Matte or glossy screen - what to choose if you are going to buy a laptop or monitor?


Matte or glossy screen
Many, when choosing a new monitor or laptop, are asked about which screen is better - matte or glossy. I do not pretend to the role of an expert on this issue (and in general I think that I have not seen on my old CRT monitor Mitsubishi Diamond Pro 930 by any LCD analogue), but I still tell you about my observations. I will be glad if someone exposes in the comments and your opinion.

In most reviews and reviews about various types of coverage of LCD screens, it is not always clearly voiced about the fact that the matte display is still better: let the colors are not so living, but can be seen in the sun and in the presence of multiple lamps at home or in the office. Personally, I seem more preferred glossy displays, since I do not feel problems with glare, and color and contrast is clearly better on glossy. See also: IPS or TN - What matrix is ​​better and what are their differences.

In my apartment I found 4 screens, while two of them are glossy, and two are matte. All use a cheap TN matrix, that is, it is not an Apple Cinema Display, not IPS or something like that. The following photos will be just these screens.

What is the difference between the matte and glossy screen?

In fact, when using one matrix in the manufacture of the screen, the difference lies only in the type of its coating: in one case it is a glossy, in the other - matte.

Photo of glossy and matte screen

The same manufacturers have in the line of their products monitors, laptops and monoblocks with both types of screens: possibly when choosing a glossy or matte display for the next product somehow estimated the likelihood of its use in various conditions, I don't know exactly.

It is believed that on glossy displays a more saturated image, the contrast, deeper black. At the same time, sunlight and bright lighting can cause glare that interfere with the normal operation behind the glossy monitor.

Matte and glossy displays

The matte screen coating is anti-glare, and therefore work in bright lighting for such a type of screens should be more comfortable. The reverse side is more dull colors, I would say, as if you look at the monitor through a very thin white sheet.

And what to choose?

Personally, I like glossy screens in the quality of the image, but at the same time I do not sit with the laptop in the sun, I have no window behind my back, I turn on my back at my discretion. That is, I do not feel problems with glare.

Laptops with glossy and matte screens

On the other hand, if you buy a laptop to work on the street in different weather or a monitor to an office, where many daily lighting lamps or point lamps, the use of a glossy display may not really be comfortable.

Completing, I can say that I can advise little here - it all depends on the conditions in which you will use the screen and your own preferences. Ideally, before buying trying different options and see what you like more.

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