Cleaning DNS Kesha in Windows 7


Cleaning DNS Kesha in Windows 7

Some problems with Internet access on a computer running Windows 7 can be solved by cleaning the DNS server cache. Users, especially inexperienced, often not even represent how this procedure occurs. In fact, everything is more than just.

How to clean up DNS.

Clearing the cached server data can be manufactured by both third-party solutions and built-in tools.


There is a combined solution to eliminate a variety of problems with a network adapter, which is called Netadapter Repair All in One.

Download Netadapter Repair All in One from the official site

  1. The installation utility does not require, so just run the executable file after unpacking the archive.

    Run Netadapter Repair All in One To clean the DNS cache in Windows 7

    Please note that this is necessary on behalf of the administrator.

  2. Netadapter Repair All in One for cleaning the DNS cache in Windows 7

  3. In the main window of the running tool, locate the "Flush DNS Cache" button and click on it.
  4. Select the DNS cache cleaning option in Windows 7 in Netadapter Repair All in One

  5. Wait until the utility works, after which you restart the computer.
  6. There is no difficulty in using NETADAPTER REPAIR ALL IN ONE, but it should be resorted to it only as a last resort.

Method 2: "Command Line"

The second method is to use system tools running through the "Command Line".

  1. Open the "Command Line" with the authority of the administrator. You can do this through the search string presented in the Start menu.

    Open command prompt to clean the DNS cache in Windows 7

    Lesson: Opening the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator

  2. When the interface is downloaded, enter the following command to it:

    Ipconfig / Flushdns.

    Check that data entry is correct, then press the ENTER button.

  3. Enter the command to clean the DNS cache in Windows 7

  4. It is also recommended to restart the DNS service, commands are answered:


    Net Start DnScache.

  5. Restart service for cleaning the DNS cache in Windows 7

  6. After that, close the "Command Line" and restart the computer to apply changes.
  7. The DNS cache cleaning system is the optimal solution to the task, which we recommend using.

Solving some problems

Often, the removal of cache DNS is accompanied by those or other problems. We describe the most frequent and consider the methods to eliminate them.

Error "Cannot Clear DNS Recognizer Cache: Function Performance Error"

Very often the following problem is manifested - an attempt to enter the data reset command leads to an error. It means that the relevant service does not work on the computer and it is necessary to activate manually.

  1. Click the Win + R key combination, then suck the Services.msc command and click OK.
  2. Open services for solving problems with DNS cache cleaning in Windows 7

  3. Next, in the list of services, find the position "DNS client" and double-click on it with the left mouse button.
  4. Configuring the launch of the service to solve the DNS cache cleaning in Windows 7

  5. The properties window will appear. Refer to the Start Type unit - it must be selected "automatically".

    Autostask service for solving problems with DNS cache cleaning in Windows 7

    If after selecting the specified item, the service is not started, use the "Run" button.

  6. Manual startup service to solve problems with Cash Cleaning DNS in Windows 7

    After making changes, close all windows, restart the computer, then use one of the instructions above.

The system cache is cleared, however, problems with access to sites / sites did not disappear

In the case when the cached DNS data is correctly deleted, but the problem that has tried to solve this procedure is not eliminated, the following should be performed:

  1. To start, check whether the site is available at all - you can check with one of the special services, for example,

    Site check resource for solving problems with DNS cache cleaning in Windows 7

    Download page

  2. Next, try to enter the site from another browser - if it opens correctly, most likely, the problem is mostly an online browser, or rather, in its own cache. The solution is very simple - you should clear the data saved by the program.

    Read more:

    Cleaning cache in browser

    How to Delete Cache in Google Chrome, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Yandex.Bauser, Internet Explorer

  3. It is also possible that the resource to which you want to access, for one reason or another is not available in your country. In this case, you can use a VPN connection.


    Lesson: Configuring a VPN connection in Windows 7


Now you know how to clean the DNS cache on a computer with Windows 7. Also the above suggestions will help you cope with possible problems.

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