How with kiwi wallet replenish the balance of the phone


How with kiwi wallet replenish the balance of the phone

Replenishment of the score of the mobile operator is the task that today with different periodicity, but is constantly forced to solve in fact each. The owners of QIWI wallets to quickly and effectively transfer the necessary amount to the phone's balance sheet, can take advantage of this convenient payment system. Consider how the specified operation from mobile devices on Android and iOS is made, as well as with a PC running Windows.

How to replenish the phone with QIWI wallet

Regardless of the QIWI preferred to access the possibilities of the QIWI, the mobile operator is uncomfortable to replenish the score. Our article consists of two parts, if you want to carry out the operation of replenishment with Android-device or iPhone, use the instructions from the first, and if you prefer to solve the task to use PC from the second.

Replenishment of the phone balance with QIWI wallet on a smartphone

Modern smartphones make it possible to effectively use all the advantages provided by QIWI payment service users, and work with a wallet on different mobile platforms (Android and iOS) is not actually different. In the screenshots, the solution of the task from the header from the device managed by the "green robot" is demonstrated, but the iPhone owners can act as accuracy as follows the recommendations and not paying attention to minor differences in the captured interface.

Method 1: Mobile application

The most convenient tool for solving any tasks by using kiwi wallet features is a service mobile application. If you are not yet a user of this software, we recommend installing it to your smartphone.

Read more: How to install QIWI Wallet on Android-Smartphone and iPhone

  1. Run Qiwi Wallet for Android or Ayos. Unlock the application by entering the PIN or using the fingerprint scanner.
  2. QIWI Wallet Starting Mobile Application, Unlocking

  3. To call the phone replenishment screen from the kiwi account, you can go one of two ways:
    • Use the "Payments and Translations" section on the Home tab of applications - in this area you need to tap "Mobile Communication".
    • QIWI Wallet Button Mobile Communication in the Payments section and App Translations

    • Second option - Enter the name of the operator's replenished phone number in the search field at the top of the window. In the results offered by the results, tap on one of the available specified directions for transferring funds from the wallet.
    • QIWI Wallet Transition to replenishment of any mobile operator through the search

    In the event that the application for the operation under consideration is used for the first time and earlier software was not provided with access to the module "Contacts" Mobile OS, will receive a proposal to issue an appropriate permission. Do it if desired - in this way, if you need to periodically replenish the different numbers entered in the address book, you can increase the level of use of kiwi wallet.

    QIWI Wallet Providing access to contacts Application

  4. On the Mobile Communication screen, make an identifier or number of the personal account (depending on the input field header). Another, more convenient way - to choose a contact in the address book of the device - a list of proposed options is narrowed as the user's number or its name is input.

    Qiwi wallet enter number or its choice in the address book to replenish

  5. Fill out the "Amount" field - the number of the operation will go on the balance of the mobile number. Pay attention to the information "Total to payment:" - the amount written off from the QIWI account may exceed the phone tax receive on the balance sheet due to the Commission. Make sure that the system proposed by the system is arranged, click "Pay".

    QIWI Wallet Enter the amount of phone balance replenishment in the application

  6. Next, recheck the service provided by the service and confirm your intentions to list the funds from the purse to the phone balance. To do this, drive on the button "Pay the amount ₽" in the area of ​​the query screen appeared at the bottom. Wait a bit, after which the application will demonstrate a notification of the successful completion of the operation.

    QIWI Wallet Confirmation of the Departure of the Payment Number, Completion of the operation

    The means on the balance of the phone number, replenished as a result of the execution of the above steps, usually come very quickly.

    Receipt of funds on the number, replenished with QIWI wallet

Method 2: Mobile version of the QIWI website

With the reluctance to use the QIWI client application in his smartphone or the absence of such an opportunity, to solve the task from the header of the article from the smartphone, you should resort to the functionality of the website of the electronic payment system.

  1. Through any Android installed on the Android smartphone or iPhone browser, go to and click Login.

    QIWI Wallet Transition to the Site of Service from the Smartphone, Login Button

    Open QIWI official website

  2. Log in to your wallet by entering a telephone number and password tied to payment service, then touched on "Login".
  3. QIWI Wallet Authorization on System Systems from Smartphone

  4. Increase the screen scale for convenience of further working with the site.

    QIWI Wallet Transition to the Payments section on the service site

    Next, double-opera:

    • In the "Mobile Communications" area of ​​the "Services and Payments" of the web pages tap "by phone number". Enter the replenished identifier to the appropriate field. As soon as the last digit of the telephone number is made, it will automatically define its belonging to a particular communication operator and forwarding to the next page.

      QIWI Wallet Mobile Version Site - Services and Payments - Replenishment by phone number

    • In the Mobile Communication section, click "All Operators". Enter the name of the communication service provider in the "Find a service: ...", click Search. Touch the operator logo in the search results. Next, enter the phone number to which you want to translate the tool to the corresponding field on the page that opens.
    • QIWI Wallet Section Services and Payments - Mobile Communication - All Operators

  5. Enter the amount listed on the mobile account in the field of the same name on the page. Pay attention to the number displayed on the "Pay" button - it corresponds to the amount of funds written off from the wallet. Tap on this button.

    QIWI Wallet Button Payment for Communication Operator

  6. The final process of transferring funds step is to check the data (click "Confirm") and then enter the code from the message received on the number that is tied to a kiwi wallet.

    QIWI wallet confirmation of the replenished phone number and amount

    Make six digits in the field on the page and click "Continue". After a short expectation, a notification will be notified of the successful payment and means will appear on the phone balance.

    QIWI Wallet Enter confirmation code to replenish the phone, payment

Replenishment of the phone balance with QIWI Wallet on PC

If the replenishment of the mobile phone balance, by transferring funds from Kiwi Wallet, you must implement from a computer or laptop, use the website of the electronic payment system.


The operating operation of the balance of the phone with QIWI wallet, as you can see, is not characterized by complexity and is performed very quickly. It is important only to carefully treat the data entry (mobile number and listed amount) during the payment process.

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