Windows 7 does not see computers on the network


Windows 7 does not see computers on the network

Now many computers within a local network connected with each other, so you can use files, directories and peripherals to be shared. To implement such a connection can be in the operating system, Windows 7. However, some users have experienced such a problem that the other PCs on the network simply not visible. Because of this broken process file sharing. Corrected this situation in different ways. About all of them and will be discussed in the framework of today's material.

Solve problems with displaying computers on the network to Windows 7

Before the start of the consideration of the following methods we recommend to make sure that the LAN has been configured correctly. Many users are not aware of the intricacies of this particular configuration, and therefore miss the important steps that lead to the emergence of similar problems today. All necessary information and detailed illustrated manual can be found in our other article by clicking on the link below, we also begin to address the problems with the display of a PC on the network that have arisen after the correct configuration of your home or working group.

Exactly the same operation needs to be done on all other PCs that fall within your home or working group. Make sure that all of them have the same name for the group, and if necessary, change it as shown above.

Method 2: Change of shared parameters

If you have not read the material that we recommended at the beginning of this article, you may not know that the organization carried out a shared issuance of special permits for editing and reading files. Additionally, network discovery also included. Let's get acquainted with it, because the check sharing settings require absolutely on each device.

  1. Reopen the "Start" and go to "Control Panel".
  2. The transition to the control panel to open the Network Control Center in Windows 7

  3. Here, look for the category "Management Center Network and Sharing Center."
  4. Opening the Control Center Network and Sharing Center in Windows 7

  5. On the left pane, look for "Change advanced sharing settings."
  6. The transition to a shared network settings on your computer in Windows 7

  7. Make sure that the appropriate marker marked points, including network discovery and provides access to files, folders and printers.
  8. Enabling network discovery and in Windows 7, sharing options

  9. Upon completion do not forget to apply the configuration by clicking on "Save changes."
  10. Application settings after making changes to Windows 7 sharing options

Do not forget that this setting should be accomplished completely on all PCs that are in one network. For confidence, it is also better to restart the car to update the configuration.

Method 3: Checking the Routing and Remote Access Service

Unfortunately, all the above actions will not bring absolutely no result if the "Routing and Remote Access" service is in a disconnected state. Usually, when creating a local network, it immediately goes into an automatic start-up mode, but it does not always occur. Therefore, it is recommended to perform such steps:

  1. Return to the main section "Control Panel" and find "Administration" there.
  2. Transition to the Administration tab to launch services in Windows 7

  3. In the window that opens, move in the "Services" menu.
  4. Running services through the Administration menu in Windows 7

  5. Location "Routing and remote access" list. Double click on this parameter to open its properties.
  6. Transition to activation of the routing and shared service in Windows 7

  7. You need to make sure that the "Start Type" value is set in automatically mode. If this is not the case, select this option manually.
  8. Selecting the type of Routing and Sharing Service in Windows 7

  9. After applicable settings.
  10. Apply settings after making changes to the type of service in Windows 7

  11. Now the "Run" button is activated. Click on it, and the service will be enabled. It will save from the need to restart the computer.
  12. Running service after changing the type of startup in Windows 7

Method 4: Applying Console Commands

This method involves combining several actions to one, since all of them are performed through the "command line". Together, they will be performed much faster and more correct. You will also need to use the administrator account on all computers that are connected to the local network and where this option will be used.

  1. Open "Start" Find and press the PCM on the "Command Line" icon.
  2. Opening the context menu to start the command line through the Start in Windows 7

  3. In the displayed context menu, select "Run from the administrator".
  4. Run a command line on behalf of the administrator in Windows 7

  5. Use the commands alternately listed below to reset the network settings and the firewall.

    Netsh int ip reset reset.txt

    Netsh Winsock Reset.

    Netsh Advfirewall Reset.

  6. Reset network rules and firewall via the command line in Windows 7

  7. Insert the Netsh Advfirewall Firewall Set Rule Group = "Network Discovery" New Enable = YES command. It will add a ruler for a firewall that allows you to detect this PC on the network.
  8. Enter a command to add a common access rule for Windows 7 firewall

Method 5: Temporary Disable Firewall and Anti-Virus

Sometimes various problems with the local network and shared access are associated with the unusual rules of standard firewall or antivirus, which have been added by the user intending, by chance or they set out the default. Check if these funds are really to blame for the error, you can, temporarily disconnecting them. Detailed instructions on these topics are looking for in our other materials by clicking on the links below.

Disconnect the firewall in Windows 7 to correct problems with shared access

Read more:

Disable Firewall in Windows 7

Disable antivirus

If it turns out that some of these components are really to blame for a problem, you can leave them in a disconnected state, but it is not recommended to do this. In the case of a firewall, it will be necessary to configure it, and the antivirus is better replaced by better.

See also:

Configure firewall on a computer with Windows 7

Antiviruses for Windows

Today we disassemble the main reasons why computers running Windows 7 do not see other PCs within the local network. You also have only to check all the options presented to find one that will help you to get rid of this problem forever.

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