Programs for creating scripts


Programs for creating scripts


Python is one of the world's most popular programming languages, which supports script script. It is easy to learn, has a quick speed of the code, and can also be one of the main languages ​​for writing small scripts. Because of this, we propose first to take into account this Yap and its standard integrated development environment called IDLE. This tool does not need to be downloaded separately, since its receipt occurs with the main components of Python when downloading them from the official web resource. Although this program can understand the screenshot presented below, and does not have the characteristics of the appearance or any additional interface elements, it is perfect for writing small scripts. It highlights the syntax, there is an advanced error report system, and the compilation of the code can be started with a hot key, reading the result in a new window.

Using the IDLE program to write scripts on a computer

As for the functional features of the IDLE, this software implements the same standard actions as other development environments, allowing you to write, run, save the code and use debugging mode. Separately, it is worth taken into account the shell - the console to view information about the executed code, where error notifications are displayed if they suddenly meet. This snap starts in the form of a new window, where the script processing results are shown, and if some errors are detected, you will be notified about them and you can quickly track the problem string. If the development environment under consideration becomes your main tool for writing scripts, be sure to pay attention to the huge number of built-in hot keys, since their knowledge will simplify the process of interaction with software.

Download idle from the official site


Pycharm is an advanced alternative to the previous solution created by the famous company called Jetbrains. The developers tried to implement the options in their program that would use professional developers and will have a significant impact on the comfort of interaction with software. The most important of them, intended to increase convenience, is a built-in smart editor. As soon as you start typing the command, the editor displays the possible options for autofill, and you can only confirm it by clicking the Enter key. It allows you to exclude most of the typos or random errors before launching compiling, thereby saving the time that could be spent on the correction in the future.

Using Pycharm program to create scripts on a computer

Present in the program and convenient search function on the component of the project. This may be a file, a symbol or a specific snippet of code, moving to which will happen literally a couple of clicks. When writing scripts, this possibility will also be useful, because sometimes the script consists of a plurality of code of code. At the first start Pycharm, you will be available to a huge number of useful features for developers without the need to install additional libraries. These include: debugging tools, testing and profiling, support popular databases (Oracle, SQL Server, PostgreSQL, MYSQL, and others). Pycharm is suitable for performing any tasks in the Python programming language, including web development, since compatibility with HTML and JavaScript is present. Summing up the considered software, it can be understood that it will become an excellent option for the constant work of the users who are going to use Python not only for writing scripts, but also a full development or mathematical computing.

Download pycharm from the official site

Intellij idea

Another decision from the same developers, but already-oriented to work with different programming languages. From those that support the creation of scripts, you can mark JavaScript, Python and Ruby, but if you suddenly decide to implement a complex scenario on C ++, there should be no problems with this too, but do not forget that this Yap is not quite suitable for writing scenarios And it is better to pay attention to other methods of completing the task. Intellij Idea has a convenient compiling tool, hotkeys are supported, and the errors found are immediately displayed in the console. A smart editor proposing to supplement the entered code is a little different than in other development environments, since in this case the developers decided to make the algorithm adjusted under the context, and not the general rules.

Using the Intellij IDEA program to create scripts on a computer

With a frequent execution of a specific operation or call a command, which will be relevant and for scripts in Intellij Idea, the said filling tool will offer it to automate it so that you no longer have to spend extra seconds. This application did not cost without flaws, the main of which is associated with the speed of processing code during compiling. Of course, usually scripts consist of a small number of rows, but often they refer to other programs or files that when processing may cause some delays. The creators still work to optimize productivity, but it is still unknown when it becomes perfect.

Download Intellij IDEA from the official site


Eclipse is one of the most famous development environments that attracted a large number of developers due to simple integration with freely connected modules. If we talk about the initial purpose of this program, the developers focused on Java, but now, setting only a few additional libraries, you can freely program in any popular language, including scripting. Sometimes the creation of scripts implies the connection of plug-ins or individual modules that will be involved when processing the code and call specific commands. In this case, Eclipse will be more than ever by the way due to excellent compatibility with libraries.

Using Eclipse program to write scripts on a computer

The classic functions of the type of syntax highlighting, displaying errors in the console and autofill, naturally, here are present and operate according to the standard principles. There should be no problems and difficulties in using Eclipse to write small scenarios, however, it is necessary to consider that with close cooperation in professional purposes, problems may occur due to the lack of documentation and unstable updates, since this software is open and the development is constantly leading different people.


The next software that is suitable for using scripting PJs is called NetBeans. This is a free tool that supports Java, JavaScript, Python, PHP, C, C ++ and other programming languages. Accordingly, you yourself choose which script you want to write, and the development environment does not put any restrictions in this regard. On the official website you can familiarize yourself with the available plug-ins: most of them are intended for full-fledged development, but some will be useful and when creating scripts. The usual options, for example, quick code editing or displaying errors in real time, is also available in the softe under consideration. NetBeans supported both on Windows and on Linux, so each can optimize scripts to execute in specific operating systems.

Using the NetBeans program to write scripts on a computer

The presence of a huge number of built-in and pre-connected libraries could not affect performance. The slow processing process will be especially noticeable when the appeal occurs to individual files or when compiling the script is called by the work of one of the programs installed on the computer. However, when interacting with scenarios, it rarely manifests itself, because, as already mentioned above, the lines of the code here are not so much and the delay does not appear. We propose to follow the link below to get to the official NetBeans website and get acquainted with all the functional features of this software.

Download NetBeans from the official site


Ruby is one of the most frequently used programming languages ​​for writing scripts, since it is minimalized and extremely easy to master those users who are familiar with other Yaps, but selects itself an option to work with small scenarios. Jetbrains provides an independent development environment for this language called RubyMine. However, with the proper approach and the correct development of the software itself, it can be used to write code on CSS, HTML, JavaScript, Rails and Sass, if it is necessary for other purposes in development.

Using the RubyMine program to write scripts on a computer

We will skip the basic functions as you have already heard about them many times, and it is better to note that debugging systems are embedded in RubyMine, allowing you to quickly optimize the code written on Ruby. There are integration with CVS, Git, Mercurial, Perforce and Subversion. When working with large projects consisting of several files, they will be grouped in a tree-like, which will make the analysis process more comfortable. Please note that for stable operation of this development environment will require at least 4 gigabytes of RAM, and the software itself applies to a paid basis, but with an affordable trial version for a period of 30 days. Load it and try to form a purchase decision.

Download Rubymine from the official site

NotePad ++.

We propose to affect the theme and classic text editors that can be used to write codes and become particularly useful when creating small scripts, and the first one is called NotePad ++. It has a syntax backlight, row numbering, search functions and encoding conversion. Additionally, nothing will interfere with connect the plugins if the standard set of tools does not suit you.

Using the NotePad ++ program to write scripts on a computer

NotePad ++ will be an excellent choice among those who do not want to install complex development environments and simply does not need so wide functionality. Additionally, you specify that, if you wish, you can record macros, which will be useful in permanently implementing the same actions. The interface is completely translated into Russian, so there will be no problems in understanding individual menus and settings. The threshold of entering NotePad ++ is minimal, which will allow to do without the use of official documentation.

More on our site you can find useful instructions for using the software under consideration. It will be useful for novice users who only enjoy writing scripts and have not previously encountered with the fulfillment of the task. This guide will allow you to learn more in more detail about all the possibilities of NotePad ++ and understand how this program is suitable for permanent interaction.

Read more: Using the NotePad ++ text editor


SublimeText is the most common text editor that is freely used to write code, because it is compatible with many popular programming languages, highlights the syntax, and also has a built-in auto-complete function, which will help save time when creating a script. The entire list of supported Yap is on the official website of this program, so before downloading, we recommend familiarizing yourself with it, making sure that this decision will satisfy your needs.

Using SubLimeText program to write scripts to a computer

It is characterized by SubLimeText from other advanced text editors with a minimalistic and pleasant interface, support for tabs with which you can work simultaneously, even if each of them use different programming languages. It is also worth noting a high speed of work, which is important when writing scripts, and the availability of a console, where you can immediately familiarize yourself with the results of the code execution and learn whether any errors occur during processing.

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