"Cleaning. Do not turn off the computer »in Windows 7


The Life Cycle WINDOVS 7 comes to an end, but the system still continues to receive updates. Sometimes this procedure is completed emergency and accompanied by the notification "Cleaning. Do not turn off the computer. " The real article is dedicated to solving this problem.

How to remove the message "Cleaning the disk" when updating Windows 7

If you see the specified message, in most cases it means that the updates do not have enough space on the system drive and the relevant service launched the procedure for its release. As a rule, it is achieved by the files of previous updates and low-imported system data like Internet Explorer cache or the contents of the TEMP directory.

If the operation takes a long time and does not show visible progress, do not rush to restart the computer - cleaning includes also partial defragmentation, and this is not the fastest process. However, the faithful sign of the problem will be displayed a cleaning message for 3 hours or more. There may be several reasons for this, but the following are the following:

  • little space on the system disk;
  • Error in the process of receiving installation files;
  • problems with installation files;
  • Motes with a drive.

Accordingly, the method of eliminating failure depends on the source that caused it.

Method 1: Liberation of the System Disk

If the standard cleaning means freezes, it is worth trying to log in and hold a manual removal of unnecessary data from the section to which your "seven" is installed: Sometimes the automatic mode is encountered to problem records, but when cleaning manually, this information can be erased without any particular difficulties.

Lesson: how to free a place on the system disk

Method 2: Solving problems with update files

Often the problem occurs in the case when update data is either incorrect, or damaged during the download process. This kind of problem should be solved comprehensively, the steps are as follows:

  1. First of all, it is recommended to clear the cache of updates - perhaps one or more files are spoiled, which is why the update procedure cannot complete correctly and the cleaning is started.

    Lesson: How to Clean Update Cache on Windows 7

  2. It is also possible that the problem is associated with some specific update, as a rule, one of the last installed. Usually, it is not possible to determine the culprit of the culprit. The problem is not possible, so it is better to be restrained and remove the three last by the date of installation.

    Read more: How to delete Windows 7 updates

  3. Sometimes updates files are infected with viruses - it is rare, but it happens, so it will be useful to check the system for infection.

    Lesson: Fighting Computer Viruses

  4. If none of the steps described above have occurred the result, the reason is not in the update files, and it will be necessary to go to another method.

Method 3: Checking the Status of the Drive

The most unpleasant reason for the problem under consideration is a problem with the drive itself. Alas, but even modern HDD and SSD are susceptible to hardware failures, so that when suspected this, a comprehensive diagnosis should be carried out.

Read more:

Check hard disk for errors

SSD performance check

If the check shows the problem, the best way out of the situation will replace the failed drive. In the case of a hard disk, you can try partially to return to it, but this will not eliminate the problem.

Lesson: Hard Drive Recovery

So, we considered the possible reasons for the appearance of the message "Cleaning. Do not turn off the computer »in Windows 7, and also provided methods for solving the problem. Finally, we will remind that the support of the "seven" ends in January 2020, therefore it makes sense to switch to a more recent version of OS from Microsoft or one of the alternatives.

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