How to remove awh completely from a computer


AVG program logo

Many users delete AVG antivirus through the standard Windows snap-in, however, after applying this method, some objects and program settings remain in the system. Because of this, during its re-installation there are a variety of problems. Today we will consider how to completely remove this antivirus from the computer.

How to completely delete the AVG program

You can achieve the goal you can be achieved both with third-party resources and built-in system tools, but let's start with a proprietary solution.

Method 1: AVG Remover

The best method of uninstalling the considered antivirus is the official utility from the developer called AVG Remover.

Download AVG Remover from the official site

  1. We run the utility and wait until the system is scanned for the availability of AVG programs in it. After completing the screen displays a list of all versions. We allocate the necessary and click "Delete".
  2. AVG Anti-Virus Removal by AVG Remover Utility

  3. Wait until the tool completes the work. After that, it is advisable to restart the system.
  4. Complete the removal of AVG antivirus through the AVG Remover utility

    The developer utility works quickly, and most importantly, reliably.

Method 2: Revo Uninstaller

The following AVG removal method is to use Revo Uninstaller.

  1. Open the application, highlight the AVG AntiVirus and click Delete.
  2. Start Removing AVG Anti-Virus through Revo Uninstaller Utilities

  3. A standard program delete tool will start - select "Delete", then follow the program instructions.

    Standard Avg Anti-Virus Removal Procedure by Revo Uninstaller Utilities

    On offer Reload the computer to refuse.

  4. Refusal of the reboot during the removal of AVG antivirus through the Revo Uninstaller utility

  5. Next, use the "Tail" scanner. Select moderate mode (it is quite enough), and then click "Scan".
  6. Search for residual data After removing AVG antivirus by means of the Revo Uninstaller utility

  7. The first will appear a list of records in the registry. Consistently click "Select All" and "Delete".

    Removing residual AVG antivirus data via Revo Uninstaller utilities

    In the same way and with the residual files.

  8. AVG Anti-Virus Tail Files Through Revo Uninstaller Utilities

    Close the program upon completion of the work and restart the computer - AVG will be completely removed.

Method 3: Uninstall Tool

Another removal option AVG is the use of Uninstall Tool.

  1. By default, the application opens a list of installed software. Find the AVG record in it and highlight it, then click on the "Uninstall" button on the left side of the window.
  2. Start Removing AVG Anti-Virus through Uninstall Tool Program

  3. The built-in antivirus removal tool will start - follow its instructions.
  4. AVG Anti-Virus Uninstall Uninstall Tool program

  5. Upon completion of the work of the wizard upon removal uninstal, Tool will offer to scan the system. Click OK.
  6. Search for residues after removing AVG antivirus via Uninstall Tool

  7. The process can take some time, so be patient. When scanning is over, a window will open with residual remote antivirus data. Mark the desired positions, then use the Delete button.
  8. Erasing residues after removing AVG antivirus via Uninstall Tool program

    The data will be deleted, and AVG is thus fully uninstalled.

Method 4: Advanced Uninstaller Pro

An alternative to the above-mentioned funds will be the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application - it offers the user a more friendly interface, deep algorithms for searching and erasing residual data.

  1. Run the application and select Sequential items "General Tools" - "Uninstall Programs".
  2. AVG Anti-Virus Removal Type Using the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application

  3. A list of software will be displayed. Highlight the AVG position in it and press "Uninstall" in the right side of the window.

    AVG Anti-Virus Removal Start Using the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application

    You will need to confirm the operation - click on the "YES" button. Make sure that the point of use of the scanner of residual files is marked.

  4. AVG Anti-Virus Removal Confirmation using the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application

  5. Follow the manual of the uninstaller to get rid of the main part of the program.
  6. AVG Anti-Virus Uninstallation via Advanced Uninstaller Pro

  7. Upon completion of the wizard, the search will automatically begin searching. Upon completion, a list of residual data will be displayed. Select the desired (or rather, not necessary) and click "Next".

    Cleaning residues after removing AVG antivirus via the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application

    After removing all AVG residues, click "Done" - work with Advanced Uninstaller Pro is over.

  8. Complete the removal of AVG antivirus using the Advanced Uninstaller Pro application

    As you can see the considered tool more conveniently managed than Revo Uninstaller and Uninstall Tools.

Method 5: CCleaner

In the CCleaner application, there is also a means to remove program, which is associated with an additional functionality represents the advanced solution of our today's task.

  1. Open the application and go to the "Tools" items - "Delete Programs".
  2. Open uninstalled antivirus removal AVG via CCleaner

  3. Highlight AVG (once click on the left mouse button), then use the "Uninstall" button.
  4. The beginning of the removal of AVG antivirus by CCleaner

  5. Again the standard program uninstaller joins the case, the algorithm of working with which is exactly the same as for all other third-party applications to remove.
  6. Typical removal of AVG antivirus via CCleaner

  7. After deleting the main program, open the "Standard Cleaning" tab, on which you use the "Analysis" button - it will start the residual data search tool.

    Cleaning residues after removing AVG antivirus via CCleaner

    When the search is over, you only have to highlight the "tails" left after AVG, and click on the "Cleaning" button.

  8. Start removing residues after removing AVG antivirus via CCleaner

    CCleaner is not as convenient as specialized third-party uninstallasts, but powerful tools for finding residual data (which is critical when removing antiviruses) with more than compensate for all inconvenience.

Method 6: Systems

The task can be solved and without the use of third-party means - snap-in "Programs and Components" in all versions of Windows or through "Parameters" in Windows 10.

Programs and components

The universal method is to use the standard Windows Application Manager.

  1. Call the "Run" using the Win + I key combination and enter the AppWiz.cpl command to it.
  2. Open programs and components to remove antivirus AVG systemic agent

  3. Next, we find our antivirus, allocate it and use the "Delete" button.
  4. Start removal of antivirus AVG systemic means

  5. We delete it with the standard way, after which go to the registry cleaner (read further).

Removing AVG Anti-Virus through programs and components

"Parameters" Windows 10

On the "dozen" you can use the means for uninstalling programs available through a new parameter management tool.

  1. Press the Win + I key combination, after which in the "Parameters" window, select the "Application" position.
  2. Open applications in Windows 10 parameters to remove antivirus AVG systemic agent

  3. Wait until the system generates a list of installed programs, then find AVG in it, highlight and click on the "Delete" button.

    Start removing antivirus AVG system tools through parameters

    To start the removal procedure, press the same element.

  4. Confirm the start of removing antivirus AVG system tool through parameters

  5. An antivirus removal master will open - exactly execute the actions of the program.
  6. Removing Anti-Virus AVG system tools through parameters

    Restart the computer, after which go to the residual data cleaning step.

Cleaning registry

After deleting the main program, you should delete it from the registry.

  1. Open the "Run" menu in which enter the REGEDIT command.
  2. Call the registry editor to search for residues after removal of AVG antivirus

  3. After starting the "Registry Editor", press F3, then in the search field, write AVG and click "Find Next".
  4. Search for remnants of the program in the registry after removal of AVG antivirus

  5. A directory will be detected in the branch of the records. Highlight it, right-click, and in the context menu, select the option "Delete".

    Erasing the remnants of the program in the registry after removing Antivirus AVG

    Confirm deletion.

  6. Confirm the erasing of the remnants of the program in the registry after the removal of AVG antivirus

  7. Press F3 and remove all associated with AVG by step 3. After the entries are no longer left, close the application and restart the machine.


So we reviewed all the most popular ways to complete the removal of the AVG anti-virus system from the computer. This is especially convenient when reinstalling the program. The procedure takes just a couple of minutes, and on its completion, you can reinstall the antivirus re-or put another.

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