How to make Invisible nickname to the incentive


How to make Invisible nickname to the incentive

Not just users playground Steam might notice that some users instead of the nickname empty space. Repeat the same, pointing a certain number of spaces, it is impossible, because the system will return back to the previous nickname. You will need to use a specific combination of characters, the image of the code.

Making the nickname transparent on Steam

It should be noted immediately that periodically block the developers how to create invisible nickname, for example, a popular method previously Alt + 255 on the numeric keypad does not work. Therefore, the users, who want to design your profile outside the box, constantly have to look for different methods of performing the task.

  1. The easiest way to perform change their nickname, expanding the window with a list of friends by clicking on the down arrow after your current nickname and selecting "Change your profile name."
  2. a change in the transition profile name on Steam

  3. In the window that opens, delete and paste written that further in parentheses: (᠌᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌ ᠌). Click "Submit".
  4. The process of changing nick invisible in Steam

    You can control the length of the invisible nickname by erasing part of it or increasing it.

  5. The result - a blank space instead of a nickname to the incentive, and in games.
  6. Result nickname change in an invisible Steam

  7. The same can be done by editing your profile in the running client or through a browser. Open your page, click "Edit Profile."
  8. The transition to the profile editing in the browser on Steam

  9. Paste the copied earlier symbol scrolls down the page to the bottom and click "Save Changes." The result is the same - invisible nickname everywhere.
  10. The result of the change in the nick invisible Steam

During these simple manipulations, you can at any time change the nickname on the invisible, further copying it from the history of their names.

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