How to disable system sounds in Windows 7


How to disable system sounds in Windows 7

The Windows 7 operating system is famous for its sound accompaniment. Some users like activity may irritate, so they wish to disable system sounds. Fortunately, the developers provided it and provided the appropriate tools.

Turn off system sounds

All sound support "Seven" can be configured through a special snap-in available in the "Control Panel".

  1. Open the "Start" in which click on the "Control Panel".
  2. Open the control panel to disable system sounds on Windows 7

  3. After starting the "Control Panel", expand the "Display" drop-down menu and select the "Large icons" option, then find and open the "Sound" item.
  4. Select equipment and sounds to disable system sounds on Windows 7

  5. Go to the "Sounds" tab - it will receive a selection of sound circuits (the same menu), as well as a thin manual alerts in the "Software Events" block. The last will stop in more detail.
  6. Settings System Sounds To Disconnect on Windows 7

  7. If you browse the available list, it will become clear that you can configure a notification of almost all actions: the inclusion of the OS, the accompaniment of an error or warning, folding or turning out windows, etc. Algorithm for disabling one or another sound is the same for all items, so we show it on the example Events "Shipping Windows". First of all, select the appropriate item, then remove the box next to "play the Windows Turning Melody".

    Remove sound playback to shut down on Windows 7

    Next, refer to the "Sounds" item, expand its menu and select the "no" option in it.

  8. Remove the melody from the item to disable system sounds on Windows 7

  9. In the same way, turn off the system sounds of all other items (alas, but it is not stipulated by all over the system). Having done this, click on the "Apply" and "OK" buttons.
  10. Confirmation of system sounds on Windows 7

    Check, the procedure has successfully passed, for example, by performing a reboot of the computer. In most cases, sounds must be disabled.

Equipment "Equipment and Sounds" is not available

Sometimes the task disabling system sounds is complicated - the sound of the sound simply does not open (without error messages or with them). Consider the most common causes of this problem and the methods of solving it.

  1. First of all, it is worth checking if the drivers are installed on the computer sound equipment - as the practice shows, the most often with such a problem are users who forgot to establish the required software.


    Lesson: Installing Sound Card Drivers

    If the drivers are installed and already updated, the possible source of the problem lies in the new software version. In this case, you should try to fulfill their rollback.


    Read more: How to make rollback drivers

  2. The second option is found on computers with two and more accounts - for one reason or another, the account you want to disable system sounds, does not have access to the settings. The only known solution to the problem will re-create the recording.

    Read more:

    How to delete an account on windows 7

    Creating a new Windows 7 account

  3. The third reason, due to which the described failure is observed - the update is set to KB319095. The fact is that after that, the executable file of the mixer snap is transferred to the location other than the System32 folder in the Windows System Catalog, which leads to an error with the opening. To solve this problem, open "Start" and write a SoundVol32.exe query in search - this will find the file shown in the screenshot below. Highlight it, right-click, then select "Open File Location" in the context menu.

    Find file snap on Windows 7 to access sounds

    If a folder has opened at * System disk * / Windows 7 / System32 - excellent, the problem is not in this. If any directory is open other than the file being mentioned, the file in question must be copied from it to the designated directory.

  4. Move the snap file to Windows 7 to access the sounds.

  5. A situation is also possible when the components of the equipment under consideration were damaged for one or another reasons. First of all, you need to exclude the effect of malicious software - for this, make a complete test of the computer for viruses.


    Lesson: Fighting Computer Viruses

    Further, regardless of the results of the analysis for viruses, it is worth conducting the procedure for checking the integrity of system files. With a large probability, some of them will be damaged, so immediately proceed to recovery.

    Read more:

    Checking the integrity of system files

    Restore system files

  6. The steps described above should help you cope with the problem.


So, we reviewed the method of disconnecting system sounds in Windows 7 and considered the problem solving in the case when the sound control means does not open. Finally, we note that the disconnection of system sounds is not recommended on computers, which enjoy visually impaired people.

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