Multilia in autocadus


Multilia in autocadus

Multilia is one of the standard built-in AutoCAD software tools, which, until recently, was located in the main ribbon with all other functions. However, the developers considered that it would be better to remove the multilia and all its components from the main panel by filling out the released space with more useful buttons. However, now many beginners and professional users still actively use this feature when drawing up drawings. Therefore, today we want to talk about this concept, show how to return the line on the ribbon and demonstrate an example of creating / editing the elements.

Multilia function in AutoCAD

Multilinia is called a totality of lines located in parallel to each other relative to the guide. The role of the guide is the so-called polyline, near which the user and draws the remaining segments with a certain displacement. This feature is actively used in a wide variety of projects and drawings, for example, when designing walls or roads. At the following image, you see an example of this element.

Example Multiple in the AutoCAD program

Interaction with Multilia in AutoCAD

Above, we briefly disassembled the very concept of the object under consideration today. Now it's time to talk about its use. Conditionally divide the contents of the material into several simple instructions that will help in mastering the function and allow you to quickly learn how to control multilinia.

Return to the main ribbon

As already mentioned earlier, Multilia was removed from the main ribbon. Therefore, it is worth starting with the return of all related components to the main panel, if, of course, you are going on an ongoing basis to use them. The whole procedure is to edit the user interface, which looks like this:

  1. Run the autocadus and go to the Management tab.
  2. Go to the interface settings in the AutoCAD program

  3. Here, click on the "User Interface" button.
  4. Opening custom settings in the AutoCAD program

  5. Make sure that the workspace you need is activated.
  6. Select the active working space in AutoCAD settings

  7. Then expand the list called "Tape".
  8. Select the tape element to configure the AutoCAD program

  9. Open "tabs" and select "Home - 2D".
  10. Opening tabs in the tape element for autocad settings

  11. It is best to place multilia in the "Drawing" section, since it is this action that it performs. Highlight this directory and in the panel browse window, click on the last button.
  12. Select the last tool in AutoCAD tape

  13. It will be automatically moving to the last row. Now you should find the Multilia buttons. To do this, in the list of commands, start typing name.
  14. Search for Multilia tools to add AutoCAD to the program

  15. You will need only two commands from the "Multilia" list and "Multi-Multi Styles". The editing of multiline is easier to exercise a little different method, which we will talk about, so adding this command is not at all necessary. Hold the string with the left mouse button, boot the object outside the window, then lift up and place the string to the latest tool. Such actions are needed so that the list of rows accidentally does not flew down when the cursor is hovering. Then you will have to seek the open directory.
  16. Adding multilinia tools to the AutoCAD program

  17. Do this and do the remaining teams.
  18. Successful addition of multilinous tools in the AutoCAD program

  19. In the Preview window of the panels, you will see that the new buttons have been successfully added. Upon completion, click on "Apply" and boldly close this window.
  20. Saving changes after adding multilinia tools to AutoCAD tape

  21. Move again to the "Home" section, where in the "Drawing" category, locate Multi Tools.
  22. View Multylinia Added Tools in AutoCAD

As you can see, all actions are performed literally in a few minutes. Now you can manage the lines much faster, edit them and change properties.

Creating multilia

The main process performed with the tool under consideration is precisely the creation of multilia relative to the existing guide. To do this, it should already be created, and the dimensions must also be known. We take a small project of a double wall for an example, and you, pushing out from what they saw, embody the operation in your drawing.

  1. In the screenshot, the guides are visible for future multilios. In your case, it can be absolutely any layout that will help in creating the following elements.
  2. Creating guides to add cartultin in the AutoCAD program

  3. In the "Drawing" section, click on "Multi-Multi Styles" to go to the creation.
  4. Transition to multilony styles in the AutoCAD program

  5. Create a new style by clicking on the corresponding button.
  6. Creating a new style for multilia in the AutoCAD program

  7. Ask him the name. It should be borne in mind that it is impossible to use spaces. It is best to share words by the lower underscore. After setting the name, click on "Continue".
  8. Choosing a name for Multilia style in the AutoCAD program

  9. In case of need, specify the description of the style, as well as add ends and fill. This is not the most important effect, so it will not stop on it, but we will immediately move on to the items.
  10. Installation of the Multilia Style Description in the AutoCAD program

  11. Now you need to enter a shift in millimeters. Negative value goes left, and positive is right. Here, repel from the existing size of the drawing.
  12. Setting Multiwashing Values ​​in AutoCAD

  13. If required, add the required number of displacement elements.
  14. Adding additional elements to AutoCAD Multilia Style

  15. However, do not forget that for each line you need to set the appropriate displacement size.
  16. Editing Additional Multilia Elements in AutoCAD

  17. At the end of the configuration, exit the setup window, select Style, click on "Set" and then on "OK".
  18. Application of changes in Multilia style AutoCAD

You can create such styles to create an unlimited quantity by setting different displacement values ​​and adding the required items. In the "Multi-Multi-Style" section, the preview window is located at the bottom, so it will be enough to find a suitable style at the right moment. Now let's talk about how to apply the style to the drawing.

  1. Expand the "Drawing" section and select the "Multilia" tool there, which we have previously added by editing the tape.
  2. Choosing Multilia for Further Drawing in AutoCAD

  3. To start, set the main location by clicking on the inscription on the command line.
  4. Selection of Multilia Location for drawing in AutoCAD

  5. We will be repelled from the center, therefore we will specify this type.
  6. Selecting the location in the center for further drawing multilios in AutoCAD

  7. Next, it is important to set the correct scale.
  8. Choosing Multi-Multiple Scale for Drawing in AutoCAD

  9. In most cases, it is 1: 1, so you write the number 1 in the console.
  10. Manual Signing for Drawing Multiple in AutoCAD

  11. Start drawing multilia, adding the required number of points.
  12. Creating multilia points in the AutoCAD program

  13. When you come to an end, you will need to close the drawing. You can do it yourself and on your own, but it is best to use an automatic function that will perform everything as correct as possible.
  14. Completion of Multilia drawing in AutoCAD program

In the same way, the desired number of the most diverse multilios is created in the drawing using different styles and location options. The instruction is above called only to demonstrate the foundations of creating on the most accessible example, because the circle of using such elements is very wide, and the potential is unlimited.

Editing Multilia

Previously, we already taped the theme editing multilios when the tools of this function were added to the tape. As it was said, switching to changing the choice of the corresponding button is inconvenient. Everything is much easier.

  1. Twice click on the left mouse button on the available Multilia on the workspace.
  2. Go to editing Multilia in AutoCAD program

  3. The editing tool window will open, where several examples of the location change can be seen, such as the "angular joint" or connection through "closed T". Select the option that is required for the current change.
  4. Acquaintance with Multilia Parameter Editing Tools in AutoCAD Program

  5. Mark two multilia in the drawing so that the settings automatically entered into force.
  6. Selecting multilios for applying editing tools in AutoCAD

  7. It also uses absolutely all tools for editing joints, angles and connections.
  8. Acquaintance with all multiligning editing tools in AutoCAD

Annotative hatchovka

The last topic we want to affect under today's material is an annotative hatch. It would seem that the hatching does not apply to the topic of multilios, however, the video created is exactly the type of this element. Some users specifically make multilia to create a hatching, although it is far from always comfortable. It is easier to make it as shown below.

  1. To begin with, move in the species screen and adjust the suitable scale so that the shading is displayed correctly at any view. To do this, just increase or reduce the sheet to the optimal value, and then look at what scale is shown to the right below.
  2. Selection of an optimal scale for multilia when creating an AutoCAD hatching

  3. Now in the main workspace, select the scale as close to the previously seen.
  4. Installation of optimal scale Before drawing hatching in AutoCAD

  5. Click on the hatching tool, which is in the "Drawing" section.
  6. Selection of tools for drawing hatching in AutoCAD

  7. Expand the "Parameters" section and go to "Annotative" mode.
  8. Installation of adaptive hatching drawing in AutoCAD

  9. Click on the area within two parallel lines to automatically fill them with a hatching.
  10. Successful hatching in AutoCAD program

Similarly, it will remain fill in all the areas of the drawing, and you can be sure that when the project is changed, no problems with the mapping of hatching will occur.

Lines in AutoCAD are the main objects that are present absolutely in all drawings. Because each user faces the need to create, edit and associate. We encourage beginners to familiarize yourself with some materials, where the principles of basic interaction with lines are clearly shown.

Read more:

How to add line type in AutoCAD

How to combine lines in AutoCAD

How to make a dotted line in AutoCAD

How to trim the line in autocad

Today you were familiar with the principles of using Multilia in the AutoCAD program. It will help in the performance of many details of the drawing of almost any direction. If you are interested in performing other actions in this software, we advise you to learn the training material on this topic by clicking on the link below.

Read more: How to use the AUTOCAD program

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