Kernel Data Inpage Error on Windows 7


Kernel Data Inpage Error on Windows 7

Many users of operating systems at least once in their lives came across the advent of the blue screen of death (BSOD). It may occur both when running a computer and when performing any actions on it. The message displayed on the screen in such situations contains a code or a detailed description of what happened, from which the user remains only to explore this information and look for a decision, pushing out the available information. Today we would like to talk about the error with the title "Kernel Data Inpage Error" in Windows 7. Next, you will be familiar with the main causes of this problem and learn about all available methods of solutions.

Error Solutions "Kernel Data Inpage Error" in Windows 7

The appearance of the mentioned blue screen of death indicates that a fatal error occurred, due to which it is impossible to continue working in the OS without a pre-reboot. "Kernel Data Inpage Error" occurs in cases where the request sent to the kernel has not been loaded into RAM or shown to the hard disk. The main suspects are the RAM and the installed drive, since this relationship occurs between them. However, the software problems should not be eliminated. If BSOD appears when you try to start Windows and you can't load it, immediately go to the methods of diagnosing components, and we recommend to start with the software from the software, starting with a simple first and moving to more complex and specific.

Method 1: Checking free space on the system section of the drive

Error loading the core page query in memory is very often related to the ending site on the hard disk or SSD system section. Not all users can now go to bulk drives that allow you to store absolutely all the information. Therefore, exclude this option from the list of possible causes is impossible. If you have to start the OS, we recommend immediately go to the "My Computer" section and view how much free space remains on the C disc, where C is the letter designation of the system volume.

Checking free disk space to correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

If you detect the ending space, you can simply delete unnecessary programs or files that store in this location. It should be borne in mind that the disposable folders and objects on the desktop are also stored in the system volume. If it was not detected by superfluous and documents, we advise you to familiarize yourself with the individual material on our website by clicking on the link below. There, the author summarizes several ways to make it possible to make a place on the drive using certain settings and additional actions.

Read more:

How to clean the hard drive from garbage on windows 7

We release a disk space in Windows

Method 2: Setting the paging file

The slow RAM with a minimum amount of free memory sometimes does not cope even with the most common tasks, and if an additional load is set to some kind of core or component, a banal departure from the operating system session with the appearance of "Kernel Data Inpage Error" failure. You can check this cause by connecting virtual memory, that is, the paging file. Even if it is already included, make sure that the size is optimal. Read more about this topic in another article further.

Read more: Definition of optimal swap file in Windows

As for the direct inclusion of the paging file, it is carried out through the built-in windows functionality literally in several clicks. You only need to go to the appropriate menu, activate the option, set the file size you need and restart after this PC. When starting a new session, all changes will take effect and it is possible that the blue screen of death with the error under consideration will never disturb you anymore.

Connecting the paging file to correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

Read more: Creating a paging file on a computer with Windows 7

Method 3: Installing the latest Windows updates

Not all users leave the Windows Update option in automatic mode, and some at all after installation have never installed none of the available updates. Often the absence of important components and leads to departures, brakes and the emergence of various blue screens of death. Therefore, we recommend not to neglect innovations and quickly install them all, since almost every important update carries fixes and means of compatibility with new components and programs. Standard search for updates looks like this:

  1. Open "Start" and go through it in the "Control Panel" menu.
  2. Go to the control panel to correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

  3. Here, select the "Windows Update Center" category.
  4. Go to the update section to correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

  5. Run the update check by pressing the left mouse button along the corresponding button.
  6. Update System To Fix the Kernel Data InPage Error error in Windows 7

All other actions will be performed in an automatic background. You only need to not turn off the computer and do not interrupt the Internet connection. Upon completion of the operation, a notification of the PC restarting will appear on the screen. If you still have questions about this topic or during the update there were some additional problems, read the auxiliary materials below.

Read more:

Updates in the Windows 7 operating system

Manual installation of updates in Windows 7

Solving problems with installing Windows 7 update

Method 4: Driver Update

Above we touched upon the topic of updates, so it is not necessary to bypass the side and software components. For the normal interaction of the OS with installed hardware, both built-in and peripherals, always requires the availability of the current version of the driver. We have already talked about the fact that the appearance of Kernel Data Inpage Error may be associated with software problems. Often they are just and consist of conflicts between drivers and Windows. You only need to check the availability of updates for your devices absolutely in any convenient way. With a list of all existing options for installing updates, you can find further.

Driver Update To correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

Read more: Driver Update on Windows 7

Method 5: Checking the integrity of system files

Now we are approaching the completion of the methods of methods that can be related to the software failures of the operating system. The penultimate option is to check the system files on their integrity using the built-in Windows Console Utilities. First you need to start scanning via SFC. This will help identify major problems, and after they will be immediately corrected.

Checking the integrity of system files to correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

Read more: Restore system files in Windows 7

The SFC utility above allows you to cope only with the most basic problems consisting in minor damage to some files responsible for the stability of Windows. However, with more global problems and this tool can complete its error scanning. This leads to the need to pre-launch a DISM - a more global check. After successfully running this tool, run SFC again. Expanded DISM Usage Guides can be found in another article by clicking on the link below.

DISM startup command on the command prompt

Read more: Restoring damaged components in Windows 7 with DISM

Additionally, it should be noted that the integrity of system files is not violated. Most often it is associated with careless actions of users, manipulations from the established software or due to viruses. You can learn about all the programs installed in the system yourself by going to the "Programs and Components" section through the "Control Panel" section, but to determine the threats can not do without auxiliary means in the form of antivirus. After recovering data through the above utilities, be sure to scan the entire PC for viruses, and when they are treated or deleted.

Anti-virus utility for the treatment of Kaspersky Virus Removal Tool

See also: Fighting Computer Viruses

Method 6: Cleaning and restoring the registry

The last program option, about which we will talk within the framework of today's article is to clean and restore the registry. The fact is that the registry keeps many important parameters and keys responsible for the correct operation of the operating system. When it is clogged or occurring errors, problems may appear, leading to blue screens of death. The easiest way to make the task with third-party software are easily. Fortunately, his search on the Internet will not be difficult.

Cleaning and restoring the registry to correct the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

Read more: How to Clean Windows Registry from Errors

Method 7: Verification of RAM on working capacity

At the beginning of the material, we talked about the fact that sometimes the problem with the advent of Kernel Data Inpage Error is associated with a violation of the operations. The first to suspicion gets the RAM. To begin with, use the Banal Council - stick the dip in another free connector on the motherboard or change them places if there are several slats. After that, run the computer and make testing. If BSOD never appears anymore, then the problem has concluded in a small failure of RAM. Otherwise, it will be necessary to produce other methods of checking the component for performance, as read further.

RAM checking for correcting the Kernel Data Inpage Error error in Windows 7

Read more: Check RAM on a computer with Windows 7

Method 8: Checking the drive for performance

The second equipment associated with the error under consideration performs the role of the drive and is implemented in the PC as an HDD or SSD. First of all, we still recommend removing the side cover of the housing and check the SATA connection. Make sure that the wire is tightly sits in its connector both on the motherboard and on the device itself. Then make sure of its integrity and correct all the bends if they are present. You can connect the disk to another wire or the connector on the motherboard, and after that it is necessary to test the OS testing on the correctness of the functioning. For a more global test check, you will need to resort to third-party means and special actions.

Read more:

Checking disks for errors in Windows 7

SSD performance check

Check hard disk for performance

Now you are familiar with the Methods of Correction with the BSOD "Kernel Data Inpage Error". As you can see, there are a large quantity, and finding the right one will be the easiest way by busting. If none of them brought any result, it will be necessary to restore the operating system or to establish it again. We advise you to pay attention to reinstalling Windows to those users who have just downloaded an image from third-party sources and installed it.

See also:

Restoring the system in Windows 7

Return of the factory settings of Windows 7

Re-install windows 7 without disk and flash drives

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