How to send a video in Vatsape


How to send a video in Vatsape

The possibility of transmission through WhatSapp not only text messages, but also of different content, including video, is very in demand and popular among users of the messenger. In this article, consider how to implement sending video files to your contacts using various application options - with Android smartphone, iPhone and computer or laptop operating under Windows.

How to send video through whatsapp

There is nothing difficult in organizing an effective process of sending video files through Watsap, and then you will learn about several ways to make a conceived. The principles following which one can solve the task from the title of the article in different versions of the messenger are the same, and differences in the algorithms of action, which will need to be reproduced to achieve the result, are dictated by a different interface of customer applications intended for functioning in Android, Ayos and Winds.

In order not to return to this issue further, we note that in all instructions from this article it is assumed that the recipient of the content is added to the address book of the sender. Therefore, in advance, bring it to "Contacts" WhatsApp in advance, and if you do not know how to do this, use the recommendations from the material available at the following link.

Read more: How to add contact in WhatsApp for Android, iOS and Windows


Whatsapp users for Android to transfer video to their contacts can use the service application toolkit, as well as the tool provided in the mobile OS. In some situations, it may be necessary to attract separate third-party software.

Method 1: Means of Messenger

In Watsap for Android, there are interface elements that allow you to call the function of sending a video connection from the memory of the smartphone to other users. When using exclusively, the client application of the information exchange system has several options applied depending on the desired result.

Sending video with compression

As a result of the following steps, the destination will receive in its messenger multimedia-message in its messenger in the form of the preview of the roller you transferred and can play it through the WhatsApp client application.

  1. Run the VATSAP on the Android device and go to the chat with the content addressee. Next, click on the image of the clips in the field of entry text message.

    WhatsApp for Android Running, Switching to Chat, Enchantment button

  2. In the setup menu of the attachment type, click "Gallery", after which you will appear before you the list of all directories created in the device repository and containing images and / or video files. Run along the path of the route sent and tap it preview.

    WhatsApp for Android Gallery button in the sub-menu in the message, selecting a video clip from the memory devaysa

  3. Next, you'll be able to edit video by trimming (the panel with the video above), applying effects and text. Among other things, here made entry accompanying the signature content. After completing the conversion, or skip this step, tapnite on "Send" button.

    WhatsApp for Android editing and trimming video, add a signature, sending

  4. Wait until WhatsApp compress a file and send it to the recipient - at the end in the area of ​​multimedia communication procedures will appear icon status "Sent".

    WhatsApp for Android process of video compression, sending the chat with the recipient

    Sending without compression in a file

    The following statement allows you to transfer video "file", that is, the compression recording, which leads to the loss of quality, will be performed. The recipient as a result of the procedure will need to download VatsAp obtained from the vault of his devaysa, after which it will be possible to produce with the roller various actions, including playback and editing through a third-party software. There is a limit - the amount of file being sent should not exceed 100 MB.

    1. As with the implementation of the first paragraph of the previous instructions in this article, go to the dialogue with the recipient of the video and touch "Clip" in the entry area of ​​the message text. Next, select the "Document".

      WhatsApp for Android button to send video without compression, file

    2. With open the "Explorer" find the file you want to send to the other party in VatsAp, and click on its name or thumbs. Next, confirm the query system by tapping "Send" in its window.

      WhatsApp for Android choice for sending video via instant messenger without compression

    3. Expect to complete the preparations for the transfer, and then delivering video to the recipient.

      WhatsApp for Android file through the process of sending a messenger and its completion

    Transfer video from the device camera

    Another integrated into the WhatsApp feature allows the user to not closing the messenger to record video using the device's camera and immediately transmit it to the other party.

    1. Open dialogue with the recipient and tap stylized camera buttons in the "Enter text."

      WhatsApp for Android launch camera module without closing a chat with video recipient

    2. Record a video by clicking on the circle under the thumbnail picture of the "Gallery" and hold it until the completion of the clip. Once you release the button "Shutter" screen appears where the resulting video can be cut, and add effects to it, and signature.

      WhatsApp for Android video recording process for sending via messenger camera devaysa

    3. After editing, click "Send" and then waits to receive the recording destination.

      WhatsApp for Android editing and sending video from the camera to the device via messenger

    Method 2: Function "Submit" in Android

    In Android OS, many applications closely interact with each other, which can be used to send a video file via WhatsApp, without opening the messenger, and in the process of viewing or editing the recording using third-party software. The following is available for execution in a number that can work in any way with the application type of applications.

    In the example below, the sending of a video manager for Android is demonstrated. Files from Google But here the main thing is to understand the principle. Then working in other programs ( "Gallery", "Camera" , software for media file processing, etc.), you can effectively act by analogy with the following instruction.

    1. Run the application capable of accessing video files to your device's repository, and find the video sent via whatsapp.

      WhatsApp for Android Running a file manager, switch to a folder with a video sent through the messenger

    2. Long pressing the name or preview select the transmitted file or, simply touching the thumbnails, start playback of the record.

      Whatsapp for Android Select or start playing video file

    3. Click on the "Send" button ("Share").

      Whatsapp for Android button Send on the file manager screen

    4. In the displayed menu of the software tools to transmit files via the Internet, find the WhatsApp icon and tap it. On the "Send ..." screen, demonstrating your VATSAP address book records, find the recipient and tap it. Here you can specify several addressees simultaneously, taping them alternately. After completing the selection, click on the round button with the arrow.

      Whatsapp for Android Selecting the messenger in the Send files menu, indication of recipients video

    5. Next appears already familiar on previous instructions from this article, the segment editing screen. If there is a desire, make changes, then tap "Send".

      WhatsApp for Android editing and sending videos via a messenger video from third-party application

    6. Expect the completion of the compression and unloading the file - to view it your interlocutors will be able very soon.

      Whatsapp for Android Sending video to several recipients from the file manager is completed

    Method 3: Sending Links to Video

    Gradually, the need to store multimedia files in the memory of its mobile device goes into the past, an increasing number of users involve cloud storage facilities, social networks, video storage and other similar Internet services for this purpose.

    The principle of providing data transmission over the Internet described below allows not only to circumvent the WhatsApp restriction on sending files with a volume of more than 100 MB, but also allows you to share with your interlocutors "other people's" laid out on the expanses of the global network in free access, video recordings, without resorting to their Downloaded in the device store.

    Video from Internet resources

    In essence, to demonstrate any WhatsApp user placed on the Internet, Android-devices owners can either use the "Submit" function described above, or copy the link to the web page with the content, then insert it into the text message insertion to the chat Recipient and send a message.

    WhatsApp for Android Copying links to video from an Internet resource and its insertion into the message

    In detail, the execution of the above actions is described in the article on sending through the system of videos placed on Youtube hosting, but this is just one example, where the method can be involved.

    Read more: Send video from YouTube in WhatsApp

    Cloud services

    Following an overview of the methods of sending video files through the VATSAP for Android instructions will allow you to transfer the rollers of any volume using the "mediator" - cloud storage. In our example, the Google drive and the application client application for Android is involved, but users offered by other companies "clouds" by using the following algorithm can achieve a similar result similar further.

    1. Load the roller into the cloud storage, if this has not been done earlier.

      Whatsapp for Android Download video file in cloud storage

      Read more: How to use Google Disk

    2. Enter the cloud using its client application and open the directory containing the video transmitted via whatsapp. Call the menu of applicable to the options file, taping three vertically located points near his name. Activate "Access links".

      Whatsapp for Android Enable access to the file from the cloud storage file

    3. Now call the object's menu again and click on "Copy Link".

      WhatsApp for Android Copying Links to Video Stored in Cloud Storage

    4. Go to Watsup and open the chat with the content recipient. Long tap in the field entry area, call the action menu and tap it to "Paste". Next, click on the button with a paper airline, after which the link will be delivered for its intended purpose.

      Whatsapp for Android Insert Links on the video from the cloud in the message and its dispatch

    5. By clicking on the link from the chat with you, another Mesenger member will receive access to the video file and can watch it, as well as download to its device.

      Whatsapp for Android Opening Links to Video in the Cloud Storage on the Recipient Device


    Transferring video through WhatsApp for iOS, as in the environment described above android, can not be carried out by the only method. Here is primarily used tools built into the messenger program, but the functions and third-party software provided for in iOS can also be involved.

    Method 1: Means of Messenger

    Communicating vatsap with any contact, go to sending a media files possible at any time, and here are three different approaches.

    Sending video with compression

    The following instructions can be called a standard solution to the issue of sending video through the messenger. As a result of the execution of the recommendations, opening the chat with you, the interlocutor will find the track previews and can watch it without closing its WhatsApp application.

    1. Run the watzap on the iPhone and go from the tabs "Chats" of the application to the dialog, where you wish to send a media file.

      WhatsApp for iOS, launch of the messenger, transition to chat with recipient video

    2. Press "+" to the left of the message text input field and select "Photo / Video" in the menu that opens. Lay the roller among the iPhone available and tap it preview.

      WhatsApp for iOS Opening the attachment menu, select video to send from stored on the iPhone

    3. On the next screen, you will have the opportunity to edit the shipping sent by the entry, adding effects and blending filters. Do it if desired and also add a signature if necessary.

      Whatsapp for iOS editing of the Viderolik before sending through the messenger

    4. After completing changes or skipping this step, tap the "Send" button to the right side of the field. Wait a bit to complete the data unloading process, that is, the appearance of the status "sent" in the multimedia message.

      Whatsapp for iOS process sending video with compression via messenger

      Sending "File" without compression

      If another participant of VATSAP needs to be transferred to a video without compression and so that it can load the received in any folder on its device and spend any manipulation with it, follow as follows.

      The size of the file described below cannot exceed 100 MB, and it must be placed in advance in the iPhone memory!

      Video Transfer from iPhone Camera

      In addition to others, Vatsap for Ayos provides the ability to share the video recorded by the iPhone chamber immediately after the scene is captured by the sender.

      1. In the messenger, open a correspondence with the user for which the clip is created. Next, click on the "Camera" icon, located on the right of the message input field.

        WhatsApp for iPhone Calling a device camera for recording and sending a video

      2. To write the video, click on the interface element in the form of a circle and hold it. Stop recording and save it to the file will occur after you stop pressing.

        WhatsApp for iPhone video recording process for sending through messenger

      3. The following screen is designed to edit the clip and add signatures to it. After completing or skipping the execution of these actions, click "Send".

        WhatsApp for iPhone Editing and sending via Messenger Video from Device Camera

      4. There is almost everything on it - it remains to wait when your interlocutor will receive and review the multimedia message in his messenger.

        Whatsapp for iPhone video transfer process from the camera through the messenger

      Method 2: Share Function in iOS

      To go to sending the media file, the WhatsApp member is not at all be sure to run the service client application. The iPhone operating system provides the "Share" function, which can be used to solve our task, working in various programs that can interact with video files.

      To demonstrate how the method works, consider it on two examples - pre-installed in IOS program Photo and one of the file managers for this environment - Documents from readlle . After reading the two following instructions, you will understand the principle according to which the content send algorithm is valid, and then you can apply it in different situations.

      Appendix "Photo"

      One of the advantages of the following acceptance is that you, applying it, can simultaneously send several media files to the address not the only recipient.

      1. Run the Apple's brand media system brand viewer and go to the album where it contains a video planned to be sent via VATSAP.

        Whatsapp for iPhone Starting application photo, transition to album with videos

      2. Touch "Select" in the upper right corner of the screen and tap along the track of the roller or set the marks to several. After completing the selection, click the Share button in the bottom corner of the screen on the left.

        Whatsapp for iPhone highlighting videos in the photo application, go to sending through the messenger

      3. As a result of the execution of the previous points of instructions, the Action Menu will open to the selected file (AM). Here you need, spill a list of available to send to the left, find the WhatsApp icon and tap it.

        Whatsapp for iPhone Selecting the messenger in the menu of ways to send a video file

        If the messenger icon in the menu is missing, it should be activated. To do this, tap "More" and move the switch near the "WhatsApp" item in the displayed list to "Enabled", and then tap "ready."

        Whatsapp for iPhone Activation of the messenger icon in the File Sending Menu

      4. After you choose the VATSAP in the menu described in the previous step of the instruction, the service client program will automatically start and demonstrates the "Contacts" list. Set the mark near the name of the video recipient. Here you can select multiple contacts, and then they will all get a copy of your message at the same time. After completing the choice of recipients, tap "Next" at the bottom of the screen on the right.

        Whatsapp for iPhone Function Send to iOS, select of content recipients in messenger

      5. Optionally, edit the entry and add a signature to it, and then click on the Round "Send" button.

        Whatsapp for iPhone sending video, initiated by function Share to iOS

      6. After some time, the videos marked when performing item 2 of this instruction will be delivered through the VATSAP selected in step No. 4 recipients.

        WhatsApp for iPhone sending multiple video to not the only contact completed

      File manager

      If you use one of the "conductors" files for iOS from third-party developers, you will likely find a convenient and efficient next instruction.

      1. Run the iPhone file manager and open the folder with it, where you want to share videos, which you want or need to share through WhatsApp.

        WhatsApp for iPhone Startup file manager for iOS, switch to folder with videos

      2. Touch the three points near the name of the roller and tap the "Share" icon in the menu that opens.

        WhatsApp for iPhone Button Share in the Send Video file menu from file manager for iOS

        If you wish to send several media files through the messenger, you need to act a little differently. Click "Change" at the top of the screen, then specify the application all the files that you will send by setting the check in checkboxes displayed to the right of their names.

        Whatsapp for iPhone Select multiple video to send via messenger in file manager

        To go to the upload procedure in the messenger, click "More" in the bottom panel, and then tap Share icon in the area that appears on the screen.

        Whatsapp for iOS sending multiple videos from file manager

      3. Next, act in the same way as specified in paragraphs 3-6 of the previous instruction from this article.

        WhatsApp for iPhone Sending multiple video from file manager for iOS

      Method 3: Sending Links to Video

      To date, there are no special advantages to using the memory of your mobile device to store a video content, because for files there are cloud storage facilities, and the rollers created by other users, causing interest and the desire to share with friends, are very often laid out on the Internet (for example, in social networks or streaming services ).

      To "convey" a video available online via WhatsApp, must simply give his companion a reference to it. The demonstration of such an approach has already carried out by the author, talks about how to share in the messenger posted on the YouTube video.

      Details: Drift video from YouTube via WhatsApp Messenger

      If you use any cloud storage and its application for the iPhone client (hereinafter referred to examples of services Dropbox is involved), then use the following instructions, or rather, an algorithm of actions, which it describes, will be able to quickly create and pass through VatsAp link to the video, and the receiver - see and download your video on your device. By the way, the method is the only solution of the problem by sending a messenger files, the volume of which exceeds 100 MB.

      1. In any way possible load to be transmitted to your buddy in WhatsApp video in the "cloud."

        WhatsApp for iOS download the video in the cloud, before it is sent through a messenger

        Read more: How to use the Dropbox cloud storage

      2. Go through the Dropbox client application to the directory containing the content to be sent.

        WhatsApp for iOS catalog of video files to be sent via messenger in cloud storage

      3. Tap the button brings up a menu of actions applicable to the file - "..." and then click "Copy Link Location."

        WhatsApp for iOS up links to videos in the cloud storage

      4. Next will automatically open a list of resources to send data to another user where you have to touch the icon «WhatsApp». Now select the recipient (s) in the "Contact Us" to run the messenger, and then click "Next".

        WhatsApp messenger for iOS choice as a means of delivery and the recipient links to video from the cloud

      5. It remains to be tapped "Subdish" on the next screen and the result will not wait long - the link to the video will be displayed in VatsAp destination

        WhatsApp for iOS link to the video sent to the cloud storage via instant messenger

        and he could go to her to perform in respect of the various file manipulation.

        WhatsApp to open the link to the video in the cloud storage obtained through the messenger


      Transmit video through WhatsApp for the PC as easy as using a mobile instant messenger options above. The only restriction here is the volume of the other party send a media file - no more than 100 MB, but this obstacle can be overcome by using a third method of solving the problem of our suggestions below.

      Method 1: Means of Messenger

      The shortest route for the transmission of content from a computer disk through VatsAp involves activation of the built-in version windose messenger tool, designed to create a message attachments.

      1. Run the client program of the information under consideration of the information exchange of information on the PC and go to the chat with the recipient of the video.

        Whatsapp for Windows Starting a messenger, go to chat with recipient video

      2. Click on the button in the form of a clip located on the right of the interlocutor over the area with the correspondence.

        Whatsapp for windows button Add attachment in the chat window

      3. Next over the window of the window with messages, the attachments menu will appear, where it is necessary, depending on the desired effect, click on one of the two buttons:
        • If, as a result of the operation of you and your interlocutor, only browsing the departure in the messenger, click the first photo and video icon.

          WhatsApp for Windows Photo button and video in the attachment menu in the message

          Next, in the conductor window that opens, go along the video file location path, select it and click Open.

          Whatsapp for Windows Select video file to send via messenger

          In the preview window, please add a signature

          WhatsApp for Windows Preview Window sent via Messenger Video

          And then click on the Round Down button.

          Whatsapp for windows button sending a video in the preview window

          Over time

          Whatsapp for Windows Preparation Process (Compression) Video File Transfer

          You will see the status "Sent" in the Review Preview area.

          Whatsapp for Windows video sent to the interlocutor in Messenger

        • If it is necessary to ensure not only the video view by your interlocutor in the messenger, but also the possibility of further manipulations with the record from it, in the Send menu, select the "Document" button.

          WhatsApp for Windows Sending a document in the attachment menu to the message

          Specify the application file designed to send in the "Explorer" window.

          WhatsApp for Windows How to send a video through a messenger in the form of a file

          Next click "Send"

          Whatsapp for Windows Transferring video file via Messenger without compression

          and expect data unloading from your PC to the information exchange system,

          WhatsApp for Windows File Sending Process (Video) via Messenger

          And then the delivery of their copies to the recipient.

          WhatsApp for Windows video file sent via messenger

      Method 2: Windows Explorer

      Attach any file to the message sent via VATSAP it is possible to resort to the "DRAG-AND-DROP" technology, which can be convenient if you need to quickly transfer several videos or you often solve the task in question.

      1. In WhatsApp for PC, go to the chat with the recipient of the media file, and in the "Wires" windows, open the folder containing the departure.

        Whatsapp for Windows Explorer Window, where the folder with the video content and the messenger is open

      2. Drag the file from the "Explorer" window to the correspondence area with the multimedia message address.

        Whatsapp for Windows Dragging video file to the messenger window

      3. After you release the mouse button, it will be possible to view the transmitted roller and add a signature to it. To go to sending a media file, click on the round button with paper aircraft.

        Whatsapp for windows video file added to the messenger by dragging ready to send

      4. Expect data transfer,

        WhatsApp for Windows Process Sending Video

        Watching a change in the status of the message.

        Whatsapp for Windows Procedure for sending a video through the messenger is completed

      If you need a need to demonstrate to another user VatsAP content, posted in free access on any Internet resource, simply copy the link to the web page showing it, and then insert the address in the message sent by the interlocutor.

      WhatsApp for Windows Sending a video with YouTube through the messenger

      See also: How to send video from YouTube through WhatsApp on PC


      As you can see, the organization of video exchange through WhatsApp should not cause difficulties even at novice users. The existing limitations relating to the procedure for sending files are very easy to overcome without disturbing the terms of use of the service.

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