How to open the closed tab in the opera


How to open the closed tab in the opera

Each web browser user constantly works with tabs, opening and closing them, switching between them. Inevitably, random clicks are taking place, due to which the necessary pages are closed. To restore tabs in any modern browser, there are several tools at once, and in this article we will look at all the basic versions of this action.

Restoring closed tabs

Recovery methods differ not only on efficiency and convenience personally for each user, but also depend on the time when the pages were closed. For prompt return, options are slightly easier and easier, while old sites find it harder. We will analyze the available methods of recovery, starting with the easiest.

Method 1: key combination

The easiest way to return the newly closed tab is to use a specific key combination that is responsible for this action. At the same time, press Ctrl + Shift + T to open the last closed tab. Re-pressing will return the penultimate tab and so on. Thus, you can open any number of sites. The minus of this option is that it does not allow you to return the tabs selectively, but only sequentially. In this regard, to restore a specific page it is better to use other methods.

Method 2: Context Menu

An alternative previous way is to call and use the context menu. It is suitable for users who do not want to memorize the combination of keys or sim simply use the mouse. Right-click on the tab panel and select "Open the latest closed tab." After that, it will immediately be restored.

Opening the latest closed tab Cable context menu in Opera

So, like a hot key, you can restore an unlimited number of tabs, however, again in a certain sequence - first, the last, then the penultimate and so on. There is no selective return, for such a browser uses other tools that we will talk about.

Method 3: Interface Button

To quickly manage the current and closed tabs in Opera there is a separate tool that quickly displays both list. At the right upper part of the window there is a special button that you can see on the screenshot below. By pressing it, the user calls a small menu, where "recently closed" and "open tabs" are located in the form of drop-down items. We are interested, naturally, the first option: click on this section so that the list of recent closed sites appears. Select any desired and click on it.

View recently closed tabs via the interface button in Opera

Method 4: "Back" button

This button is not only for returning to the previous step, but also knows how to display the list of pages that have recently opened. To do this, do not just click on it, but click and clamp before the context menu appears. After that, the mouse button can be released and select the desired site. However, keep in mind that by default it will be opened in the same tab, and not in the new one. To open this way a new tab, click on the desired option not to the left mouse button, but a wheel. This method in the default browser opens any links in a separate background tab.

View recently closed tabs through the back button in Opera

Method 5: Browser Menu

Traditionally, the story is available for viewing through a specific section of the web browser menu, and there are also two options here. To select and transition to a recent closed tab, use the block of the same name. Click on the "Menu" button, go to "History" and select the desired website from "Recently closed".

View recently closed tabs through the menu in Opera

To search for older tabs, instead, click "History".

Transition to history through the menu in Opera

To get in "History" You can also combine the keys Ctrl + H..

Here all the sites that you visited will be located in order. To search for a specific page, use the search. There you can enter both the name of the site and the keyword that was in the title of the page. For example, if you are looking for a Weather site, just enter the word "weather" to display all the links that you opened. It can be both queries in the search engine and the specific web addresses of sites about the weather.

Search by history in Opera

Method 6: Session Restore

In the course of unexpected failures, the user can find that all his last session disappeared. This happens not only with open, but also with fixed tabs. There is nothing terrible in this if the sites have been open recently - they will not be difficult to restore through the "story". However, the newly open and fixed tabs are not always possible to find even through the search by history. Using Opera system files, you can restore the last session, but only under one condition - after a failure you did not open any tabs.

This requirement is mandatory for compliance, since among the system files of the browser there is the one that only remembers the last session, and if you find an empty opera, we used, opening different sites, she will remember this one session last, and you will become the right one and will erased.

  1. If your situation meets the conditions, go to the next way: C: \ Users \ user_name \ APPDATA \ Roaming \ Opera Software \ Opera Stable, where "username" is the name of your account. If you do not see the AppData folder, turn on the display of hidden files in the operating system. This appearance is easy to turn off at any time convenient for you.

    Read more: Displays hidden folders in Windows

  2. Find two files in the folder: "Current Session" and "Last Session".
  3. Current Session and Last Session files in the Opera system folder

  4. "Current Session" is stored in real time, and after closing all data from it fall into "Last Session". For the last session to become current again, rename "Current Session", for example, adding the number at the end of the name. File "Last Session" Rename to "Current Session".
  5. Changing the Current Session and Last Session files in the Opera system folder

  6. You can do the same with the "Current Tabs" and "Last Tabs" files.
  7. Current Tabs and Last Tabs files in the Opera system folder

  8. It will be necessary to just open the opera and check whether the recovery turned out. All renamed files always have the ability to change back or delete what has become unnecessary.

Now you know the available ways to restore tabs in the Opera web browser.

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