How to make pages in the Word


How to make pages in the Word

Need to add a new page in the Microsoft Word text document occurs not so often, since as you set the text or insert elements, they appear automatically. At the same time, faced with the task of the direct insert of the "pure sheet", do not everyone know how to do it. Today we will talk about her decision.

Inserting pages in Word

The most obvious and, it would seem, a simple way to add a new page to the Word text document is to install the cursor at the beginning or end of the text, depending on which side you need to add "clean canvas", and then press the "ENTER" key up to of that moment until the desired result is obtained. The solution is elementary, but definitely not the most faithful and convenient in its implementation, especially for those cases when you need to add at least several empty pages. Read further to learn how to do it right.

Option 1: Blank page

You can add an empty page in the Word using the insert tools, and thanks to the unequivocal name of the necessary tool you definitely do not miss it out of sight.

  1. Click the left mouse button at the beginning or end of the text, depending on where you need to add a new page - before the available entries or after them.
  2. Go to the "Insert" tab and in the page toolbar, find and click the "Empty Page" button.
  3. Empty Wanderent Button in Word

  4. The new page will be added at the beginning or end of the document, depending on which you initially placed the cursor.
  5. Blank page Added in Word

    This is so easy to solve the task voiced in the title of this article. If you set the cursor in an arbitrary place of text, the blank page will be added right between those symbols that will be left and right from the carriage.

Option 2: Page break

Add a new sheet in Word can also be using a page break. It is still faster and more convenient than using the "empty page" element, but not without reservations (about them at the end). A similar solution to the above is also available.

  1. Install the mouse cursor at the beginning or end of the text, before or after which you want to add a new page and press "Ctrl + Enter" on the keyboard.

    Place for cursor in Word


    On this finish, now you know how to add a new page in Microsoft Word, as well as how if necessary, make a break page.

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