How to make big letters in the Word


How to make big letters in the Word

The need to make large letters small in the Microsoft Word document most often occurs in cases where the user has forgotten about the included Capslock function and wrote as some part of the text. Also, it is quite possible that you just need to remove the uppercase letters so that all the text (or its fragment) is written only to the line. In both cases, large letters are a problem (task), which must be addressed, and then we will tell about how to do this.

Method 2: Hot Keys

Most of the main and frequently used text editor tools from Microsoft, in addition to their buttons on the control panel, hot keys are fixed. With their help, we can even quickly make big letters small

Optional: Replacing capital on small capital

In addition to directly changing the register from the line on the capital and vice versa, Microsoft Word allows you to literally make what is indicated in the title of this article - to turn large letters into small, or rather, the usual capital in small capital, thus obtaining the type of drawing, which is called Capel. The symbols obtained as a result of their size will be slightly more lowercase (but less than capital), and their appearance will remain exactly the case that the letters of this register have.

  1. Highlight text, lowercase characters in which you need to replace with small uppercase.
  2. Select text to be converted to small capital in Microsoft Word

  3. Open the "Font" tool group options - for this, you can click on the miniature arrow located in the lower right corner of this block, or use the hot keys "Ctrl + D".
  4. Calling the Tool Tool Settings Window in Microsoft Word

  5. In the "Modify" section, install a tick opposite the "Small Registration" item. The way that the selected text changes can be seen in the preview window "Sample". To confirm the changes made and closes the "Font" window, click on the "OK" button.
  6. Application of small upgraded to the selected text in Microsoft Word

    Now you know not only about how in the Worde to make uppercase letters, but also about how to give them the appearance that was used in handwritten books.

    An example of text recorded with small capital letters in Microsoft Word


In this article, we examined in detail how large letters are small in Word, as well as the type of drawing first to change to the cap.

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