Error "Some parameters are set by your system administrator 'in Windows 7


Error "Some parameters are set by your system administrator 'in Windows 7

Means to ensure the security of the PC - Firewall, "Defender" and "Update" - are the most important components of the system. In some cases, users can not change their settings due to the fact that all the lists of blocked and switches, and in the upper part of the window flaunts a message of the form "Some parameters are set by your system administrator." How to solve this problem in windose 7, we discuss in this article.

Locked settings in Windows 7

About what is happening, we are told by text message itself. This means that either the account, the entrance to which is carried out at the moment, is not an administrator or change some system settings or registry policies.


administrator rights

The first thing you should note is that, out of which the operations are performed whether the account administrator privileges. If not, you should log in to another "uchetku" or change existing settings.

The transition to a change in Windows 7 account

Read more:

How to change the user account in Windows 7

How to get admin rights in windows 7

Settings "Update"

To solve the problem by changing the necessary parameters in two ways.

Method 1: Editing policy

The versions of "Seven", "Professional", "Maximum" and "Corporate" has snap "Local Group Policy Editor." It contains parameters that define the behavior of the system. This facility is important and is above all others settings tools. Among other things, it also can manage and update options.

Method 2: Registry Editing

If you can not use the previous tool, perform the following steps:

  1. Open system registry editor any of the methods set forth in an article by reference below.

    Read more: How to open a registry editor in Windows 7

  2. Go to the branch

    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ Policies \ Microsoft \ Windows

    Right click on the list

    Windows Update

    and select the item "delete".

    The transition to the removal of section Windows Update Registry in Windows 7

    In the dialog box, confirm the action by pressing "Yes".

    Confirm Key Delete Windows Update Registry in Windows 7

  3. Reboot your computer.

Settings "Defender"

built-in anti-virus settings can be found in the same section, "Local Group Policy Editor", as well as in the system registry.

Method 1: Editing policy

Here, just as in the case with the "Update", check the status of the parameters ( "not specified"). Changing the values ​​produced by a similar algorithm.

Check Windows Defender parameter values ​​in the Group Policy Editor Windoiws 7

Method 2: Registry Editing

In the Registry Editor (See above.) We are interested in the branch


and section

Windows Defender

It must be removed and reboot the machine.

The transition to the removal of section Windows Defender registry in Windows 7

firewall settings

Firewall system management settings is somewhat different from the previous components.

Method 1: "Local Security Policy"

Parameters embedded firewall "lie" in a snap "Local Security Policy". It is available in the same versions windose as the "Local Group Policy Editor." You can reach it by following the instructions described in the article below.

Read more: How to open the "Local Security Policy" in Windows 7

  1. Unveiling the section "Firewall with Advanced Security", right click on the specified object and go to its properties.

    Transition to configure the firewall settings in the Local Security Policy in Windows 7

  2. The tabs profiles ( "Common Profile" "Detached profile" and "domain profile") in the block "condition" expose value "Not defined" in all three drop-down lists. Click "Apply".

    Configure the firewall settings in the Local Security Policy in Windows 7

Method 2: Registry Editing

If your version of windose this equipment not found in the Registry Editor (See above.) Branch


remove section


After removal of the reboot.

Transition to remove Windows Firewall section of the registry in Windows 7


In conclusion, it is worth mentioning about the factors that lead to changes in the above mentioned settings. If this is not done the administrator or you are the sole user of PC, you need to think about a possible virus attack. In such cases, an urgent need to perform a system check and eliminate pests.

Read more: Fighting computer viruses

In a situation where the parameters have been changed is the system administrator, it is better to contact him and to specify the reason. Perhaps their actions you will significantly reduce network security and would be in danger not only to your PC, but also other users of the machine.

Read more