What is GPU acceleration on android


What is GPU acceleration on android

One of the many possibilities present on modern Android devices is the GPU acceleration available in a special system section. In the course of the article, we will tell about what the function and in what cases can affect the work of the smartphone.

What is GPU acceleration on Android

The GPU abbreviation itself on smartphones is decrypted in the same way as on other devices, including computers, and means "graphics processor". Therefore, when accelerating activation, the entire load of the phone moves with the CPU on the video card, is hardly involved in everyday tasks.

Note: During the operation of the described mode, the heating of the phone can significantly increase, but, as a rule, without harmable for components.

An example of a disassembled phone on Android

The main purpose of the GPU acceleration lies in the forced transfer of rendering from the processor of the device on the GPU in order to increase productivity. As a rule, especially if we take into account modern powerful smartphones or tablets and very demanding games, this opportunity will have a positive effect on the speed of information processing. In addition, on some phones you can access additional render settings.

An example of including GPU acceleration in Android settings

Sometimes the situation can be completely opposite, and therefore the inclusion of forced rendering of two-dimensional drawing can cause the impossibility of running a particular application. Anyway, the function can be turned on and disconnected without restrictions, which makes most of the problems are easily solvable. In addition, how can I understand on the above, most applications work perfectly with the GPU-acceleration enabled, allowing you to use device resources to a maximum.

Enabling and shutdown

GPU acceleration can be monitored in a specific section with settings. However, it will take a series of actions to access this page. The procedure was dismantled in more detail in a separate article on the site as follows the following link.

Enable mode for developers in Android settings

Read more: How to enable the section "For Developers" on Android

After switching to the "For Developer" page in the "Settings" system application, use the swipe up and find the "GPU acceleration" item in the "Hardware Acceleration of Visualization". In some cases, the function may have a different name, for example, "rendering forcibly", but almost always remains unchanged description. Focus on it, turning attention to the screenshot below.

The process of including GPU acceleration in Android settings

This procedure will not be a problem, since all actions are easily reversible. Thus, to disable forced rendering, deactivate the item above. In addition, this topic is directly related to the acceleration of the Android device, the details considered by us also in a separate instruction.

The process of optimizing the Android device through the settings

Read more: How to speed up the phone on the Android platform

As can be seen from the information presented in the article, the GPU acceleration on Android devices can be enabled and disabled depending on the specific situation, whether it is launching demanding games or applications. There should be no problems with this due to the lack of restrictions on the function of the function, not counting situations where the default phone does not provide the desired settings.

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