How to disable automatic Windows 7 reboot


How to disable automatic reboot in Windows 7

Sometimes users face this situation when the Windows 7 operating system is automatically rebooted during critical errors or at the end of installing updates. Not everyone is satisfied with this state of affairs, therefore, there is a desire to get rid of this option. We offer to familiarize yourself with different methods of solving the task to pick up optimal for yourself.

Turn off the automatic reboot of Windows 7

As mentioned earlier, there are different reasons for which the utility is required to disable the auto operation. Each method below is suitable in a specific situation, for example, the first is dedicated to cancel a restart during critical errors, and all other are aimed at system updates. Let's figure it out with each option in order so that you can choose the appropriate.

Method 1: WINAERO TWEAKER program

There is a free program called Winaero Tweaker, whose functionality allows you to simplify the execution of a plurality of various system settings, including the cancellation of the reboot of the computer after installing updates. This method will suit those users to whom all subsequent methods will seem complex, and only a few simple steps should be done to perform this:

Go to the official website of WINAERO TWEAKER

  1. Go to the official website of Winaero Tweaker, using the reference attached above. By default, this program should be displayed immediately on the main page, but if you did not find it there, scroll through it slightly down and in the right column called "Software by Winaero" the first on the list will be Winaero Tweaker. Click on the link link to open the download page.
  2. There click on the "Download Winaero Tweaker" button.
  3. Button to download Winaero Tweaker from the official website

  4. You will be moved to a new tab where you need to click on a similar inscription.
  5. Starting downloading Winaero Tweaker program from the official site

  6. Expect the end of the archive download, and then start it through any convenient software.
  7. Running the Winaero Tweaker archive after downloading from the official site

  8. You may not even unpack the contents, simply double click on the LCM on the executable file.
  9. Launch Winaero Tweaker Schedule from Archive

  10. Make a banal software installation procedure, and then open it.
  11. Simple Winaero Tweaker Installation Procedure

  12. In the "Behavior" section, use the "Disable Reboot After Updates" option to disable this option.
  13. Disable automatic restart function PC in Winaero Tweaker

Additionally, we suggest familiarizing yourself with other functions of this application. Perhaps among them you will find the settings of appearance or defined system parameters you are interested. If there is no desire to use third-party software to achieve the goal, go to familiarization with the following ways.

Method 2: Configuration Options "System Failure"

An option with changing the configuration option "System failure" is the only solution to cancel the PC reload during critical errors. Everyone who wants to cancel this action should be performed:

  1. Open the Start menu and click on the corresponding button responsible for the transition to the "Control Panel".
  2. Switch to the control panel to open the menu system in Windows 7

  3. Here you need a category called "System". To get there, the easiest way to switch viewing on the "badges" in the upper right corner.
  4. Opening the menu system to disable automatic restart of PCs in Windows 7

  5. In the panel, find the inscription "Advanced system parameters" and make the left click on it.
  6. Transition to additional system parameters to disable automatic PC restart in Windows 7

  7. The "Advanced" tab opens. In the lower part of it, find the "Download and Recovery" block and click on "Parameters".
  8. Opening the Advanced Settings menu to turn off the automatic restart of the PC in Windows 7

  9. Remove the checkbox from the "Automatic Reload" item.
  10. Disable the automatic restart function of a PC through system settings in Windows 7

  11. Apply the changes by clicking on "OK".
  12. Confirmation of changes in system settings in Windows 7 when canceling an automatic restart

All changes will be applied instantly and you can immediately move to normal interaction with the operating system, without fearing that it suddenly leaves for a reboot.

Method 3: Editing Local Group Policy

We will specify that the "Local Group Policy Editor" is missing in Windows 7 home basic / extended and initial, so all subsequent recommendations are suitable only for holders of assemblies that have not entered this list. This editor is an improved graphic version of the registry editor, allowing users much faster and easier to customize certain parameters. Now we use this component to disable the automatic restart of the PC after installing updates.

  1. Run the "Perform" utility with the clamping of the standard hot key Win + R, then write in the input field the gpedit.msc command and press the ENTER key.
  2. Starting Group Policy Editor to cancel automatic PC restart in Windows 7

  3. Wait until the editor is launched. It may take a few minutes to it, which directly depends on the speed of the computer. Here in the "Computer Configuration" section, select the "Administrative Templates" directory.
  4. Search for parameters in the Local Group Policy Editor in Windows 7

  5. Expand Windows Components folder.
  6. Switch to folder to control Windows 7 update center

  7. In the main section of the window, find the "Windows Update Center" component and click on it twice the left mouse button.
  8. Opening a folder to edit the automatic restart parameter of the PC in Windows 7

  9. Navigate to edit the "Do not perform an automatic reboot when you automatically install updates if users are running in the system," clicking twice the LX for this line.
  10. Go to editing the automatic restart parameter of the PC in Windows 7

  11. Here, mark the mark "Enable" by the marker, and then apply the changes.
  12. Disable the automatic restart function of a PC via Group Policy Editor in Windows 7

You can return to the "Local Group Policy Editor" to change the parameter if it is necessary. Worders of those versions of OS, who do not have this application, we advise you to refer to the following method.

Method 4: Editing Registry Parameter

The option using the registry editor will be appropriate only in that situation if there is no local group policies on the PC, since it will be a little more difficult to edit it. The whole point is to manually search and edit the parameter, and in the absence of it will have to create it manually.

  1. Run the "Run" utility (Win + R), where to enter the REGEDIT and press the ENTER key.
  2. Run the registry editor to disable automatic PC restart in Windows 7

  3. Go along the path of HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE \ SOFTWARE \ POLICIES \ Microsoft \ Windows \ WindowsUpdate \ AU. If the ultimate folder does not exist, create it manually using the built-in options. To do this, click on the WindowsupDate folder with the right mouse button and select "Create"> "Section". Cover it as "AU" - within this folder and further actions will occur.
  4. Transition along the location of the automatic restart parameter of the PC in Windows 7

  5. Lay in the root of the folder parameter "reg_dword" with the name "NoautorebootWithLoggedonusers". Double-click on it to the LKM to go to edit. If the parameter is absent, inside the AU folder, right-click, hover the mouse over the "Create"> "DWORD parameter (32 bits)" and set the name "noautorebootwithloggedonusers".
  6. Go to editing the automatic restart parameter of the PC in the Windows Registry Editor 7

  7. Set the value "1", and then save the changes.
  8. Changing the automatic restart parameter of the PC in Windows 7

Always after editing the registry, you must restart the computer so that all changes take effect. Do it after completing the work or now, if any documents do not need to preserve.

Method 5: Disable the task in the "job scheduler"

We delivered this option to the last place, as the task with a reboot of the computer is not always added to the Planner menu, in addition, this editing will only help in a single case while downloading updates. When they start set the next time, the task will be activated again. If it is satisfied with it, you will need to perform such steps:

  1. Go to "Control Panel" convenient for you, for example, opening the "Start" menu.
  2. Switch to the control panel to open the Administration menu in Windows 7

  3. Here, move to "Administration".
  4. Opening the Administration menu to start the job scheduler in Windows 7

  5. Choose a classic job scheduler application.
  6. Run the task scheduler to disable automatic PC restart in Windows 7

  7. Expand the library, sometimes clicking on it LKM.
  8. Go to the task scheduler library in Windows 7

  9. Select a directory called "Microsoft".
  10. Opening the Microsoft menu in the Windows 7 task scheduler library

  11. Open the subfolder "Windows".
  12. Opening the Windows menu in the Windows 7 task scheduler library

  13. Lay here the "UpdateOrchestrator" directory and highlight it.
  14. Opening an automatic PC restart job via Windows 7 job scheduler

  15. The REBOOT file is displayed in the right menu. Click on the PCM to display options.
  16. Go to editing the task of automatic restart of PCs in Windows 7

  17. In the context menu, specify the "Disable" option.
  18. Disable the automatic PC restart parameter in Windows 7

Now you can be sure that with the current installation of updates, the computer will not be rebooted, and the notification will appear with the proposal to do it manually. However, we will repeat once again that, with the next scan, the task will be created again.

As you can see, there are completely different options for disabling the automatic reboot of the operating system. You can familiarize yourself with everyone to stay at some one, which will seem as simple as possible to quickly and effectively cope with the task.

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