How to make a table in the Word Pad


How to make a table in Wordpad

The simple text editor WordPad is on each computer and a laptop running Windows. This application in all parameters exceeds the standard "notebook", but it certainly does not reach Word, in which you can not only work with the text, but also insert various items from the outside and / or create them yourself. There are also tables, but not everyone knows that it is possible to create them in the standard WordPad application, however, with small reservations.

Method 2: Copying and Inserting from Microsoft Word

As mentioned at the beginning of the article, you can insert objects from other compatible programs in the Wordpad. Thanks to this opportunity, we can add a table from the Word to this simple text editor, but before it is necessary to create it. To learn how this can be done, will help the article below will help, we will proceed to the direct solution of the existing task.

Select table in Word

Read more: How to make a table in word

All that you are required from us, select the table created into the Word together with all its contents by clicking for this on a cruciform sign in the upper left corner, copy it (Ctrl + C), and then insert to the WordPad document page (Ctrl + V) . Ready - there is a table, although it was created in another program.

Insert a table in WordPad

See also: How to copy a table in Word

The advantage of this method is not only in the ease of its implementation, but also how easy and convenient can be changed the resulting table in the future. So, to add a new line, it is enough to establish a cursor pointer at the end of the one to which you want to add another one, and press the Enter key.

Add a string to a table in WordPad

To delete a string from the table, simply select it with the mouse and click "Delete". Similarly, work with columns is carried out. Filling the cells of the data is carried out in the same way as in the Word.

Delete table string in WordPad

By the way, in exactly the same way, you can insert a table created in Excel in WordPad. True, its standard boundaries will initially be displayed, and to go to change them, as well as to fill data, it will be necessary to perform the action described in the first method - double click on the table for opening it in the table processor.


Both methods with which you can make a table in Wordpad, quite simple. True, it is worth understanding that to solve the task in both cases, we used more advanced software. The Microsoft Office package is installed almost on each computer, the only question is, if you have any address to a simpler editor? In addition, if the office software from Microsoft, on the contrary, is not installed on the PC, then the actions described by us are simply not possible.

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