How to remove the self-diagnosis of hamachi


How to remove the self-diagnosis of hamachi

Many users involve Hamachi for different purposes, in the details of which we will not immerse yourself today, since at the moment our goal is to help solve problems when this software does not start, producing self-diagnostics of faults. Of course, in most cases, this operation ends with nothing, because the user must independently search for this error. The leaders presented below will be aimed at ensuring that it is easier and faster to get rid of this nasty problem.

We solve problems with self-diagnostics Hamachi

Almost always, the self-diagnosis occurs due to incorrect work of the services responsible for the correct connection of Hamachi to the network. Because of this, all our attention will continue to solve problems associated with the services that in every way interact with the software mentioned. Let's start with the simplest and effective way, moving in order to more complex and rarely encountered.

Method 1: Launch of the necessary services

From the very beginning, we recommend checking the working capacity of services. You can be confident almost one hundred percent that one of the important parameters is disabled, because, as mentioned above, this situation appears due to the refusal of the work of the services. You can check and run them manually like this:

  1. Run the "Run" utility by holding the Win + R keys combination, where in the input field, enter the Services.msc and press ENTER or OK.
  2. Run a list of services to correct problems with self-diagnostics Hamachi

  3. Lay in the list with the names "Logmein Hamachi Tunneling Engine". This is the main service responsible for the health of the software. Click on the name twice with the left mouse button to go to properties.
  4. Transition to Manage Hamachi Program

  5. Here in the "General" tab, put the start type "automatically" and apply changes.
  6. Enabling the service responsible for launching Hamachi in the operating system

  7. Similar will need to be done with the Windows Management Toolkit service, because it is also directly related to hamachi.
  8. Inclusion Service Toolkit System for Hamachi Working

After making all changes, it is recommended to restart the computer to check the serviceability of the services. If everything decided and the difficulty no longer arose, it means it was in a banal random disconnection. In the event of a re-emergence of difficulties, we advise you to get acquainted with the following options for solving them.

Method 2: Cleaning the system of antivirus

This method is required to perform the users, who, after rebooting the PC, the Windows Management Toolbox service again turned off, and with it, respectively, and "LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine". Often it depends on the action of viruses that captured the device. They need to get rid of available funds - protective programs, that is, antiviruses. Detailed instructions on this topic can be found in separate our material on the following link.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

After successful cleaning the system, re-run the service and check its performance. If it does not help, and "Windows Management Toolkit" is still turned off, go to the method 7, where we consider the restoration of the system.

Method 3: Creating a script to launch Hamachi

Difficulties with the start of the service responsible for the work of Hamachi are often due to banal failures in the program or system, which is not solved by any methods. If you do not want to look for solutions further, create a script that simply run the service again, allowing you to temporarily solve the problem. Such a method is called "crutch" and does not correct the problem itself, and only the time saves you from it.

  1. Go to "Start". Locate "Notepad" through the search and run it on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Launch notepad for creating a Hamachi script

  3. Copy and paste the following content. Just pay attention to the fact that the path to the Hamachi file is default. If you installed the program to another location, change this line to your needs.

    Net Stop Hamachi2Svc.

    Net Start Hamachi2Svc.

    Start C: \ Program Files (x86) \ Logmein Hamachi \ Hamachi-2-ui.exe


  4. Creating content for the Hamachi Script Script

  5. Then through the "File" menu, go to "Save As".
  6. Saving a script to successfully launch the Hamachi program

  7. Set the appropriate name, and specify the .cmd as file format. Select any convenient location for this script.
  8. Saving a Script for Hamachi Working

  9. Run it in the case when you want to go to Hamachi. First, the console will appear on the screen, where the stop and starting service will be completed, and the application itself will turn on.
  10. Starting the script to normalize the work of Hamachi

However, if there is a desire to completely and forever get rid of the problem, we advise you to study the methods below, because they often turn out to be quite effective.

Method 4: Security Setup EXE File

Sometimes the difficulties with the launch are caused by an insufficient level of access, which receives the EXE file of the software under consideration. The fact is that with low trust, the program will not even get access to its own service, which has established to the system. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor this setting by following the following actions:

  1. Go to the folder where Hamachi was installed, and right-click on the executable file that is responsible for starting.
  2. Go to the context menu of the Hamachi executable

  3. In the menu context that appears, select "Properties".
  4. Go to the properties of the Hamachi executable file

  5. Move into the Safety tab.
  6. Go to the Security section of the Hamachi executable file

  7. Here make sure that the system, administrators and users have full access. If it is not, click on the "Edit" button.
  8. Go to editing access to the Hamachi executable file

  9. Select each profile and check the "Allow" checkbox near the "Full Access" item.
  10. Adjusting access level for Hamachi

After that, do not forget to apply the changes. Note that these actions are performed solely from the administrator account. If you have not yet entered this profile, do it as demonstrated in our next material.

Read more: Use the Administrator account in Windows

Method 5: Setting up Hamachi

Sometimes a service responsible for Hamachi's performance simply turns off by itself. It happens because of the conflicts of the OS and software, but is solved by a banal restart. You can configure it to automatically, using the configuration of the parameters, which looks like this:

  1. Find in the LogMein Hamachi Tunneling Engine service list and double-click on it with LKM.
  2. Go to the Hamachi program service settings

  3. Move into the Restore tab.
  4. Go to the Hamachi Program Recovery Settings

  5. Here, set the values ​​of all failures to the "Restart Service" status, and also make sure that the "error meter reset through" is 0, and the following parameter is 1. After that click on "Apply".
  6. Set Hamachi Service Recovery Settings

Now the service will automatically reboot immediately as soon as it turns off. This will allow you to quickly reanimate the situation and start using Hamachi without transition to self-diagnostic mode.

Method 6: Reinstalling Hamachi with a registry cleaner

If none of the methods listed above did not bring any result, we turn to more radical options. The first is to complete the removal of hamachi and further cleaning the registry, which will allow you to reset absolutely all parameters. Deployed uninstallation instructions can be found in the material below.

Read more: How to completely remove Hamachi

Now let's discuss how after deleting to clear the registry, because quite important parameters are usually there, which can again lead to failures.

  1. Run "Run" (Win + R), where we suck regedit and click on ENTER.
  2. Go to the registry editor to delete Hamachi values

  3. In the Registry Editor, click on the Edit section and select "Find".
  4. Go to the search for Hamachi by registry editor

  5. Set the search parameter by specifying the name of the program, and start finding.
  6. Enter the name Hamachi in the registry editor

  7. Delete all the values ​​found.
  8. Delete all Hamachi values ​​in the registry editor

After that, it is necessary to restart the computer to then re-install the software.

READ ALSO: How to Clear Windows Registry from Errors

Method 7: System Restore

This method is recommended for the use of those users who are experiencing problems with the running of the Windows toolkit. Usually, malicious files are affected on it, and even if after it is deleted, the problem did not leave, it means that you need to restore the standard values ​​of the operating system, returning important files there. To deal with the implementation of this operation will help another material on our website, where everything is painted as clear as possible and in detail.

Read more: Windows restore options

After eliminating all problems, you can safely switch to the use of Hamachi. We offer to familiarize yourself with the entire functionality of this provision in another article, which is a visual benefit for novice users.

Read more: Using Hamachi Program

Now you know about the methods of correcting self-diagnosis in Hamachi. This error is not always solved in a couple of clicks, but it is still possible to cope with her by attaching certain efforts.

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