How to put apostrophe in the Word


How to put apostrophe in the Word

Apostrophe is a spelling unbailed sign, having a type of semicolon. It is used in various functions, as well as in an alphabent letter of various languages, including English and Ukrainian. You can put an apostrophe sign in Microsoft Word, and today we will tell about how to do it.

Method 2: Inserting a symbol

If for some reason the method described above does not suit you or, which is also possible, the key with the letter "e" is simply not working, you can add a sign of the apostrophe without its use - through the "symbol" insert menu. It is worth noting that in this case you immediately add exactly the sign that you need, and nothing will need to be deleted, as it sometimes happens to the "E" key, as you do not need to change the input language.

  1. Click in the place of the document where the apostrophe should be, and go to the "Insert" tab.

  3. Press the "Symbol" button, located in the "Symbols" group, and select "Other Symbols" in the drop-down menu.

  5. In the window that will be open, select a set of "letters of changing spaces". The apostrophe sign will be in the first string of the window with these symbols.
  6. Nabor-Bukvyi-Izmeneniya-Probelov-V-Word

  7. Click on it to highlight and click the "Paste" button. Close the dialog box if there is no need to enter characters.
  8. Vstavit-Apostrof-V-Word

  9. Apostrof will be added to the designated document you indicated.
  10. Apostrof-Dobavlen-V-Word

    We recommend at least for the sake of interest and the general development to familiarize themselves with the contents of the "Symbol" section, since in it, in addition to the apostrophe, there is a huge set of other signs and characters that are missing on the standard keyboard, but sometimes so necessary when entering text. This topic dedicated separate article on our website.

    Method 3: Enter and Code Transformation

    If you have familiarized yourself with the above article above, or at least notice that even, in addition to the characters themselves, presented in the insertions of their inserts in Word, they may certainly notice that each of them has its own unique code. It can consist of numbers alone or numbers with latin letters, which, using one of two simple key combinations, can be converted to the desired sign. Knowing this information, you can easily put an apostrophe.


    1. Click in a place where you need to put a spelling sign, and switch to English.
    2. Mesto-Dlya-Apostrofa-V-Word

    3. Enter a special code "02BC" without quotes.
    4. Kod-Apostrofa-V-Word

    5. Do not move from this place and not set the space, press "Alt + X" on the keyboard. This action instantly replaces the code entered by you for the sign of the apostrophe.
    6. Znak-Apostrofa-Dobavlen-V-Word

      As in the case of the insertion discussed above, if you carefully examine at least part (you are interested in) this section of the program, you can learn how to quickly enter certain characters that are missing on the keyboard.

      Lesson: Hot keys in Word


    On this, our small article came to an end. Now you know how in Microsoft Word put an apostrophe sign using a keyboard or a separate text editor menu containing a large set of characters.

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