Search by coordinates on Google map


Search by coordinates on Google map

Geographic coordinates are used to determine the point on Earth. In this case, the planet is accepted for the appearance of the ball, which allows you to determine the longitude, latitude and height. In an era of improving electronic cards, almost each of them allows you to search for space using the input of the corresponding values. Today we would like to demonstrate the execution of this operation on the example of a web service known worldwide called Google Map.

We are looking for coordinates on Google map

There are certain concepts of input coordinates so that the service can disassemble the meanings, but we will talk about it a little later. Now I want to draw your attention to the fact that the following two ways to carry out the task will be presented - through the full version of the site and the mobile application. The principle of action is practically no different, but it is required to take into account the structure of the interface. Therefore, you just have to choose a suitable way and follow these instructions.

Supported input format and converting coordinates

Google's cards are supported by the introduction of coordinates for certain rules that apply to other geographic directions. If you take into account the official guide, then it can be noted that developers recommend adhere to such formats:

  • 41 ° 24'12.2 "N 2 ° 10'26.5" E - that is, alternately indication of degrees of minutes and seconds with longitude and breadth;
  • 41 24.2028, 2 10.4418 - degrees and decimal minutes without longitude and latitude (it is already laid in numbers);
  • 41.40338, 2.17403 - decimal degrees (without definition of minutes, seconds, longitude and latitude).

Sometimes such rules lead to the fact that the user before the start of entering has to be converted to the existing values ​​in one type so that the search can correctly perceive the specified coordinates. The easiest way to use online services that will automatically make calculations will be used. Let's consider a small example of conversion.

  1. Open any younger web resource for conversion and enter values ​​in accordance with the available numbers.
  2. Conversion of coordinates for searching on the website of the Google map

  3. Press the conversion button.
  4. Run the conversion of coordinates to search on the Google map site

  5. Copy the results obtained or translate them first to another latitude and longitude.
  6. Get coordinates after converting for Google Maps

  7. Some site allow you to immediately go to Google maps to search for translated coordinates.
  8. Google Map Site To Display Converted Coordinates

  9. The correct point will immediately display on the map.

Now let's go directly to how to search for coordinates on the service under consideration.

Method 1: Full version of the site

By default, the full version of the Google card site provides more tools and functions, however, in the mobile application there are its advantages. If you have chosen this option, the search should be done in this way:

  1. On the Google Home page, go to the "Maps" section by opening a list of all services.
  2. In the search bar on the left, enter the existing values ​​and press the ENTER key.
  3. Search by coordinates on the Google map site

  4. After displaying the point, you can explore detailed information about it.
  5. Acquaintance with the location of the coordinates on the Google map site

  6. Nothing prevents the route, indicating one of the points with the help of coordinates.
  7. Mailway route at the location found on the Google map site

  8. If you want to know the coordinates of any present area on the map, simply click on it right-click and select "What?".
  9. Show information about the object on the Google Map site

  10. At the bottom, a small panel will appear, where the numbers of coordinates will be marked with gray.
  11. Display the coordinates of the selected object on the Google map site

As you can see, nothing complicated in the execution of search. Here the main thing to adhere to the input rules and indicate the coordinates in one format. Next, the card will independently provide all the necessary information about the found point.

Method 2: Mobile application

Now Many users are used by the Google Mobile Application, since it allows you to find out the schedule of traffic movement, pave any route and use GPS navigation. Of course, embedded functionality will solve the question and with search for coordinates, which is produced like this:

  1. Download and run the application, and then click on the search string.
  2. Enter Coordinates in Mobile Application Maps Google

  3. Enter the coordinates. Just here, it may be necessary to convert because it is not always from a mobile device to specify degrees, minutes and seconds.
  4. Search by coordinates in Mobile App Maps Google

  5. After activation of the search, the location is displayed on the map. It can be studied in detail, share, save, or pave the route using, for example, its location as a point of departure.
  6. Display point in Mobile Google Maps Application

If for any reason, the Google Card service does not suit you or it does not work out to find a given point, we recommend trying the execution of the same operation through the cards from Yandex. Detailed instructions on this topic can be found in the other article on the following link.

Read more: Search by coordinates in Yandex.Maps

Now you are familiar with two methods of finding a place by the coordinate values ​​on Google maps. This will allow you to study in detail the point, determine its exact position relative to other objects or as one of the goals of the route.

See also:

Building a route in Google maps

Turn on the ruler on Google maps

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