How to update Adobe Flash Player for Yandex.Bauser


How to update Adobe Flash Player for Yandex.Bauser

Flash player update is necessary for the correct and most secure operation. Despite the fact that next year, most popular browsers will refuse to use it, so far it is still constantly updated, so Yandex.Bauser users preferably follow the timely installation of new versions of this plugin.

Install Flash Player in Yandex.Browser

In Yandex.Browser, his work depends on whether it is built into the operating system, and which version of this application. Therefore, no partitions of this web browser will be involved to update. In addition, the update will be relevant for other browsers.

Attention! You can find many sites in the network, which in the form of an advertisement or otherwise impose the update. Never believe this kind of ads, because in most cases this is the work of attackers, which at best added various advertising software to the installation file, and at worst - they infected with its viruses. Download Flash Player updates only from the Adobe official site.

Method 1: Enabling automatic update

This option will save from the need to manually check the need to update, the system will do everything for you. It is enough to activate it once, and then you can always use the actual version of the player.

  1. Go to the "Control Panel" and switch the viewing on the icons.
  2. Go to Adobe Flash Player Settings via Control Panel

  3. In the window that opens, go to the "Update" tab and click on the "Change Update Settings" button.
  4. Changing the update type Adobe Flash Player

  5. From the proposed options, select the first - "Allow Adobe Set Updates". In the future, all updates will come and installed on the computer automatically. When you select "Notify me before installing updates", you will receive a window with a notification available for installing a new version. As a rule, this happens after the PC is turned on.
  6. After the automatic update was selected, close the window with the settings. If the update does not come for some time, additionally execute the second method.

Method 3: Downloading the installer from the official site

At any time you can simply go to the official Adobe website and download flash player from there. It is not necessary to check the version in principle, so if you easier just download and perform an update, simply add the address by reference below to bookmarks and contact it when it becomes necessary. The procedure for obtaining the installer and the installation will be exactly the same as described in the instructions above, starting from step 4.

Go to the official site Adobe Flash Player

Now the flash player of the latest version is installed on your computer and ready to use. If for some reasons after installing the error were not corrected or flash components are not loaded, refer to the article on the link below.

Read more: The main reasons for the fact that Flash Player does not work in the browser

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