Programs to disable Windows 10 updates


Programs to disable Windows 10 updates

Disable Windows 10 operating system updates - the task with which many users face. In most cases, this is done through the built-in functionality, which you can read by clicking on the link below, where our author clearly demonstrates all the steps of this procedure. However, this approach does not suit users who want to pick up a third-party tool that in one click disconnect the search for updates in the system. Today, we just want to dwell on such programs, briefly told about the most popular and appropriate options.

See also: Disable updates in Windows 10

O & O Shutup10

We offer to start with a multifunction program called O & O Shutup10. For private users and small companies, it is distributed free of charge, as well as can work in portable mode, which eliminates the need for installation. All options for this application are focused on the disconnection or activation of various system services, get rid of which without the use of third-party means is hard. Here you will find privacy protection options, you can restrict access to geolocation, disable antivirus, configure interaction with applications and system updates. Just the last and interests us. The update configuration in O & O Shutup10 occurs through a separate module where there is a number of different parameters, including full automatic download of files and disable updates from other branded products from Microsoft. The principle of the structure of the window in which the setting takes place, you see in the screenshot.

Using the O & O Shutup10 program to disable Windows 10 updates

The main feature of O & O Shutup10 is the ability to export your settings as a separate file. This will help save any configuration or transfer it to another computer for further recovery. This will be especially useful. This will be the users who installed through this software a huge number of parameters and is afraid of reset to default settings. As for the disconnection of updates, we have already talked about them above, and more in this on the functions associated with this component are not available. We propose about the rest in more detail in the review on our website by clicking on the button located below.

Win Updates Disabler.

The name of the program Win Updates Disabler already speaks of its main purpose. The creators have added here only the options needed to manage updates, as well as some auxiliary tools that we will talk about a little later. Now let's deal with the disconnection of updates. This for this task is made in the same way as in all other representatives of today's material. You just run the application, find the "Disable Windows Updates" item and mark it with a check mark. The changes made will take effect immediately, but we advise you to restart the PC in order to accurately stop the search or download file if the update center has already launched this process.

Using the Win Updates Disabler program to disable Windows 10 updates

Of course, if only one function was in the program, which is responsible for the banal shutdown of updates, it would definitely not use such popularity, so manufacturers added more items that turn off the built-in defender, firewall and security center. If some of these items need to activate again, simply move to the "Enable" tab and do it. There is nothing more in Win Updates Disabler, so we suggest go to the official website and download this solution to quickly cope with the task.

Download Win Updates Disabler from the Official Site

Spybot Anti-Beacon

The main purpose of the next program called Spybot Anti-Beacon is blocking tracking and telemetry services in the Windows operating system. However, on board the application there are and additional auxiliary options intended for disconnecting updates and perform other actions related to the update center. This includes the delivery optimization feature that allows other users to exchange new files via the Internet. Spybot Anti-Beacon allows you to redirect traffic and create a convenient system for a local network, which will provide access to the installation of new files without preloading them through Microsoft servers.

Using Spybot Anti-Beacon to disable Windows 10 updates

There are no additional options related to the SpyBot Anti-Beacon, and the remaining tools are designed specifically to configure privacy and privacy, which will be problematic through the built-in windows functionality. There are quite a lot of opportunities in this software, therefore, in detail, about each of them within the framework of today's article simply will not work. Instead, we advise you to explore the information on the official website, where the Creator provides all the necessary information and descriptions. We also note the paid distribution of software without the presence of a trial free version. Purchase products only after studying absolutely all tools and made sure that Spybot Anti-Beacon is suitable for permanent use.


Win10 Spy Disabler is another thematic application in which a huge number of most different features are collected for disconnecting or activating various standard operating system settings, which includes tracking user actions, automatic launch of standard applications, services, privacy parameters, and so on. If you want to disable the automatic installation of updates via Win10 Spy Disabler, you need to move to the "Experts only" tab, where there is an appropriate item responsible for this action. All settings will be applied automatically, so you do not even have to restart the computer.

Using Win10 SPY DISABLER to disable Windows 10 updates

All changes made can be quickly canceled using a specially designated button, however, it is worth considering that absolutely all settings will be reset. Additionally, the manufacturer recommends installing another brand name that performs the VPN functions. They argue this with additional enhancement of privacy, and allow you to view the current IP address directly from the main program window. Win10 SPY DISABLER is distributed free, and also has a portable version, that is, after loading the executable file, it can be immediately launched without prior installation. Detailed information about each present parameter, as well as instructions for using them, you will find on the official website by clicking on the link below.

Download Win10 SPY DISABLER from the official site


The W10PRIVACY program deserves a place in this article, because it does not just allow you to disable automatic updates, but also provides information about the updates already installed and allows you to suspend their work or removed at all. All this happens through a separate module, where in addition to the code names of the updates, there is information about the size, the download date and even a brief description of the developers. The transition to this module is carried out via the "Windows Updates" menu, where other parameters associated with this component of the operating system are present. For example, you can connect to a sided server from software developers to download update files from there, cancel the search for driver updates or prohibit location detection when downloading files to the built-in center.

Using W10Privacy program to disable Windows 10 updates

All options that are not associated with Windows 10 updates are divided by thematic tabs for ease of use. You can switch between them and put the ticks opposite the parameters you want to disable. Upon completion of the configuration, only click on the "Apply Changes" button. Separately, we note the presence of the Russian language interface, which will be extremely useful for some users, because the parameters with long names in W10Privacy are really a huge amount and it is not always possible to translate them yourself. The auxiliary information about each item will be displayed and when you hover the mouse cursor, where a detailed description from the developers will appear in the pop-up menu.

Windows Privacy Tweaker

Windows Privacy Tweaker is free software whose basic functionality is focused on managing the registry and services. Yes, there are many of the most diverse items here, however the creators did not try to implement all the available operating system settings, since this is not necessary for all users, besides, many of them are disconnected literally into one click and without the use of third-party solutions. Instead, Windows Privacy Tweaker added parameters responsible for configuring privacy and Microsoft data transmission, which is required to take into account during the selection of such an application.

Using the Windows Privacy Tweaker program to disable Windows 10 updates

The principle of operation of Windows Privacy Tweaker is that the User manages the registry services and keys, removing or installing ticks opposite the corresponding items to disable or activate the settings. The same is done with the service center service. If you need to turn it off, just remove the checkbox and apply the changes. If necessary, you can configure the activation or shutdown by schedule by going to the Scheduler tab and selecting the appropriate time or event.

Ashampoo Antispy.

The following program is called AShampoo Antispy and is also designed to disable spy functions in the operating system. Immediately we note the reasons why this decision fell into our material. For managing updates, there are as many three points. The first allows you to disable the automatic update of the system components, the second is responsible for drivers and the third prevents user sharing files through the delivery service. To activate these parameters, it will be enough to simply move the corresponding slider in the same way as it happens in other similar applications.

Using AShampoo Antispy program to disable Windows 10 updates

If you are going to use Ashampoo Antispy, activating or disconnecting a variety of settings, we recommend that you create a recovery point with the help of built-in functionality so that in the event of a problem, quickly return the computer to the original state. This software also has advice from the developer who appear when you first start. You can familiarize yourself with their description and immediately disable all the functions that are available in this Recommendation. Now we will not describe all the available options for disconnecting the surveillance and configurations of privacy, as it does not fall into the subject of the article, as well as this information is available in a full-fledged review ashampoo antispy on our website, go to which you can by the following link.

Destroy Windows 10 Spying

Destroy Windows 10 Spying is the penultimate decision of our today's material that has the almost the same set of functions as the applications discussed earlier. Let's immediately focus on the settings you are interested in concerning Windows Updates 10. To do this, in Destroy Windows 10, you need to go to the "Utilities" tab. Here there are a number of buttons responsible for moving to various system components. Note the section "Windows Update". There are only two buttons that deactivate or include the update center. You need to click on "Disable Windows Update" to achieve the desired result. All changes will take effect immediately.

Using the Destroy Windows 10 SPYING program to disable Windows 10 updates

Expanded settings in Destroy Windows 10 Spying are not so much, if you compare it with the previously discussed. However, it is worth paying attention to the blocks of points with the name "Delete". They are responsible for uninstalling embedded components and various applications and are often irreversible, but the developers have provided this and added the "Create a Point Recovery Point" parameter, which will allow you to return the original state of the OS at any time. On the already mentioned "Utilities" tab, you will find additional settings that provide the ability to go to the restoration of Windows, quickly open the "hosts" file for editing or disable UAC. A fully Russified interface will help even the most novice users understand the available points.

Win10 Security Plus.

Above, we have already talked about one of the programs from the same developer, which was called Win10 SPY DISABLER. At the end of the article, we want to stay on Win10 Security Plus to tell about the difference in the set of options. Far in Win10 Security Plus is made precisely on the safety of the operating system, because the parameters present here are allowed to disable the defender, the built-in firewall, account control, automatic updating drivers and system components. Just because of the last two items, it fell into our today's list. You must find the appropriate parameter in the list of available and simply put a tick opposite it to complete the Windows Update Center. Now it will not switch to the active mode until the user cannot change the setting.

Using the Win10 Security Plus program to disable Windows 10 updates

Unfortunately, the Russian language interface in Win10 Security Plus is not, so you have to manually play the translation of all incomprehensible lines to find out for which system configuration they respond. All settings in this application are made within one window, which is also a small disadvantage, because the list of parameters is large and account for a long time to search for the desired item. The rest of the Win10 Security Plus fully complies with similar tools and correctly performs its main task - ensuring the safety during the use of WINDOVS 10.

Download Win10 Security Plus from the Official Site

As can be seen, all the programs listed today are focused on the disconnection of telemetry and allow you to customize privacy, and update management goes as an auxiliary capabilities. Because of this, the application will depend on what kind of toolkit you want to get and will be actively used during everyday interaction with the computer.

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