System Monitoring Programs


System Monitoring Programs

Monitoring system in games

You should start with a more comprehensive software that allows you to track all indicators of components and how the operating system reacts to this, in games. This is one of the most popular types of auxiliary software, since users are always interested in learn not only the amount of FPS, but to detect weak points in the assembly of your PC or determine the maximum load and the processor temperature or the video card. Almost all similar programs have a custom overlay - information is displayed on the screen right during the game, eliminating the need for permanent window switching. The update of the indicators also occurs with a different adjustable delay, and this allows both to find some microvation and determine the load in the long run - for example, for half an hour or even an hour of the gameplay.

Exterior Program for monitoring the system in games

Applications of this type there is a huge amount, some of which simply copies popular solutions, repeating both interface and functionality. In another article we tried to review only the most significant and useful programs for monitoring the system in games, so if you are interested in this topic and you wish to choose the optimal tool, read this material by clicking on the link below.

Read more: System monitoring programs in games

Computer diagnostics

Under the "Diagnostics of a Computer" expression implies not only checking the state of components, but also the operating system itself, since it has the property to be clogged with unnecessary files, it becomes an impact of other factors that reduce overall performance. Programs for the diagnostics of the computer are designed to be tested both the temperature mode or voltage of constituents and narrow-controlled indicators, such as driver versions, loading of system folders and the presence of unnecessary software. Some comprehensive solutions have their own rating system: after scanning, information appears on the screen, in which state is the OS and where there are some shortcomings or weaknesses.

Exterior of the program for diagnosing a computer

In addition to the mentioned integrated programs, there are also narrow-controlled, intended solely to diagnose a hard disk, RAM, processor, video card or the operating system itself. In the selection below you will find all this software, you will learn about the advantages and disadvantages of each, and you can also choose the appropriate option for yourself if it became necessary to carry out a specific type of diagnostics of your PC.

Read more: Programs for computer diagnostics

OS performance assessment

As a branch of the software described above, it is possible to name programs for estimating the performance of the operating system, as a rule, not to display detailed information on the status of a particular component or where the failures are noticed in Windows. Instead, they act on the principle of estimation, and according to the scan results, the user sees only the final points and their distribution in the category. As an example, we note the standard "Computer Performance Evaluation" tool in Windows 7, which in the following versions are removed by developers.

Exterior of the program to assess the performance of the operating system

The developers engaged in creating such applications in most cases are repelled from the existing Microsoft utility, adding only a graphical interface to its instrument or bringing small edits into overall functionality. However, there are really unique solutions that deserve separate attention to which the same Sisoftware Sandra can be attributed. It contains a huge number of various computer performance tests that affect either certain processor / video card chips, or related to other computing operations. This will be useful to those users who are interested in the detailed monitoring of the OS and want to learn all the information about their gland.

Read more: Windows 10 performance estimation programs

Temperature monitoring

Some of the programs proposed above provide functions for monitoring the temperature of the components during the operation of the operating system both in regular mode and in games. However, not each of them is intended solely to perform this operation or does not show all the necessary sensors. Then the user will have to choose: a universal tool or directed mainly to monitoring the temperature regime. By the way, some of the comprehensive solutions are perfectly coping with all tasks assigned to them, therefore there are quite a few available variations.

Exterior Program for computer temperature monitoring

Many of the temperature monitoring programs are designed to verify the indicators during the launch of the Games, so they have an internal overlay that is displayed on top of the other windows. It helps to keep track of real-time sensors and immediately receive all the necessary information. You can choose one of several such suitable applications by reading the review of the most popular representatives in another article on our website.

Read more: Programs for checking the temperature of the computer

Defining a hardware component of the computer

Some users are interested in obtaining detailed information about components installed in the computer, for example, if necessary, download the latest drivers or for any other purposes where the exact name of the hardware component is required. The basic information can be found with the help of the standard functionality of the operating system, but this option is not always suitable, especially beginners and those who have not provided enough. Then specialized software comes to the rescue with embedded functions to display the full name of all components and other PC characteristics.

Exterior of the program to determine the iron of the computer

Almost all similar tools are performed by other operations, displaying the current temperature, ultrable iron, Windows data and installed software. Accordingly, the selection of the application depends solely on the user's personal preferences, which type of data and in which format it wants to get. About many programs from the list to determine the installed iron there was already a question in other reviews on our site, but some of you will see for the first time, so you can choose the optimal option.

Read more: Programs for determining the iron of the computer

Information about Drivers

From time to time, users are faced with the need to verify the updates for drivers. Of course, you can simply compare their versions with the help of previously described programs, but it is better to pay attention to specialized solutions. They not only show which of the drivers it is necessary to update, but also implement this task yourself by downloading files from your own servers. Sometimes this approach to updates is much more convenient than the search for drivers on their own. This method also has opponents, arguing their opinion by the fact that a lot of software for updating drivers clogs the computer with unnecessary programs. This can be avoided if you carefully monitor what additional items are activated when using such software.

Exterior of the program for updating drivers

Programs for updating drivers function approximately by the same principle and are not forced to immediately download files as soon as they are found. The software can be safely used and only to check outdated drivers, learning their new versions and downloading from official sites manually if this option is preferable for you. To learn more about how this software works, you can review in popular representatives in another manual.

Read more: Programs for updating Drivers on PC

Information about the established programs

Approximately the same thing that was discussed above, applies to the software installed on the computer. Often, the developers actively release updates, but their automatic installation is not always configured, therefore, a special software is invented by scanning and displaying information about the found updates. The latest software versions are usually downloaded from the official site, and in the software of the software, there is only a button to go to download and the information about the found version.

Exterior of the program to update programs

As it was already possible to understand, such tools are actively used to detect new versions of the software installed on PC, if there is a need. With his functioning, every user will figure out, even one who has not previously encountered interaction with such auxiliary solutions. Next, you will find information on which applications exist to update programs and what features are each.

Read more: Programs for software updates

SSD speed check

Let us turn to the narrow-controlled software designed to perform a specific task. It is already clear from the header that it will be about tools for measuring SSD speed (most of these programs are compatible with an ordinary hard disk). You can use similar applications to check the speed of the drive if, for example, it was purchased recently or you need to make sure that a certain time did not fall.

Exterior Program for SSD Speed ​​Check

These solutions work on a single algorithm: the user selects the type of verification depending on reading and writing, the program itself produces automatic testing, and then the corresponding information about the results obtained appear on the screen. Accordingly, on the Internet and even on the official websites of such software there are open information on what the speed of reading and writing and for what types of carriers are considered acceptable or even very good. Thanks to this, you can compare standards with your own and understand how well the acquired device is functioning.

Read more: SSD speed checks

Power supply check

Complete a list with program monitoring programs tools that allow you to monitor the state of the power supply. Almost all the solutions described above are not intended for this, since it is rather difficult to obtain any information about the BP program method. However, some applications are still allowed to find out how much this component is resistant to elevated loads or energy drops, reproducing small tests using the algorithm recorded in advance.

Exterior Program for Testing Power Supply

We will specify that each of this kind provides other types of computer components analysis, so you have to deal with the built-in functionality to choose the necessary tests. It is detailed that there are in suitable for checking the power supply of programs, read in our separate review.

Read more: Programs for checking the power supply

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