How to change the language in Vaiber on the computer


How to change the language in Vaiber on the computer

Single access to all the possibilities of Viber for Windows can only be obtained when the application interface language is known to the user. If it happened that the names of the functions and the control elements in the messenger are signed on the language incomprehensible to you, you should not despair - the situation is easily corrected.

Change Viber Interface Language for PC

By default, the Windows Installer for Windows during its work determines the localization of the OS and sets the appropriate language as used in the interface of the messenger client. At the same time, the user can at any time choose the transfer of the application that it is needed.

Option 1: Activation window

When you first after installing, the launch of the wiber for a computer demonstrates a window with a QR code designed to activate the client, without which the further operation of the messenger in the WINDOVS environment is not possible. Already at this step you can change the language of the application interface.

  1. Click on the drop-down list located at the top of the Viber Activation window (contains an image of the flag).
  2. Viber for Windows drop-down list to select the interface language in the Messenger Activation window

  3. By using the mouse wheel, scroll through the displayed list of available application interface and locate the right language.
  4. Viber for Windows Select an application interface language in the Messenger Activation Window

  5. After clicking on the name of one of the localization in the menu, all elements of the interface of the messenger will be instantly translated. In the future, the Viber client application will continue to function in the selected language.
  6. Viber for Windows How to Switch the Messenger Interface Language at the Activation Stage

Option 2: Application Menu

If the Vaiber on a PC / laptop is already activated and functions, but it became necessary to change the language of the client application interface, one of two action algorithms can be chosen.

Main window Messenger

  1. Deploy the fourth partition in the menu bar of the Viber's main window menu.
  2. Viber For Windows Section in the menu bar of the Main Window of the application where the interface language change option is poured

  3. Position the mouse cursor on the third top view of the displayed list, which will unfold the drop-down menu.
  4. Viber for Windows Item in the application menu, allowing you to change the messenger interface language

  5. Select the desired location in the list and click on its name.
  6. Viber for Windows Item in the application menu, allowing you to change the messenger interface language

  7. On this, the switching language on which all the interface elements of the messenger are completed.
  8. Viber for Windows Switching An Application Interface Language Completed

Screen "More"

  1. Click on the image of three points in the main VIBER window for PC.
  2. Viber for Windows Transition to the screen still in the application

  3. Open the "Settings" section is the penultimate list of the list in the field of the program window, designated by the "Six" icon.
  4. Viber for Windows Transition to the Messenger Client Application Settings

  5. In the next window, click on the drop-down list in the title of which there is an image of the flag.
  6. Viber for Windows Calling a list of interface languages ​​in the Messenger Settings window

  7. Select the desired language, the scroll of the mouse available using the mouse wheel and clicking on the name of the translation.
  8. Viber for Windows Switching the program language in the messenger settings

  9. Now the interaction with the Vaiber application for windows should not cause any difficulties, and the settings window can be closed.
  10. Viber for Windows Completing the Messenger Interface Language


As you can see, change the localization adapted to use on a computer / laptop version Viber is easy. The procedure can be done very quickly, even if the interface of the messenger appeared in front of you in a completely unfamiliar language.

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