How to use the browser torus on android


How to use the browser torus on android

One of the most popular and in-demand anonymous surfing programs on the Internet is a TOR web browser, available on many platforms, including Android. This application combines both VPN and a full-fledged Internet browser with a large number of familiar functions. In the course of the article we will talk about the right and fairly effective use of Tor Browser on smartphones.

Using Tor Browser on Android

As it was said, the browser provides an impressive number of functions, each of which one way or another affects the work of the browser or the built-in VPN. You can get acquainted with the full overview of this application in a separate article on the site (Link just below).

Installation and Connection

Unlike other browsers for the phone, where the installation of which does not require any additional actions, the launch of Tor Browser looks somewhat more complicated. To avoid problems at the current stage, try to accurately follow the instructions. In addition, despite compatibility with all versions of Android, use it best for newer operating system releases, starting with fifth.

  1. Open the official browser page in the Google Play Store and use the Set button. The download procedure will take some time, after which the application must be opened.

    Installation and opening process Tor Browser on Android

    After completing the installation and opening the application, first of all, pay attention to the page with the program settings. Currently, you can enable or disable Internet censorship, which will also affect the efficiency of work.

  2. Settings on the start page in Tor Browser on Android

  3. Return to the main page Tor Browser and click the "Connection" button at the bottom of the screen. After that, a message will be displayed for a successful connection to the network.
  4. Start connecting to Tor Browser on Android

  5. To track each connection step, use swipe left. The represented page will be displayed detailed information about the operation of the Internet browser, including possible errors.

    An example of an error and a successful connection to Tor Browser on Android

    The connection procedure will surely take an impressive amount of time, however, it is not necessary to keep the browser open to successfully complete. In addition, information about the operation of the application is easy to see with a widget in the field of notifications.

    Status Connecting to the Tor Tor Browser on Android

    When the connection is installed, the main window will load, exactly copying another popular Mozilla Firefox web browser. From this point on, traffic will be encrypted, and previously blocked sites will be available for viewing.

  6. Successful connection to the network Tor Browser on Android

On the Android platform Web browser torus for a long period of time is in the status of Alpha, because of which problems can be observed. Especially often this feature occurs during installation and first connection. Therefore, it is worth considering that for a successful connection, it may be necessary to repeat the procedure described.

Search system

  1. By analogy with any browser, the torus allows you to use the address bar to quickly search through the relevant systems. The default search is changed in the "Parameters" section by switching to the Search section and select one of the items.
  2. Go to the searchable search in Tor Browser on Android

  3. To install a new search engine, you will need to confirm through the pop-up window. In addition, you can easily add your own search engine if it is missing for some reason in the list presented.
  4. Default search in Tor Browser on Android

Slide restriction

  1. Using the built-in browser parameters aimed at privacy, it is allowed to limit the tracking carried out by most websites on the Internet. To do this, in the settings, tap the "Privacy" line and turn on the option "Do not track".
  2. Transition to privacy settings in Tor Browser on Android

  3. Here it is also possible to limit the automatic saving data to the web browser, for example, so that it does not remember the active sessions on the resources visited. It is recommended to enable "tracking protection" and put a tick in the "Delete Data Delete" row.

    Turning off the surveillance in Tor Browser on Android

    Due to the described actions, you will secure personal data on most sites, including social networks.

Delete data

  1. If you want to use a constant browser and disconnected the automatic data deletion feature, it is possible to clean yourself. To do this, in the Options section, tap Delete My Data and mark the desired categories.
  2. Go to deleting data in Tor Browser on Android

  3. To complete, click the Delete Data button at the bottom of the pop-up window and wait for the procedure.
  4. Delete data in Tor Browser on Android

Confidentiality settings

  1. If you are not enough to protect the browser, go to the main menu and select "Security Settings". On the page that opens is additional confidentiality settings.
  2. Go to security settings in Tor Browser on Android

  3. To strengthen the security level on the network, use the crawl workshop by selecting one of the values. It is best to install an average option, so the maximum confidentiality strongly limits the content on the resources visited and often prevents the correct load.
  4. Selection of privacy level in Tor Browser on Android

On this we complete the change in settings. Due to the proper approach to editing parameters, it is possible to achieve a browser sufficient level of convenience for both temporary and permanent use.

Internet surfing

Since Tor Browser is a full-fledged web browser, much different from other options, in the process of working in it the main functions are unlikely to have any questions. However, in short, we still pay attention to the functioning of the address string and tabs.

  1. The main part of the application is the address string, which can be used to specify a direct link to the page on the network and search queries. In the second case, the search will be performed in accordance with the settings from the previous section.
  2. Using the address string in Tor Browser on Android

  3. To open multiple pages immediately and quickly switch between them, click the above icon on the top panel of the browser. Through this section, the transition to any open page or closing it is available.
  4. Using the tab menu in Tor Browser on Android

  5. As part of the browser under consideration, the function of privacy is not particularly important, but it can also be used through the tab menu. When you activate the "Incognito" mode, the browser will not remember the data, despite the privacy parameters.
  6. Incognito mode in Tor Browser on Android

The described features should be enough to work with the browser without any problems. If there are still difficulties, ask questions in the comments.

Work with additions

The last possibility directly affecting the use of Tor Browser is in the built-in extension support from the Mozilla Firefox store. Due to this, for example, you can install an advertisement blocker or any other addition from a full-fledged browser.

When using extension store, take into account that each installed supplement directly affects the reduction in the security level. If you add a large number of plugins at once, the browser will not be able to guarantee confidentiality on the Internet.


We tried to consider all the main and most important aspects directly related to the work of the web browser and the preservation of confidentiality. For the application to work stably, disconnect the browser periodically and restart the Internet connection.

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