Why in classmates is not put "class"


Why in classmates does not put a class

One of the options for the demonstration of the post approval or what he fell in the shower is to press the "Class" button in a social network classmates. After that, the record you like starts displayed in a personal profile tape. However, some users faced with difficulties when using this function. Most often, when clicking does not occur at all any action. Next, we suggest familiarizing yourself with all the well-known methods of eliminating this problem.

We solve problems with clicking on the "Class" button in classmates

The difficulty may be associated with the incorrect work of the browser or directly social network. If it lies on the server side, it will not be able to decide it until the administration will do. Errors inside the browser are corrected by the user itself. First of all, it is recommended to restart the page by ignoring caching, which is carried out by using the Ctrl + F5 key combination. In the case of non-response, you will need to refer to the following instructions.

Method 1: Disable advertising blocker

Now almost every user in the browser is installed one of the available advertising blockers. He simply hides unnecessary content, freeing his eyes from unnecessary information and obsessive proposals. However, sometimes similar tools work against the user itself, blocking the basic scripts of the used sites, which can also cause the "Class" button to break. If you have one of these blockers installed, you will need to turn off its work in classmates, after which it was necessary to check whether the problem was solved. Intelligent guidelines on this topic are looking for in individual articles from other authors by clicking on the links listed below.

Disable advertising blocker in the browser to solve problems with the class button in classmates

Read more:

Disable Adblock in popular browsers

Disable advertising blocker in Yandex.Browser

Method 2: Enabling JavaScript in the browser

The installation feature of classes in classmates, like many other built-in tools, works through the use of scripts written in JavaScript. They will be correctly executed only in cases where the web browser allows it, that is, the standard JavaScript plugin is in the mode on. Therefore, we advise you to check this setting through the browser menu and, if necessary, turn it on. In different web browsers, this feature is in separate menus. Therefore, use the instructions suitable for your program.

Enabling JavaScript support in the browser to solve problems with a class button in classmates

Read more: Enable JavaScript in popular browsers

Method 3: Cleaning Cache and Cookie

Accelerate page download and quick access to specific data are feasible thanks to the use of cache and cookie in the browser. The first technology stores complete or partial copies of pages, which allows you to open them instantly when accessing. We spoke about bypassing caching at the beginning of the article, when we considered the Ctrl + F5 combination. In turn, cookies remember small fragments of data using personal settings for identification, storing personal settings or tracking one session. If these technologies have retained initially incorrect code, there will be problems with clicking on the class. Therefore, it is recommended to clean the cache and cookie, and then check the effectiveness of this method. To deal with the performance of this operation you will be helped by our other articles further.

Cleaning cache and cookies in the browser to solve problems with the work of the button class in classmates

Read more:

Cleaning cache in browser

Removing Cookies in Yandex.Browser / Opera / Mozilla Firefox / Google Chrome

Method 4: Update or Replacing Browser

If you have an outdated version of the browser on a computer, it is required to update it faster, because difficulties can occur not only with the classes setting, but will also be manifested when performing any other actions. This is due to the fact that the developers are moving to the use of other technologies or critical changes that are compatible only with the latest veneer versions. Therefore, we advise you to use the latest program builds.

Browser update to solve a problem with a class button in classmates

Read more: Updating popular browsers

In addition, the problems can be caused by a failure in the work of the browser itself, while in another similar to the "Class" button will work normally. Do not forget to check and this option, going to your page on the social network classmates using another browser.

READ ALSO: Browsers for Windows

Above you have been familiar with the four methods of solving the mentioned error. As you can see, try them all will not be difficult, and the decision will be discovered quite quickly. However, if nothing helped, most likely the problems arose on the server of classmates, so it remains only to wait for correction. Appeals to support service here are unlikely to help, since practice shows that in most cases they remain unanswered, and not notifications are not coming after applying.

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