How to add a string to Word table


How to add a string to Word table

Microsoft Word has a practically limitless set of tools for working with documents of any content, whether text, numeric data, diagrams or graphics. In addition, you can create and edit tables in the program. The latter often implies an increase in the size of the created object by adding lines to it. About how to do it, tell me today.

Method 2: Mini panel and context menu

Most tools presented in the "Layout" tab and providing the ability to manage the table created in the Word, there are also in the context menu called on it. By contacting them, you can also add a new string.

  1. Place the cursor pointer to the cell of the string, above or under which you want to add a new one, and then click the right mouse button (PCM). In the context menu that opens menu, hover the cursor to the "Paste" item.
  2. Calling the context menu to insert a string in a table in Microsoft Word

  3. To the submenu, select "Insert strings from above" or "insert line strings below," depending on where you want to add them.
  4. Select an option for adding a new string to a table in Microsoft Word

  5. A new line will appear in the table location of the table.
  6. The result of adding a new string to a table created in Microsoft Word

    You may not pay attention to the fact that the menu called by pressing the PCM contains not only the usual list of options, but also an additional mini-panel, which presents some tools from the tape.

    Additional mini panel in the context menu of the table in Microsoft Word

    By clicking on the "Insert" button on it, you will open the submenu from which you can add a new line - for this, the option "Paste from above" and "Paste below".

    Adding new rows through a mini-panel of the context menu of the table in Microsoft Word

Method 3: Insert control element

The following decisions are inherently different interpretation of access to the "Rows and Columns" section, represented as on the tape (tab "Layout") and in the context menu. You can add a new string and without causing them, literally in one click.

  1. Move the cursor pointer space crossing the vertical left border and the boundaries of the strings between which you want to add a new one, or on the top or lower border of the table, if the string must be inserted there.
  2. Adding a string in Word

  3. A small button will appear with the image of the "+" sign in the circle, to which you should click to insert a new line.
  4. New line in Word

    The advantages of this method of expanding the table we already designated - it is intuitively simple, understandable and, more importantly, instantly solves the task.

    Lesson: How to combine two tables in Word


Now you know about all possible options for adding rows to a table created in Microsoft Word. It is easy to guess that the columns are added in the same way, and earlier we have already written about it.

See also: How to insert a column in the table in the Word

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