How to run the service policy of diagnostics in windows 7


How to run the service policy of diagnostics in windows 7

During any events on users' computers, the "Diagnostics Policy Service" is turned out. Because of this, it is not possible to start the built-in tool created to search and correct system errors. Next, we will look at how you can enable this service and what to do if it fails to activate in the usual way.

Enabling "Diagnostic Policy Service" in Windows 7

Most often, this service turns out to be turned off for two reasons: due to the inept attempt to optimize the user's operating system and poor-quality assembly. As a result of the first cause of users who decided to speed up the operation of the OS by disconnecting the services, they were turned off on ignorance. The second reason includes a variety of concentrated images of Windows 7, where their amateur authors often try to turn off everything in a row to make the system as easy as possible even for weak machines. In rare cases, since it practically does not depend on the work of the remaining components of Windows, its shutdown occurs itself. One way or another, it can be included without much difficulty even when problems occur.

Method 1: "Services"

It is logical that if we have a problem element, it is necessary to manage it through the built-in tool.

  1. The combination of the Win + R keys call the "Run" window, write there Services.msc and confirm the input.
  2. Running service application through the Run window in Windows 7

  3. Locate the line "Diagnostic Policy Service" and click on it twice LX.
  4. Search for Diagnostic Policy Service in Windows 7

  5. If the startup type is "stopped", change it to "automatically" and click "Apply".
  6. Changing the type of inclusion of the Diagnostic Police Service in Windows 7

  7. After that, the Run button will be available. Click on her.
  8. Startup Diagnostic Policy Service in Windows 7

  9. There will be launch service.
  10. Enabling Diagnostic Policy in Windows 7

  11. Now you can close the window.

Ideally, after this concomitant problems, it should not occur, and the search tool and solving problems should work correctly. If this is not the case - refer to the section of this article, where we tell how to troubleshoot.

Method 2: "System Configuration"

Another way to enable implies the use of the "System Configuration" tool. Here you can also manage services.

  1. Win + R keys, expand the "Run" window, write there msconfig and click "OK".
  2. Starting a computer configuration through the Run window in Windows 7

  3. Switch to the "Services" tab, where to find the "Diagnostic Policy Service", set a tick next to it and click "Apply".
  4. Enabling security policies through computer configuration in Windows 7

It will be prompted to restart the PC or postpone this action for later. In general, it is not required to start this service to run this service, but when some problems appear, it is better to produce it. If this did not help, refer to the instructions below.

Computer reset offer after enabling diagnostic policy in Windows 7

Troubleshooting when starting the "Diagnostic Policy Service"

Not always, you can run the necessary item from the first time, because of which you have to access additional recommendations. Most often, users face that they still receive a window with a malfunction, where including "Error 5: denied access". In addition, an access error may occur already when you try to enable the service through the methods presented above. We understand how to fix it.

Option 1: Checking the status of other services

In addition to the "Diagnostic Policy Service" in "Services" or "Computer Configuration", you also need to check the status of other services that can indirectly influence the fault today. These include:

  • "IPsec Policy Agent" - "Automatically";
  • "Diagnostic service node" - "manually";
  • "Node of the diagnostic system" - "manually".

If they wear the status "disabled", make them activate the same actions as shown in the method 1 or 2, given the type of startup that the list above is indicated opposite the service name. Finally, restart OS.

Option 2: Issuance of the "Diagnostic Policy Service" Rights

It is possible that the service does not want to be launched simply for the reason that she lacks right. In this situation you need to increase priority for its work.

  1. Go to the "Diagnostic Policy Service" properties in the service application as it was shown in the method 1.
  2. Switch to the "Login to System" tab and check which entry type is selected. The option "With an account" should be marked. Now you need to specify which one, so the right to write the "Local Service". It should turn out how to screenshot below.
  3. Select an account for logging into the system of diagnostic policy in Windows 7

  4. Now in the "Password" and "confirmation" of the point and leave these lines empty. At the same time, if on the account, through which you have now logged, you have a password, enter it twice in these fields. Apply the changes to "OK".
  5. Deleting a password to log in to the diagnostic policy service system in Windows 7

Restart the computer. By the way, someone helps this method and without entering the password from the account. You can also try it.

Option 3: Adding Network Services to the Security Group

The meaning of the instruction is to add network services to the Administrators group. Thanks to this, you can get rid of errors that refuse access.

  1. Open the "Command Line", be sure to name the administrator.
  2. At first, if the service was not running again, you can write SC Start DPS and press ENTER.
  3. Running the diagnostic policy service via the command line in Windows 7

    If you run in the "Command line" not on behalf of the administrator, you will receive another "error 5".

    Failure to start the diagnostic policy service via the command line in Windows 7

  4. After that, enter the Net Localgroup command / Add NetworkService command, confirming the ENTER key.
  5. Adding Network Service to the Administrators group via the command line in Windows 7

  6. Latest Enter Net Localgroup Administrators / Add LocalService - All operations must be successful.
  7. Adding Local Service to the Administrators group via the command line in Windows 7

After restarting the PC, try again to perform the action that previously gave you the error "Run Policy Service".

Option 4: Network Service rights to create entries in the registry

When previous options have not been successful or you get another error, for example, that service failed to run, take advantage of the recommendations. Thanks to them, you can resolve the Network Service account to make recordings in the registry, since now it seems that it does not have authority.

  1. The Win + R keys and the Regedit command, open the registry editor.
  2. Run the registry editor through execute in Windows 7

  3. Go along the path HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CURRENTCONLSET \ SERVICES \ VSS, where you will see the "DIAG" folder.
  4. In rare cases, when the specified folder is missing, create it yourself by clicking the right button on "VSS" and selecting "Create"> "Section". Name it "DIAG" and continue the execution of further actions.

    Creating a section in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

  5. Click on "DIAG" PCM and select "Permissions".
  6. Go to the Diag folder permission in the Registry Editor in Windows 7

  7. In the window that opens, find the "Group or Services" block, select the Network Service account there and in the Allow Combination column, check the box in front of the "Full Access" item. Close the window to OK.
  8. Issue full access for the Diag folder in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

Restart the computer and check if the error occurs.

  1. If when you try to change the resolution, you received a refusal, go to another registry feed - HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SYSTEM \ CURRENTCONTROLSET \ CONTROL \ WDI - and highlight the mouse click on the CONFIG folder. Click on it PCM and go to "Permissions".
  2. Transition to the permission of the Config folder in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

  3. Click on "Add".
  4. Adding a new group for the registry editor in Windows 7

  5. Enter the name "NT Service \ DPS", and then click OK.
  6. Adding a new group for issuing a resolution in the Windows 7 Registry Editor

  7. Recording "DPS" will appear in the list. Highlight it with the mouse click and activate the "Full Access" parameter in the Allow Column.
  8. Issuance of the DPS group full access in the Windows Registry Editor 7

  9. Click "OK" and again go to manipulations with the "DIAG" folder.

In the end you will need to restart the computer.

Option 5: Adding network access rights through properties

This option half repeats option 3, but we carried it separately, because according to the reviews of some users help manipulations made through the OS shell, and not through the "command line".

  1. Open "My Computer", right-click on the "LAN (C :)" and select "Properties".
  2. Go to the hard disk properties in Windows 7

  3. Switch to the Safety tab.
  4. Go to the Security tab in the properties of the local disk C in Windows 7

  5. Under the "Group or Users" block, click "Edit".
  6. Go to setting up permissions for groups and users in Windows 7

  7. In the new window, select "Add".
  8. Transition to adding a new group or user in Windows 7

  9. Another window will open, where at the bottom, click on "Advanced".
  10. Additional parameters of groups and users in Windows 7

  11. The window will appear again. Here, click "Search".
  12. Search button Groups and users in Windows 7

  13. From the list of names, find "Local Service", highlight it with the mouse click and click "OK".
  14. Adding a Local Service group to issue permissions in Windows 7

  15. You will see that Local Service has been added to the list. You can close the window on OK.
  16. Adding a LOCAL SERVICE account for issuing rights in Windows 7

  17. The name appeared in the group or users. Additionally, you can resolve it "full access", but it is not necessary, because it usually a mistake is corrected without it.
  18. Issuance of the full access of the Local Service entry in Windows 7

  19. Check if the error has been eliminated. If not, add "Network Service" in the same way as "Local Service".

Perform Windows Reboot.

Option 6: Reset IP and DNS Settings

This method does not help this method because it will be effective only with the problem at the same time with all network services. However, still it is worth mentioning it.

  1. Run the "Command Line" on behalf of the administrator.
  2. Write the ipconfig / relase command to reset the IP from the DHCP server and press ENTER.
  3. Reset IP from the DHCP server via the command line in Windows 7

  4. Following it, enter IPConfig / Renew to get a new IP from DHCP and confirm the input. At this stage, a connection to the network will disappear for a few seconds.
  5. Getting a new IP from a DHCP server via the command line in Windows 7

  6. Next, reset the DNS cache with the IPConfig / Flushdns command.
  7. DNS cache reset via the command line in Windows 7

  8. After that, reset the TCP / IP protocol settings with the creation of a log file in the system directory: Netsh int IP Reset C: \ log1.txt. Do the same for the WinSock: Netsh WinSock Reset C: \ log2.txt.
  9. Reset TCP IP and WinSock Pool Settings via Windows 7 command prompt

At the end of all manipulations, reboot the "seven". Then the created logs can be removed.

Option 7: System Restore

Pretty little percentage that none of the disassembled recommendations helped. Nevertheless, this chance always exists, and therefore it is necessary to remember the possibility of kickbacking the system to a state when problems in the operation of the OS have not yet been observed. He can also help with those who simply do not want to try all the methods of correcting the error and ready to return the state of the system for several days or months ago. However, of course, provided that there is a recovery point on the hard disk. About how the rollback procedure is performed is written in the method 1 of the link below.

Read more: Restoration of the system in Windows 7

From this article, you learned not only how to include the "Diagnostic Policy Service", but also how to restore it in case of various errors and failures that interfere with running the process correctly.

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