, they are manufactured using Web API technology. Knowing programmers can create their own customers, develop add-ons and implement Netcam Studio to other projects, which will allow to organize a security complex for security or environmental monitoring. Among the unique features is to note the capture of audio. The application will start any actions (for example, starting or sending a message) only at the moment when the sensors will be heard the sound of a certain volume exhibited by manually. In addition, there is also a setting of the speed of movement, which is more useful during tracking nature and animals.


Now let's talk in more detail about the Softe, which we have already mentioned above. Of course, now not all users use powerful computers with the latest versions of operating systems. In the case of work on a relatively old equipment, Webcamxp can be useful. Its advantage is to support all popular capture devices, however, for some you will have to find and upload individual drivers. In addition, there are many types of capture transmission, such as JPEG format images, made at a particular time interval. There are still local and remote camera position settings, if such is supported directly by the device.

Working in WebCAMXP Video Surveillance Software

All other functions are standard enough, you will meet with them in each such software. However, I would also like to mention a full-fledged translation into Russian, which will help some users quickly get used in the interface and understand the purpose of some buttons. WebCAMXP can be run as a service, uses a special user manager with different access levels has an overlay editor and much more, which you will find out by reading our overview by clicking on the link below.


Initially, a simple ISPY application was positioned as an ideal tool for installation in the rooms, however, after the release of a number of updates, this tool has become a full-featured solution to ensure safety on the street, in the office or enterprise. This will help useful and necessary features: save entries in the cloud or on YouTube, sending notifications by mail, desktop recording, password account protection, support most existing microphones and cameras (including network). It is also worth noting a remote connection and many supported plug-ins installed separately. Among them is the sensor capture of license car signs and scanning barcodes.

Work in the ISPY video surveillance program

Ispy has an open source code, which will allow knowledgeable users to refine the provision, create supplements for it or integrate into other projects. But it is worth being ready for the fact that to get all the functions of the service itself, and this is at least remote access, it will be necessary to purchase a monthly subscription worth five dollars. This is how development support is carried out, and they can finance hosting on this money and develop their products, producing more and more useful updates.


ContaSam is a standard program, practically nothing distinguished from the mass of other applications for organizing tracking through webcams. From the explicit deficiencies here it is worth noting the absence of the ability to save materials in the cloud, because of which the local storage will be periodically completely overloaded. However, you can even view material in real time, even through the web interface of the program by entering the previously created account.

Interface program for video surveillance ContaSam

ContaSam did not cost and without explicit advantages. It will become an excellent option for weak computers, because there shows record low system requirements. The ability to start in the form of a service when you turn on the PC free from the execution of unnecessary actions, and the flexible registration of each chamber will help not be lost in cases where the capture equipment is used quite large quantity. If you are interested in ContaSam, we advise you to get acquainted with this on the official website, downloading the free trial version.

Axxon Next.

The Axxon Next developers position their products as the highest-class software, which gathered in itself the best that is in other solutions. The video surveillance system was created by unique standards, there are specially designed functions and the simultaneous capture from an unlimited number of devices is supported. Axxon Next was developed by the Ukrainian company, but officially applies to other countries, which is achieved through the purchase of licenses by other firms. This causes certain difficulties - before buying software, it will be necessary to study the seller in detail to make sure the legality of the goods and cooperation with the Creator Company.

Software Interface Axxon Next

Among the unique technologies, you would like to mark an interactive 3D card that allows you to view the location of all installed cameras, move between them and recognize other useful information. Some records are automatically entering the archive, for example, from the moment of capturing the movement. So you can, without any problems, view the activity at a certain period of time and identify the alarming situations. Of course, for such a software will have to pay, because for free on this level almost never applies. The pricing policy is already depends on the store in which you will make a purchase, or how to agree with representatives on the official website by contacting the contacts left.


Xeoma is a convenient program for managing video cameras. With it, you can monitor immediately from several camcorders, as it does not have restrictions on the number of connected devices. All devices can be configured through blocks with the necessary parameters. Kseoma is a video surveillance program through a webcam. One of the advantages of the software is the presence of Russian-speaking localization, which makes it understandable for users. As well as a simple interface over which designers clearly tried.

Xeoma Video Surveillance Software Interface

The program can also send you notifications to your phone or email as soon as the movement fixes. Later you can view the posts in the archive and find out who Camera caught. By the way, the archive does not store the records constantly, but updated through a given time interval. If the camera is damaged, the latter record will remain in the archive. On the official website of Xeoma there are several versions of the program. You can download the free version, but, unfortunately, it has some limitations.

IP Camera Viewer.

IP Camera Viewer is one of the simplest video monitoring programs in real time. It does not take up much space and contains only the most necessary settings. With the help of it you can work almost with two thousand models of cameras! Moreover, each chamber can be configured to get a better image. In order to connect the camera, you do not need to configure the program or device for a long time. IP Camera Viewer will make everything quickly and comfortable for the user. Therefore, if you have not worked with such programs, IP Camera Viewer is a good choice.

IP Camera Viewer Video Surveillance Program

You will be able to monitor only when you sit at the computer. IP Camera Viewer does not record video and does not save it in the archive. The number of connected devices is limited - only 4 cameras. But for free.

Webcam Monitor

Websam Monitor is an excellent program that allows you to work with multiple cameras at the same time. This software was created by the same developers who created IP Camera Viewer, so the programs are quite similar to externally. In fact, the Websam Monitor is much more powerful and has much more opportunities. Here you will find a convenient search wizard that will connect and configure all the available cameras without requiring installing any drivers. In short, WebSam Monitor is suitable for video surveillance with both IP cameras and webcam.

Monitoring the cameras using the Webcam Monitor program

You can also configure motion and noise sensors. For an alarm case, the actions that the program should take are to start recording, make a photo, send a notification, turn on the beep or run another program. By the way about notifications: you can get them on both the phone and email. But as WEBSAM Monitor was not good, it has its drawbacks: it is the limited version of the free version and a small number of connected cameras.

Sighthound Video.

The latter on our list will perform a thoughtful and professional product called Sighthound Video. Initially, it is recommended for use exclusively for professional purposes, since it is focused on all those present tools. The function of recognizing persons, numbers, the definition of a vehicle type, detection of moving objects - all this will help in the organization of security both on the street and indoors. Ensure the privacy of people, blurring the person by using a simple embedded function, use the cloud to store and view the filmed materials.

Exterior SIGHTHOUND VIDEO software

The official site extends three types of license for different levels of users. There is also a comparative table of all assemblies, because to choose the appropriate will be easily. Just take into account your needs, and then purchase an annual subscription or download the free option Sighthound Video. The only thing that would be noted, for tracking animals or nature, this software is not suitable, so take a look at other mentioned options.

Above you have been familiar with the programs for video surveillance of different levels. Some of them are positioned for home use and ensure property protection, while others will be as useful as possible on large objects and enterprises. We recommend to familiarize yourself with all the above options to choose the best and start organizing the capture of video from installed cameras.

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