How to set up pay phone on Android


How to set up pay phone on Android

Today, many smartphones are equipped with not only the basic functions, but also a variety of options, among which there is NFC-chip for contactless payment. As a result, the device can be used for contactless purchases at compatible terminals. In the course of instruction we will explain how to set up an Android phone to perform this operation.

Set up billing for Android phone

Before reading the instructions first of all need to produce a scan of the smartphone in the presence of the desired option in the settings. This can be done in the process of inclusion of NFC-chip, in any case, need to configure the contactless payment in the future. This procedure has been described in detail in our separate instructions on the example of the most recent versions of OS.

The process of inclusion of NFC functions in Settings on Android

Read more:

How do I know whether the phone NFC

The correct inclusion of NFC on Android

Method 1: Android / Google Pay

Platform for Android, as well as many pre-installed services that belong to Google, and because most of the devices with this operating system properly supports Google Pay. In turn, using the application can be set up and pay phone using the plastic card of one of the many banks.

  1. Set up billing phone via Google Pay can be simply tied a plastic card to the Google account within the app. To do this, after starting the program, go to "Maps" and click "New card."
  2. The transition to a new card in Google Pay binding application

  3. Then click "Start" to continue and confirm the binding of the card using "Add" button at the bottom of the screen. As a result, the field will be displayed on the page to enter card details.
  4. The process of binding a new card in Google Pay on Android

  5. In the absence of a binding error is complete, sending and subsequently entering the confirmation code. To use a non-contact transfer of funds, ensure the successful inclusion of NFC-chip and bring the device to the terminal payment.
  6. Successful binding maps on Android Google Pay

Previously submitted application has another name - Android Pay, is still used in some sources. Currently, however, it has become a substitute for Google Pay, while the above-mentioned option is not supported and can not be downloaded from the Play Store.

Method 2: Samsung Pay

Another popular option is Samsung Pay, the default is available to each owner of the Samsung brand device with a built-in NFC chip. As before, the only thing that needs to be done to enable the type of payment under consideration is to bind and confirm the bank card in the application of the same name. At the same time, consider, depending on the version of the OS, the appearance may differ slightly.

  1. Open the Samsung Pay application and mandatory execute using the Samsung account. The account will be required to be additionally protected by one of the convenient ways that can be done by simply following the standard instruction manual.
  2. The process of adding an account in Samsung Pay on Android

  3. After completing the preparation, on the main page, click on the "+" icon with the subscription "Add". Alternatively, you can use the same button in the main menu.

    The process of adding a new map in Samsung Pay on Android

    After that, the screen should appear to scan a bank card using the camera. Make it, aligning the card properly or tap "Enter Manual" link to transition to an independent instruction of the details.

  4. At the final stage of the binding, send a confirmation code to a telephone number attached to the plastic card and specify the figures received in the "Enter Code" block. To continue, use the "Send" button.
  5. Sending code in Samsung Pay on Android

  6. Immediately after this, set the virtual signature on the "Signature" page and click the Save button. On this procedure should be considered complete.
  7. Successful binding card for contactless payment in Samsung Pay

  8. To use a card in the future, it is enough to bring the device to the terminal with contact contact payment and confirm the transfer of money. Of course, it is possible that only when the NFC option is enabled in the phone settings.

This method is an alternative to Google Pay for Samsung branded devices, but does not prohibit simultaneously use both options for contactless payment. In addition, together with these applications, you can use some other, although less popular applications like Huawei Pay.

The only mandatory requirement for devices is to support NCE technology. Only, according to this requirement, contactless payment parameters will be available in Yandex.Money, regardless of the version of the OS and the phone model.

Method 5: QIWI Wallet

Another popular online service and the application is QIWI, which allows you to make contactless payment directly with one of the special virtual cards. Describing the setup and binding procedure in this case is not required, since, as opposed to Yandex and other solutions, the default feature is included on QiWi maps:

  • "PayWave";
  • "PayWave +";
  • "A priority";
  • "TeamPlay".

Additionally, you can read the need to activate the function of contactless payment in the QIWI card settings supporting such a method for transferring funds. During the payment process, the default confirmation requires only one.

Download Qiwi Wallet from Google Play Market

Ability to use contactless payment in QIWI wallet

If you wish, use the QIWI card for binding to Samsung Pay or Google Pay by analogy with other banks. The same can be said about Yandex.Money and some other similar services, we will not consider which we will not be due to minimal demand and differences.


Separately, it is worth noting that if you have several payment methods at once, you may need to choose the main application in the NFC inclusion process. In addition, each solution contains a number of settings, which we did not become, but many of them can be useful, and you should study them yourself.

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